Author Topic: Old posts by new posters  (Read 1734 times)


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Old posts by new posters
« on: September 26, 2008, 03:23:57 AM »
     So, being new and getting hammered with my first post I thought I might like to tackle something a little lighter this time. Having read the FAQs I learned it's bad form to post new thoughts on old subjects. Understandable, if I'd been here a while I'm sure I'd not want to rehash threads from 1922. 

     I had some thought that discussing a MB movie and who we'd like to see in the various roles might be on the light side and put me--yep, it's all about me--in a better light.  So being the good little poster I'm trying to be I went in search of trying to see if there ever were any posts of the aforementioned thread. So, seems like that's a been there, done that. 

    Well, during my travels through the 26 pages of 25 or whatnot threads I found a lot of interesting topics.  Some I found I wanted to opine on and some I actually thought I just might have something semi-intelligible to say.  Forum decorum dictates there shall be no rehashing of old ideas. Nobody wants to revisit something they already debated to death in 2007 again in 2009. Except maybe me. And perhaps a few others that might not have been around back in 2007.

     This got me to thinking, and if any of you have read my earlier post you'll know that the word think and me doesn't quite gel. Nonetheless, I wondered if us newbies might could have--yep, might could have for all the English majors--our own thread? Doesn't have to be much and when the old-timers see it they can just roll their eyes heavenward and think to themselves them (expletive filled invectives) rookies is at it again. You won't catch ME in that thread, and just leave it be.  But maybe, just maybe, a few might have something to say on an earlier thread and y'all can let us have our say? After all, it's not really our fault we got to the party late and there were some pretty good thoughts going around back then.

     So without further ado, adieu? whatever, I'd like to comment on a Terry Goodkind thread. (Somewhere between pages 10 and 13 if I remember correctly, for those that be interested) Seems he got hammered for some of his comments and the way he feels about fans. I'm there. Total disrespect for the ones who pay his bills. The fantasy genre too. Guess if you have magic in your books it doesn't have to be fantasy if you're Terry. You're WAY to good to write fantasy.  Thing is, I like his books. Now though comes word from his website that he is writing mainstream literature.  Has a book deal and everything. Wouldn't it be great if it failed spectacularly? I'd love to see him, having failed, crawl back to the ranks of the fantasy geeks. Anybody else have anything?
     If there are not too many souls that like the thought of what I'm trying to do, please feel free to tear it down.  It, not me  ;D It's just a thought and if it doesn't fit that's fine.  If it's too encompassing and unwieldy that's fine. I'm picturing it as just something to post on bygone posts without bothering anybody who has been here through it before. Although, I think anyone would be welcome by all means. That's enough for now, but if anybody happens to feel the same way, feel free.  And next time, if a next time there be,  I've got a few ideas on another long bygone thread on MB movie and who I think could play who--whom? Thanks for finishing. I know that's a lot to tread your way through.

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Re: Old posts by new posters
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2008, 05:04:55 AM »
Ok, after searching back in all the past pages and posts, I too found the TG thread you were discussing.  (for everyone else, here is the link:

About the resurrection of past posts, I don't have a big problem with it...mostly because I am new here too and the more up to date posts there are the more there is to read.  I have been part of many forums that espouse the philosophy that if it isn't on the front page/2nd page or so, then its fair game.  But I know that some people would get REALLY annoyed if people just started rehashing things that are only a few topics down the list... so some diligent searching is in order, if only for a moment.

Saying that, I have never read Goodkind myself, so I have found myself at a loss as to judge the content of his works.  Yet the points made in the thread seemed valid, but not enough to condemn him as a person.  Unfortunately, the rant that Brandon/EUOL posted didn't work for me, so I wasn't able to read the interview in full, only pull some tidbits from what people were discussing.  My verdict (passed solely on the back and forth between others):  The guy is a total d***** bag.  There is no reason to alienate that many people who, though they may not like your books, would still possibly buy your future works on the theory/possibility that you got better.

As a side note, it was really funny to hear of him try and say his books shouldn't be labeled fantasy, even though the crux of his tales are magical in nature, or magic itself.

I finished Elantris last night...stayed up until 5:50, just long enough to hear traffic starting outside my window...

I'm going to be getting started with Mistborn this week hopefully, so I can't comment on a possible movie, yet.
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Re: Old posts by new posters
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2008, 07:05:19 AM »
On most boards it seems there are two main rules:

1) don't rez old threads.
2) don't post a new thread on a topic where an old thread exists.

Basically.. if the board has already discussed it, it's over. :D


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Re: Old posts by new posters
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2008, 09:25:46 PM »
Hey Maldroit.  Feel free to rez threads so long as you have something to say that could potentially start conversation.  We just don't want people to rez threads like:

:topic: -Elantris : Indian Rlease-

:rez-post:  -I love Indian food-

See that is dumb, but this would be fine:

:topic: -Mistborn : The Sixteenth Metal-

:rez-post: -I noticed in an annotation this minute detail that we all missed-

Hope that helps Mal. ;)

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Re: Old posts by new posters
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2008, 03:44:37 AM »
Yeah, we don't like thread necromancy when it involves bringing up a thread that we've all discussed to exhaustion so you can say, "I agree." We don't like thread necromancy where you go to page 20 of this board and pick a topic. But if you sincerely have something to say that adds to the discussion.... We don't mind that at all.
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Re: Old posts by new posters
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2008, 09:28:35 PM »
Ah, well, that makes perfect sense.  I appreciate the input guys. Thanks for the help.