Author Topic: So what is everybody playing?  (Read 24076 times)


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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #225 on: July 09, 2004, 09:11:41 PM »
The world of Noldaerthroll and its minions are presented here as the foundation for a campaign that is currently underway.  I include this info to try and create a background for those who are interested in offering any suggestions regarding the campaign, its environment, characters, etc.  Without further ado...

The Races of Noldaerthroll as told by Wreddlaeck (in no particular order)...

(Note: they will be spread over several posts as they are a bit long.)
« Last Edit: July 09, 2004, 09:13:33 PM by Nicadymus »
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #226 on: July 09, 2004, 09:12:59 PM »
Centaur Empire

The Centaur reside in tribes, known as herds, within the Forest of Esdelynidii outside The Grove of the Wilting Rose.  They are base an unorganized in many respects with no true form of government or economy.  They are solitary creatures and enjoy the secluded woodland it provides.  They are on reasonable terms with the wild elves that reside in the forest as each group has established its domain.

The one truly unique thing about the centaur is the rumor that they protect the last herd of unicorns that reside on Noldaerthroll.  Should this be true it would be a unique relationship, hitherto unknown by any other race.  What would have prompted the unicorns to trust in the centaurs is beyond me.  Perhaps their equine nature has something to do with it?  Unfortunately that is a question that neither the centaur nor the unicorns were willing to answer.

Dwarven Empire

The dwarves of Noldaerthroll have retreated into their subterranean stronghold beneath the Caltarrak Mountains near the southwestern portion of the continent of Nelsynuur.  The only remaining thane after the Age of Extinction is Glendarvell, ruled by Thane Forganian Glendar, the great grandson of Thane Delgrain Glendar, known as Mordain’s Bane, for it was he who turned from the Forger of Dwarves to save the last of the conquered race.

From their mines the dwarves mine the only known deposits of mithral, adamantine, and dendrite crystals, though their progress is often slowed by gruesome encounters with goblins, and it is rumored with several tribes of Minotaur.  The dwarves have never shown any proof of the existence of Minotaur other than the back of their hand in numerous bar fights when they venture from their stronghold to sell their wares at The Market in Five Points.
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #227 on: July 09, 2004, 09:14:55 PM »
Elven Empire

The elves lived in the forest known as Esldelynidii.  Their fierce loyalty to their particular religious faction named them a prime target for Yreataius Ahseai, the Druidic Prophet, and the crusading Druidic Order.  Their armies invaded the mystic forest and eventually found their way to the elven city of Elaathius.  There, the elven armies battled for survival, but the power of the druidic crusaders was too great.  In the slaughter of a battle that lasted for several cycles of the moon, the land became soaked with blood, and the rivers choked with bones.  As the mystical trees of the forest dug their roots into the stained land and drank from the tainted waters, they absorbed the life blood of the tormented soles lost in the genocide.  Ever since that fateful day when the last of the resisting elves fell, the trees have only grown leaves of the color of wilting roses in the groves around the ruins of Elaathius, hence the name, The Grove of the Weeping Roses.

But the magic of the elves would not end their.  It is rumored that the tortured soles of the elves lost in the Age of Extinction rise from their mass graves in the dark hours to haunt all who enter the Grove.  What is known is that few who have attempted to enter the Grove have returned, and those that have are touched by madness and shadow.  It is said that the forest of Esldelynidii holds the highest concentration of Darkwood and Bronzewood groves, and that it is the only known area where Bondleaf and Moon-Ivy may be found.  It is also rumored that this is the last refuge of the few unicorns that reside on Noldaerthroll, and that they are protected by several tribes of elusive and powerful Centaur.  This does not even begin to address the wealth in treasure and knowledge, both archaic and arcane, which remains in the ruins of Elaathius.

The rest of the forest of Esldelynidii is populated by all sorts of vegetation and animals typical of temperate, mountainous forests.  The remaining wild elves have taken refuge in their shadows, both to honor the memory of their ancestors and to hide from the corruption of the world.

Fellinoin Empire

The Fellinoin Prides, families of cat-like humanoids, reside in the Kelpathian Highlands just to the east of the Caltarrack Mountains’ southern-most spur.  These gypsies have no true settlement or government, thus their culture should not be truly identified as an “empire” in the traditional sense.  In fact the only reason why the term was even granted unto the race is that the Fellinoin occasionally call a Moot.  When this occurs every Fellinoin that is able will travel to the Meldrain Plateau.  It is there that the Fellinoin will discuss what is best for the race, any changes to their trading by laws, which no other culture has yet to determine, and marry off many of the young.  The Fellinoin have not held a moot for over one hundred and fifty years.

Fellinoin are notorious for being con artists, pranksters, and tricksters.  Their race is prized for their agility and natural charisma, and are commonly seen entertaining the thousands of travelers to Five Points with games of chance, acrobatics, gymnastics, and any of a number of “get rich quick schemes.”  Fellinoin Bards are some of the most renowned as their unique vocal chords allow for melodic sounds unattainable by any other race.

The Fellinoin mate for life and have a litter of offspring ranging from three to six cubs every decade or so, and a mated pair will raise their young until about the age of thirty human years before abandoning them to their own devices.  And such is the way of these gypsies, for that is the best way to describe them.
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #228 on: July 09, 2004, 09:16:41 PM »
Gnoll Empire

The primitive cousins of the Kaynians, the gnolls are relatively beastly in nature.  Larger in stature than their more intelligent cousins, gnolls tend to think mostly with their stomachs.  They are nocturnal hunters that worship the phases of the moons, a practice continued by their cousins, and have an extraordinarily high number of Druids and Rangers despite the savage nature of this hyena-looking humanoid race.

Usually they exist in packs and travel heavily wooded areas or subterranean cavern systems doing the best they can to overcome their appetites.  Occasionally, however, and exceptionally strong leader is able to amass a large group of the packs due to his strength and ability to sedate the ravenous appetites.  Such is the current situation of the gnolls.

Under the leadership of a gnoll known only as The Yellow Mage, the gnolls have joined in allegiance under the Ogre military and serve as shock troops in their forces.  This tactic has proven excellent for both races as it has spared the lives of many of the ogres, satisfied the bloodlust and hunger of the gnolls, and aided the ogres in ensuring the population of goblins, with their exceptionally high birth rate, does not become too much for the ogre military to handle.

Currently the Gnoll Empire is congregated in a series of caverns beneath the Monstrous Mountains.  The goblins have taken exception to this invasion of their domain and battles constantly rage between the two races.  All in all, the gnolls have fared well despite being out numbered almost five to one.

Gnome Empire

Not much can be said of the Gnome Empire, for it no longer exists.  During the Age of Extinction the Gnomes refused to abandon their god and were hunted to the last by the rampaging Druidic Crusaders.  Their capital city, Gnymnuldraith, was under siege for 12 cycles of the Moons as the Gnomes used ever gadget and illusion they could to fend off the invading forces.  In a desperate attempt to the Gnomes attempted a mass shadow illusion to conceal their lowest tunnels from the oncoming forces, but the casters misspoke some of the runes and tore a whole between the two dimensions.  Hungry for life, all manner of sadistic creatures from the Shadow Realm clawed their way into Noldaerthroll.  With the Druidic Forces at their front and the Shadow Army, as it has come to be called, at their back the Gnomes were slaughtered to the last.

The Druidic Forces repelled the Shadow Army and created a barrier similar to that surrounding all of Noldaerthroll to prevent the Shadow Army from returning through the portal, but many of the beings from that realm still haunt the hollows of Gnymnuldraith.  Despite this terrible threat many still travel to that haunted land to find the treasures left behind by the gnomes.  Their Elixirs are highly prized and worth thousands to the right individuals.  Their knowledge of illusion and shadow magic was unsurpassed, and the tomes that must sit their waiting discovery are surely powerful indeed.  And on the more mundane, it is well known that gnomes had a love of gems and were considered the finest gem-cutters in the world.  That alone is enough to tempt the greedy of heart.

Goblin Empire

The Goblin Tribes have existed for countless years, not because of their strength, but because of their exceptionally high birthrate.  Their kingdom is uncivilized and has only a lust for bloodshed and wealth.  The only truly unique thing about them is their leader, simply known as the Goblin King.

He is a goblin of unusually high intelligence, and has managed to gain control of the empire through the use of a most rare staff, a Goblin Lord Staff.  How he came across such a rare artifact, and learned how to use it, is beyond me, but it is impressive none the less.  He has organized the goblins against the gnolls, who have recently taken up residence in some of what he claims as their domain.  Naturally the goblins love of battle, their superior numbers, and inability to resist the Goblin Lord Staff, has caused them to ferociously battle the larger and stronger gnolls.

One advantage that the Goblins hold over the gnolls is their bond with the worgs.  Every Goblin is taught how to ride these large, intelligent, wolf-like beasts, and how to speak their language.  This give the goblins the advantage of speed as well as bloodthirsty mounts hungry for battle.

Only time will tell who the victor will be.
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #229 on: July 09, 2004, 09:18:07 PM »
Human Empire

Despite their diversity in both appearance and perspectives on life and civilization, the humans have banded together in a loose-knit empire for the sake of the survival of the race.  They reside on the Fontenelle Plains, a plain that lies between the Eastern branch of the Caltarrak Mountains and the Monstrous Mountains, just to the north of the Gargantuan Forest.  The humans have the most advanced water and air travel as they ship goods between their two main cities, River’s Head and Deltaton, and the port at Five Points.  The humans are also known for their advances in fishing and agriculture, and their talent for magic, making them the highest percentage at the College of Wizardry.  They are loose allies with the Fellinion and Velacirias, but they stand alone against the attacks of the orcs and goblins from the Monstrous Mountains.

Kaynian Empire

Kaynians are fox-headed humanoids with reddish-grey skin, a fury body, and mane ranging in color from brownish-grey to burnt-orange.  These six foot tall beasts have pupil less green eyes that appear to glow in limited lighting.  These nocturnal hunters are believed to have evolved from the Gnolls which are somewhat larger in stature, but much less equipped in a battle of wits.

Kaynian society is much more advanced than that of their Gnoll cousins as well.  They have a militaristic hierarchy, but pride themselves on cunning rather than the brute strength that Gnolls favor.  They are disciplined warriors and have also been known to posses a talent for wizardry.  They have always been worshipers of the moon; a practice carried over from their cousins, and were thus seen as worshipers of nature by Yreataius Ahseai, and spared the wrath of the crusading Druidic Order during the Age of Extinction.

Since that time the Kaynians have been consolidating their holdings to the East of the Monstrous Mountains, and not much is heard from them except when the occasional merchant caravan reaches The Market in the city of Five Points.  It is rumored that these caravans travel through a series of tunnels from their lands, under the Monstrous Mountains and the Bay of Bollograth.  As of yet no one has been able to discover this trade route, but it is logical to conclude that it may exist; how else would they travel through the hostile territory without loosing their precious cargo of Chitin Armor and Weapons.  It can only be assumed that Giant Vermin must thrive in the lands to the East of the Monstrous Mountains, but having never visited the Kaynian Empire, it is only an assumption.  Needless to say, the Kaynians command a high price for their unique and rare artifacts.

Minotaur Empire

Nothing is known of this race except what is told by the dwarves when they reach Five Points.  They say that they attack more ferociously than any creature ever seen, and that their lairs are giant labyrinths constructed in the deepest depths of the Caltarrak Mountains.
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #230 on: July 09, 2004, 09:20:26 PM »
Ogre Empire

The ogre empire is led by a powerful group of Ogre Magi that call themselves The Magistracy.  They have organized the ogre nation into a civilized culture based in their capital city of Oograkrohn.  In addition they have begun controlling the breeding practices, allowing only the smartest and strongest to breed, advanced their weapon and armor construction abilities, organized their military into a disciplined fighting force, and began mining the, apparently, jewel encrusted Monstrous Mountains.  While some would refuse to believe that this is possible, the few ogre mages that come to the College of Wizardry illustrate that something has been increasing their potential in the study of the mystical arts.

It is rumored that The Magistracy has taken control of the Orc, Goblin, and Gnoll empires and are using them to amass a force that will be unstoppable when they begin their march against the Domains of the other races.  Given the constant battling between the Gnolls and Goblins, and the fact that both races have a powerful leader who would be unwilling to so easily relinquish control of their empire, I doubt that there is any truth to these rumors.  Still, it may be worth investigating at some point.

Orc Empire

Nothing can be found of the Orcs except when they attack and pillage a village.  They have no known stronghold.  They have no none leader or government.  They simply appear, strike the unsuspecting target, and disappear as quickly as they came.  It is rumored that they have a stronghold somewhere in the Fontenelle Plains, but it has never been located.  Given their minimal threat to any other empire, they have received little attention.

Velaciras Empire

The Velaciras reside in the western branch of the Caltarrack Mountains entitled Sie Xsiscalsks in the tongue of the Velaciras, or loosely translated to “The Bleeding Peaks” in the Common Tongue.  The Bleeding Peaks have earned their name because they are a series of volcanic mountains festering with constant eruptions, but they have become famous because they are the only known location on the continent of Nelsynuur where Blended Quartz can be found.  

It is believed that the Velaciras are believed to have evolved from the dinosaurs that live in the temperate mountains of the eastern branch of the Caltarrack Mountains, known as The Wyvern Spine Crags, which separate the Badlands from the Gargantuan Forest and Fontenelle Planes, the Domain of Man.  This theory springs from the fact that they are cold-blooded, lizard-like reptiles.  It appears that they are descendents of the Deinonychus breed of dinosaur, given their general body shape, the design of their hands and feet, and their favored method of movement; that being walking on their powerful hind legs.  It is also believed that the Deinonychus were some of the first dinosaurs to utilize cooperative living and hunting techniques.  This would explain why their evolution would lead down a track of heightened intellect.  It is a shame that only Yreataius Ahseai knows the truth of their ancestry.

What we do know is that they exist in familial tribes, known as a Clutch, and are ruled by the strong.  Every twenty years a mated pair will lay a clutch of eggs.  When the eggs hatch the younglings will fight to the death with only the strongest surviving to be nurtured by surprisingly caring and attentive parents.  Upon reaching the age of maturity, age 60 by human years, the youngling is expected to go out into the world to learn as much as possible, becoming the strongest it can, before returning to the Clutch to take its rightful place in Velaciras society.  Should the youngling parish in this “rite of passage” it will simply be said that the poor creature was not strong enough to survive, and nature has eliminated another unfit being.  Luckily the Velaciras have exceptionally long life-spans, equaling roughly seven hundred fifty to one thousand human years.  The Velaciras are the only known craftsmen of Blended Quartz armor and weapons, and also have a profitable business in the trade of Ivory which they harvest from the Ivory Forests surrounding the Thaylean Tarpits.

Two unique traits of the Velaciras is that they will accept any being into their Clutch that has proven its strength in a test of combat, or a “rite of passage” as chosen by the eldest of the Clutch, and that every member of the race is taught to wield the Scektoas, a unique knife with a blade extending from each end of the handle and curving in opposite directions.
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #231 on: July 09, 2004, 09:28:04 PM »
Now that you have an outline of the Races of the world, here is an overview of the House Rules we are using.  They are included because they significantly alter the magic system for D&D 3.5 to allow us the freedom that the players desired in the campaign.

The following rules will be used during the course of game play for the Mages of Mithril Mist Manor Campaign on the world of Noldaerthroll.

Gestalt Characters: Unearthed Arcana 72.  This variant in character generation augments the standard method of character generation by allowing a character to increase in 2 classes simultaneously.  For every level of experience gained by a character, the character increases the characters statistics by taken the better of shared qualities (i.e.: hit dice, saves, base attack bonus, class defense bonus, etc.) and all of the unshared qualities of both classes (i.e.: bonus feats, class abilities, spells, etc.).  A prestige class can not be combined as a gestalt class; only heroic classes.  Therefore, should a player opt to take levels in a prestige class, the character does not increase in levels in the heroic/gestalt classes, unless the player opts to stop taking levels in the chosen prestige class.  As a further limitation, once a player opts to take a prestige class, he can not take levels in any other prestige class until they have maximized their potential in their first chosen prestige class.  Other limitations to this system are, should a player decide to take levels in a new heroic class, those levels can not be combined to with the previously existing set of gestalt classes, nor can a character have more than one set gestalt classes.

Defensive Roll:  Dungeon Masters Guide 64.  This rule replaces the standard “taking 10” on AC.  From this point forward ALL attacks must have a defensive roll made for them.  The reason for using this variant is to allow for greater reality by adding “unknown outside factors” that may influence a characters ability to defend.  A character’s AC is calculated based upon the following equation:

D20 + Modifiers to AC

Instant Kill: Dungeon Masters Guide 64.  This rule allows for the instant death of a character.  Should 3 natural 20’s be rolled in succession on an attack roll the victim of the attack is instantly killed.  The only option against this would be if the character also rolled 3 consecutive natural 20’s on the concurrent defensive rolls.

Spell Roll: Dungeon Masters Guide 96.  This rule replaces the standard “taking 10” for setting the Spell save DC.  From this point forward ALL spells that are cast, must have a spell roll made for them.  The reason for using this variant is to allow for greater reality by adding “unknown outside factors” that may influence a characters ability to cast.  A character’s DC is calculated based upon the following equation:

D20 + Modifiers to DC

Casting from a Spell Book: House Rule.  This feature allows a wizard to sacrifice a prepared spell slot to cast an unprepared spell from a spell book.  There are several downsides to this rule as well as the obvious advantages of greater versatility, and potential to cast any known spell, including spells of levels beyond what the wizard could normally cast.

(1) The wizard must sacrifice at least the same number of spell levels as the spell to be cast, AND the sacrificed spells CAN NOT have been cast since the time of preparation, AND the sacrificed spells are removed from the wizard’s list of prepared spells.

(2)  The DC for the mandatory Concentration check is 3 higher than normal.  If the concentration check is failed, the sacrificed spells are still removed from the wizard’s list of prepared spells, the new spell fails, and the new spell is not added to the wizard’s list of prepared spells.  The formula for calculating the DC for the Concentration check is as follows:

18 + spell level + any situational modifiers

(3) The spell takes twice as long to cast, even after it is added to the wizard’s list of prepared spells.

(4) The caster must sacrifice twice the number of spell levels altered in Vitality Points.  The only exception to this is specialized transmuters that take the transmutable memory alteration.

Recharge Magic: Unearthed Arcana 157.  This system modifies the way in which magic is cast.  It will function as the text in Unearthed Arcana dictates except for alterations other house rules listed within this document might have upon it.  What follows is the table for general recharge times.  See Unearthed Arcana for the specific recharge times (page 160 – 163).
« Last Edit: July 09, 2004, 09:32:04 PM by Nicadymus »
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #232 on: July 09, 2004, 09:29:28 PM »
Class Defense Bonus:  Unearthed Arcana 109.  This rule modifies the way a characters AC is calculated by adding a value based upon the characters class level, reflecting one’s experience in combat.  Use the following tables to determine what defense bonus to apply.  (Note: when using the gestalt class system, add only the higher of the two bonuses available.)

Vitality Point System: UA 115.  This rule modifies the way in which characters develop increase health potential and the way critical hits work.  For a complete description see the text.  What follows are the tables delineating the vitality points per class, and the changes to a weapons critical threat range based upon a higher than x2 multiplier.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2004, 09:33:19 PM by Nicadymus »
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #233 on: July 09, 2004, 09:35:12 PM »
A location of Note:

Five Points

Five Points is the only unaligned City-State in on the continent of Nelsynuur.  It is the most unique because it is lead by a counsel of wizards known as The Conclave.  They have opened the stronghold as a College of Wizardry where all gifted in magic may come to study.  Naturally, many merchants saw the wisdom in congregating around the stronghold for security and the profit of selling their wares to the wizards.  As more and more people came to reside around the college, a center for trade and commerce was established.  This area became known as The Market.

The Market is the closest thing to an economic hub on the continent.  Members of every race and trade congregate here to peddle their wares and display their talents.  At all hours of the day and night can you here their song, and when business gets slow, the taverns and inns pick up.  Across the way many ships and submersibles dock in the harbor and just outside of town, countless dirigibles, ornithopters, and zeppelins wait to travel across the continent.  But the Exotic Stables surpass even these.  The water stables house the giant turtles, called Zaratan, and whales used by some of the more exotic races to transport large amounts of cargo around the coastline of the continent.  The air stables house the giant eagles, known as Rocs, and the even more impressive Soarwhales, which can only be afforded by the wealthiest of clients.  The Land stables house everything from giant rodents to giant boar, elephants to horses, rhinoceros to dinosaurs, and anything else that someone might be able to train as an exotic mount.  Needless to say, the city of Five Points is unlike any other haven on the Noldaerthroll.
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #234 on: July 09, 2004, 09:42:36 PM »
Ok. Now that that is over with, let me know your thoughts.  This is a world of my creation, and these notes are somewhat limited in scope.  If you would like further info, you can reference previsous posts in this thread, or ask directly and I will try to respond as quickly as possible.

As a side note, I will begin posting the sessions shortly.  As we only game once a month (a 12 to 18 hour block) I want to get several sessions under my belt before I start posting.

Thanks for all of your input.
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #235 on: July 09, 2004, 09:46:11 PM »
my eyes hurt after reading all that.  Looks cool.  I'm upset you're playing this without me.  >:(
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #236 on: July 09, 2004, 10:18:40 PM »
Nic, you have reached a level of verbosity and pontification that even I can only dream of.  I humbly take off my hat to the gentleman who's fingertips must be very tender indeed right now.
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #237 on: July 11, 2004, 12:39:07 PM »
Thanks Slant.

So what does everybody think of the overall world setting?

A Character Intorduction:

Niza, son of Paztar, of the Clutch of Giza (played by a guy named Mike) is an ta with olive green specks colored Velacirious.  He is one of the "elite" among his race as he possess red eyes, a sign of strength in the arcane arts.

Kreydaimous, of the Pride of Keldathuu, (played by Jerry)is a seal-point lynx Fellinoin (imagine the coloring of a seal-point lynx Birman cat) which is an oddity in his race as they are usually only a solid color, which his family took to be a mystic sign.

Both are Juveniles to allow us time prior to taking levels ih the gestalt classes that they have yet to select to create an "in game back story" which illustrates how they learn about the world and what will motivate their choice in occupation.  In any event, they have both been sent to the College of Wizardry, as par normal for the young of the "civilized races," to determine if they possess enough potential to be taught as wizards within the school.

The third member of the group will not be able to join us for the first couple of sessions so we will introduce his character in at that time.
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Re: So what is everybody playing?
« Reply #238 on: July 11, 2004, 06:26:38 PM »

Sorry couldn't help myself.

I like the spread of races, that there are the norms as well as lesser used ones and new ones.  I think you've spent too much time on those loosers, come out to Utah and run this campaign for us! ;D
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding.