Author Topic: Movies and existing material  (Read 1117 times)


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Movies and existing material
« on: July 01, 2004, 05:04:04 PM »
So while reading yet more great reviews for Spiderman 2, I realized something.  I just don't get excited about movies, and 90% of the time it's because 1) I already know exactly what's going to happen or 2) it's a non-fantasy/sci-fi movie.

There aren't great movies that aren't already based on some other medium.  Harry Potter and LoTR are based on books, and while I was looking forward to the movies, there was no real excitement, because I already knew everything that was going to happen.  Spiderman's somewhat different.  I know less about the Spiderman storylines than I do about either Harry Potter or LoTR, or even something like Batman.

Hellboy was good for me, because plotwise I knew NOTHING that was going to happen.  I can't wait for Serenity to come out, and I'm going to avoid any reviews and spoilers.  I'll definitely go see Shyamalan's new movie.

So, why can't they just create really great fantasy movies not based on existing material?  Does the movie genre not lend itself to truly original material, or is it just that screenwriters do better at translating other people's stories to the screen than coming up with their own ideas?  Or is it that it's too big of a risk financially and so movies like that never get made.

Ok, everyone flame away.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2004, 05:05:07 PM by fuzzyoctopus »
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Re: Movies and existing material
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2004, 05:21:12 PM »
Star Wars

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Re: Movies and existing material
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2004, 05:39:03 PM »
Well I have heard the argument by film-people that the public is not intelligent enough or well educated enough about film to readily accept something not based on existing material. I find that to be rather arrogant and cynical, but I can see how they came to that conclusion. It is a lot more assured that you will have a successful film if it is based on something already successful.

Still, look at Star Wars or Indiana Jones. It is possible, it just doesn't happen as much. I think a lot of that has to do with investors rather than the movie-going populous.
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Re: Movies and existing material
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2004, 05:41:32 PM »
I agree, Fuzzy--though EUOL has a point about Star Wars; there are some other, older movies with original content--but for the most part, movies made *now* just aren't as original as I'd like them to be, even though I love the movies based on other mediums like LotR.

Maybe one part of it is imaginary market saturation--Hollywood thinks that there's only so much fantasy the masses of moviegoers will accept and that's been taken up by LotR and Harry Potter and comic book remakes lately. Anything original just probably isn't coming up as a suggestion because 40 year old women are demanding more movies like Under the Tuscan Sun or The Notebook (blegh)--or at least, that seems to be the market Hollywood is going for, that and the leftist political faction. Not my style.

I dunno. I can't think of anything original that I've liked--take AI, for example. Not based on anything, but what a boring, stupid movie.
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Re: Movies and existing material
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2004, 05:49:40 PM »
You're right, and that's why Star Wars and the Indiana Jones movies are so GOOD.  Even something not so legendary like Independence Day.

I know they exist, I'm just saying all the movies coming out now aren't original material. There aren't ENOUGH of them.

People just get on my case for not being excited about movies and I'm sick of it. Why should I go see Harry Potter on opening weekend? I already know what's going to happen and I shouldn't have to brave screaming, cosplaying lunatic fans to see a freaking movie.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2004, 05:51:09 PM by fuzzyoctopus »
"Hr hr! dwn wth vwls!" - Spriggan

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Re: Movies and existing material
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2004, 05:55:51 PM »
If its so assured the public will like a dumber film, why does it take a disproportionately huge amount of money to market it.

Many good intelligent films rely on word of mouth for advertising and they do just fine. Its only after they do insanely well that the studios pour money into the advertising and unleash it in larger markets.
Some examples off the top of my head

Bend it like Beckham
My Big Fat Greek wedding
A mighty wind
Best in show

and those are just recently.

I think in general that people dont make intelligent films because they know people will settle for something less just to get out of the house. An intelligent movie is too much work for Hollywood.
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Re: Movies and existing material
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2004, 06:42:19 PM »
Why should I go see Harry Potter on opening weekend? I already know what's going to happen and I shouldn't have to brave screaming, cosplaying lunatic fans to see a freaking movie.

Very true. Of course, one (good?) reason to see these movies before they've been out forever or hit the dollar theater/rental stores is so that everyone can talk about the movie--without having to deal with avoiding spoilers (that are perhaps only in the movie--not in the books/original material)--while the movie is fresh in their minds. ;)

ETA: Sometimes I wish that there *would* be more original sci-fi/fantasy movies--that way I wouldn't be so disappointed when they do a terrible adaptation of a good book.  Of course, one of my favorite movies to watch when I just want to relax is "Zenon: Girl of the 23rd century" which was a Disney made-for-TV movie taken from a picture book.  The movie is excellent (for what it is, anyway) and the book is boring (and I don't even care for the art).
« Last Edit: July 01, 2004, 06:50:06 PM by Brenna »