Author Topic: GURPS Mistings  (Read 6783 times)


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GURPS Mistings
« on: January 11, 2010, 11:51:53 AM »
Here are some beta version GURPS Mistings
If anyone sees flaws I can fix or improvements I could make I would love to hear them

The base ten metals are done except for thug(it's going to be expensive :-[), and I have not added flaring for many metals but I will.

Anything in red is still being considered or is not available in a before Lord Ruler's death campaign   
Iron: (Lurcher) [53pts]
20pts Detect metal
•   +100% Precise
•   -30% limited range 50yds 
•   -20% limitation trigger (iron consumption)
•   -10% can’t detect metal in a living being, excluding plants
•   -5% Can’t analyze what you detect     
20pts Acute sense metal level10
•   -30% limited range 50yds 
•   -20% limitation trigger (iron consumption)
•   -10% can’t detect metal in a living being, excluding plants
•   -5% Can’t analyze what you detect         
Pull metal
85pts Telekinesis level 17
•   -50%Metal only
•   -10% Psychokinetic
•   -60% Only towards self (Attraction pg.82 powers) 
•   -20% limitation trigger (iron consumption)
•   Special: if the force required to pull the metal object is greater than the force required to move the character,  the character  will be pulled toward the object instead   
•   +20% Increased range (base 10yards)=50yards
Character can purchase the following enhancements or related abilities when creating their character or during the game at a later time:
Rapid fire, Increased range (max x20), up to three additional levels of Telekinesis

Steel: (Coinshot) [53pts] 
20pts Detect metal [27]
•   +100% Precise
•   -30% limited range 50yds 
•   -20% limitation trigger (Steel consumption)
•   -10% can’t detect metal in a living being, excluding plants
•   -5% Can’t analyze what you detect     
20pts Acute Senses (Metal) level 10 [9]
•   -30% limited range 50yds 
•   -20% limitation trigger (Steel consumption)
•   -10% can’t detect metal in a living being, excluding plants
•   -5% Can’t analyze what you detect         
Push metal
85pts Telekinesis level 17 [17]
•   -50%Metal only
•   -10% Psychokinetic
•   -60% Only away from self (Repulsion pg.82 powers) 
•   -20% Trigger (Steel consumption)
•   Special: if the force required to push the metal object is greater than the force required to move the character,  the character  will be pulled toward the object instead   
•   +20% Increased range (base 10yards)=50yards
Character can purchase the following enhancements or related abilities when creating their character or during the game at a later time:
Rapid fire, Increased range (max x20), up to three additional levels of Telekinesis 
Tin: (Tineye) [52pts]
50pts Perception (+10) Note: Perception cannot exceed 20 unless flaring (X2 consumption)
•   -20% Trigger (Tin consumption)
10pts Sensitive Touch
•   -20% Trigger (Tin consumption)
5pts Night Vision level 5 (A tineye can see thru the Mist)
•   -20% Trigger (Tin consumption)
Character can purchase the following enhancements or related abilities when creating their character or during the game at a later time:
Discriminating hearing, Discriminating smell, Discriminating taste, Peripheral Vision, Night Vision (up to level 9), Dark Vision (this replaces all levels of night vision), telescopic vision
Zinc (Rioter) [25pts]
50pts Mind control
•   -50% Conditioning only
•   -20% Trigger (Zinc consumption)
•   -10% For duration refer to mind control not conditioning
•   -10% Can’t add delusions nor amnesia (can’t add or remove memories) and can only inflict Rioter list of disabilities on people. The list of disadvantages a Rioter can suppress is smaller than what they can inflict. 
•   +20% No signature
•   +20% No signature on failure (victim knows something trying to influence them but not the origin of the intrusion) and can try again after an hour (instead of the usual 24)

Brass (Soother) [25pts]
50pts Mind control
•   -50% Conditioning only
•   -20% Trigger (brass consumption)
•   -10% For duration refer to mind control not conditioning
•   -10% Can’t add delusions nor amnesia (can’t add or remove memories) and can only inflict soothers list of disabilities on people. The list of disadvantages a soother can suppress is larger than what they can inflict. 
•   +20% No signature
•   +20% No signature on failure (victim knows something trying to influence them but not the origin of the intrusion) and can try again after an hour (instead of the usual 24)

Copper (Smoker) [47pts]
20pts Obscure Detect Allomancy [32pts] (Mask Allomancer’s from seekers) 
•   +30% Increased Range 20yards
•   -20% Trigger (Copper consumption)
•   +100% stealthy
•   -50% Seekers can detect allomancy outside the area even when they are in it 
30pts Alomantic static [15pts]
•    -20% Trigger (Copper consumption)
•   -30% protects from Rioters and Soothers only

Bronze (Seeker) [2pts] 
2pts Detect Allomancy (this detects allomancy being used)
•   -20% Trigger (Bronze consumption)
•   -20% Vague A: can’t analyze what you detect (this limitation can be bought off)   
•   -30% Vague B: can’t determine direction (this limitation can be bought off)   
Character can purchase the following enhancements or related advantages when creating their character or during the game at a later time:
+100% Precise, Acute Senses (Allomancy) Only usable when flaring
Pierce a copper cloud (this can’t be done unless you find a way to exceed the normal limits)   

Gold (Audur)(expensive and not very useful) [0pts]
•   Quirk: User may see what they might have looked like if they made other decisions in life.   
Character can purchase the following enhancements or related advantages when creating their character or during the game at a later time:
?Omen (related to images seen burning gold)

Atium (very rare) [23pts]
45 Enhanced time sense [23pts]
•   -40% Trigger (Atium consumption)
•   -10% When using the Atium version of ETS and your opponent has ETS you react simultaneously regardless of speed 

Malatium (very very rare) [3pts]
5pts User sees what others might have looked like if they made other decisions in their life. This can be used to penetrate some disguises   
•   -40% Trigger (Malatium consumption)
Character can purchase the following enhancements or related advantages when creating their character or during the game at a later time:
?Omen (related to images seen burning Malatium)

Chromium (leecher) [40pts]
50   Neutralize
You can neutralize the ingested metals of a single Alomancer. To use Neutralize, you must touch the subject (requires an Attack maneuver). If you succeed, you successfully neutralize all your victim’s ingested Alomantic metals.
-20% trigger (Consume Chromium)
« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 05:24:53 AM by Seaoftrouble »
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Re: GURPS Mistings
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2010, 06:52:10 PM »
Here are the rules Allomancy that I came up with for GURPS.

Allomancy    [358 points]

Physical metals

Iron and Steel      [70 points]

Iron (external)

An Allomancer burning Iron is able to Pull on nearby metals. This can allow them to make metallic objects that weigh less than they do to fly through the air toward them. For metallic objects which weigh more than they do, this can cause them to be pulled toward the object. It was generally assumed that an Allomancer could not Pull on metals that pierce or are otherwise contained in the body of another Allomancer (e.g., ingested metals), however it can be achieved by an exceedingly powerful Allomancer.
A Misting who can only burn Iron is known as a "Lurcher".

Steel (external)      
An Allomancer burning Steel is able to "Push" on nearby metals. This can allow them to make metallic objects that weigh less than they do to fly through the air away from them (using coins, for instance, as weapons). For metallic objects which weigh more than they do, this can cause them to be pushed away from the object. It was generally assumed that an Allomancer could not Push on metals that pierce or are otherwise contained in the body of another Allomancer (e.g., ingested metals), however it can be achieved by an exceedingly powerful Allomancer.
A Misting who can only burn Steel is known as a "Coinshot".


Steelpush & Ironpull:   [20 points]
Telekinesis 20 (Only on metal -40%); (Cannot Push or Pull things that are heavier then you -50%); (Can only push or pull in a straight line -50%); (Instantaneous +20%); (Emanation +50%); (Selectivity +10%); Energy Cost: 1 energy per minute. (Costs Energy -5%); (Can only be fueled by Steel or Iron Reserve -5%); (Allomancy -10%); (May use Godlike Extra Effort +0%)

Iron & Steel Reserve:   [38 points]
Energy Reserve +10: Extra Fatigue +10 (Does not Recharge -70%); Allomancy (-10%)   [8 points]
Regeneration: 10 Energy per second (1 second of Use w/ Fast Reload -80%)   [30 points]

Detect Metal:   [12 points]
Detect Metal: (Vague -50%); Allomancy (-10%)   [12 points]

Tin (internal)   [68 points]

An Allomancer burning Tin is able to enhance all five of their senses. A major flaw of burning Tin is that if a sudden loud noise or bright light appears it can render an Allomancer stunned for a short time. Mistings burning Tin are often used as lookouts and scouts because they can see in near-darkness.
A Misting who can only burn Tin is known as a "Tineye".


Enhanced Senses:
Alertness +10   [30 points]
Energy Cost: 1 energy per Hour. (Costs Energy -5%); (Can only be fueled by Tin Reserve -5%); (Allomancy -10%); (Maybe become stunned by loud sounds, bright light, etc. -20%); (May use Godlike Extra Effort +0%)

Tin Reserve:   [38 points]
Energy Reserve +10: Extra Fatigue +10 (Does not Recharge -70%); Allomancy (-10%)   [8 points]
Regeneration: 10 Energy per second (1 second of Use w/ Fast Reload -80%)   [30 points]

Pewter (internal)   [178 points]

An Allomancer burning Pewter is able to greatly enhance their physical capabilities. While burning pewter, an Allomancer can fight or perform physical labor longer than any normal person, and is also many times stronger than his or her normal self; this applies not only to their muscle strength, but to the strength of their bones, skin, etc. This enhanced strength also allows an Allomancer to shrug off wounds that would kill or incapacitate a normal person. Pewter-burning also provides an Allomancer with an increased sense of balance and vastly increased speed and dexterity. An Allomancer performing a "pewter drag" can run for many hours at speeds up to approximately that of a galloping horse. This is extremely draining on the Allomancer's body and will require the Allomancer to burn pewter after completing the pewter drag itself, just to keep the person's body from collapsing in near-death exhaustion.

One danger for someone burning Pewter is when carrying something that they normally couldn't carry and they run out of the metal, the object they are carrying will crush them, causing serious injury. Another danger is that an Allomancer who shrugged off earlier wounds could succumb to said wounds when they run out of Pewter to burn.

A Misting who can only burn Pewter is known as a "Pewterarm" or "Thug".


Pewter Reserve:   [38 points]
Energy Reserve +10: Extra Fatigue +10 (Does not Recharge -70%); Allomancy (-10%)   [8 points]
Regeneration: 10 Energy per second (1 second of Use w/ Fast Reload -80%)   [30 points]

Enhanced Physical Abilities:   [140 points]
+5 ST [50 pts]
+5 HT [50 pts]
+5 DX [60 pts]
+5 DR [15 pts]
Energy Cost: 1 Energy per minute. (Costs Energy -5%); (Can only be fueled by Pewter Reserve -5%); (Allomancy -10%); (May use Godlike Extra Effort +0%)

Mental metals

Brass & Zinc   [10 points]

Zinc (external)

An Allomancer burning Zinc is able to inflame the emotions of those nearby. This can be used to incite riots (hence the name) or to enhance any emotion of the target. An Allomancer can affect a single person or all the individuals in a particular area.

A Misting who can only burn Zinc is known as a "Rioter".

Brass (external)

An Allomancer burning Brass is able to soothe or guide emotions in a particular direction. An Allomancer can affect a single person or all the individuals in a particular area.

A Misting who can only burn Brass is known as a "Soother".


Inflame or Soothe Emotions:
Mind Control   [10 points]
(Requires Brass or Zinc -5%); (10 uses w/ Fast Reload -5%); (Allomancy -10%); (May only inflame or soothe emotions. -60%); (May use Godlike Extra Effort +0%)

Copper (internal)   [24 points]

An Allomancer burning copper is able to hide themselves and others from "Seekers" by hiding allomantic vibrations caused by burning metals. The area hidden by a smoker is known as a coppercloud (Hence the name). In strike teams Smokers are extremely helpful to keep from being caught by a Seeker, or a Mistborn burning bronze. In addition, the smoker (but not others within his coppercloud) is immune to emotional allomancy. When using Allomancy, Mistborn will usually burn this metal first before using other metals in order to hide their Allomantic powers from Steel Inquisitors or other Allomancers. Copper burns slowly, so many Mistborn continue to burn copper most if not all of the time.

A Misting who can only burn Copper is known as a "Coppercloud" or "Smoker".


Obscure Allomancy:
Obscure Magic +10   [16 points]
(Requires Copper -5%); (10 hours w/ Fast Reload -5%); (Allomancy -10%); (May use Godlike Extra Effort +0%)

Mind shield +10      [8 points]
(Requires Copper -5%); (10 hours w/ Fast Reload -5%); (Untrainable -40%); (Allomancy -10%); (May use Godlike Extra Effort +0%) 
Bronze (internal)   [8 points]

An Allomancer burning Bronze is able to determine if someone else is using Allomancy in the immediate area. With practice, an Allomancer can determine the location of the other Allomancer, which metal the other Allomancer is burning, and to what extent the other Allomancer is burning his or her metal. An extremely powerful Allomancer can penetrate the copperclouds of other Allomancers.

A Misting who can only burn Bronze is known as a "Seeker".


Sense Allomancy:
Psi (Allomancy) Sense +10   [8 points]
(Requires Bronze -5%); (10 hours w/ Fast Reload -5%); (Allomancy -10%); (May use Godlike Extra Effort +0%)
Who the hell is interrupting my Kung Fu!


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Re: GURPS Mistings
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2010, 07:31:18 PM »
Yep thugs are going to be expensive however they are built.

It's hard for me to get my head around the concept one Misting [thug] costing more than almost all the other mistings combined but at this point I don't see a way around it.   
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