Author Topic: Campaign Brainstorm: The Sequel  (Read 1353 times)


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Campaign Brainstorm: The Sequel
« on: October 16, 2004, 08:46:17 AM »
So post here what you'd like to run, are running, or ideas you have thought about running.  I like to hear others ideas.  Here's a whole slew of what I've been thinking about.

D&D Eberron: You've all heard this, I'm basically running the published modules (except Whispers...uh!) and then branching out on my own.

D&D Adventures: Basically a low time commitment D&D game, probably my back up if Eberron falls through. The PCs will acquire a keep early on which will serve two purposes: a home-base for the campaign and a money-sink which they can upgrade (a good reason to adventure). The campaign would have no meta-plot other than that. It would just be running modules or homebrew adventures...kind of like Jeff did with Hackmaster. Anyone could jump in or out at any time without worry. Plus, it could be run Troupe style so someone didn't have to DM the whole time. Pretty much the way D&D was played back in the day, but with 3.5E.

Savage Worlds Necessary Evil: Mmmmmmm... supervillains. The plot for the game rocks on toast. Would certainly be fun to play.

Savage Worlds Tour of Darkness: Thinking of running this to pull some of my non-gaming friends into the hobby. Their love of historical strategy wargames could make this a viable option. Actually, Weird Wars 2 would be better, but it's not out yet of course.

Angel - The Dark: People seemed to like my Buffy campaign. I know it was just about the most fun I've have running a game. Everyone really got into their characters and tried to emulate the show in all the good ways. My departure to Kansas City cut it short, but at least it actually ended (unlike so many other of my campaigns). The game was set in 1999, and ended just before the new year began. While I love the Buffy RPG, the Angel RPG is better for running any game not set in high-school/college/etc and as an added bonus if just about completely interchangeable with the Buffy RPG.

The Dark would revisit my Buffyverse version of St. Louis in present day. There's a lot of mystery and weirdness still left to uncover next to the bloody 'ol Muddy. This time, the cast are adults and the themes are more mature - leaving the fun-turned-deadly high school hijinks behind as Angel the Series did. The cast will be all new with the option of reprising their roles from the original series. Of course we have to figure out how they escaped from being stranded in the demon dimension the Lemps called home, but that's what flashbacks are for :)

Savage Worlds - Deadlands: Yup, Deadlands still rules in my book. I'm not entirely happy with the stop-gap free Deadlands to SW conversion rules currently available, but they're better than nothing. I would still love to run a Deadlands game. I may do it as a one-shot sometime or other. I think I'll wait for the full book to come out before comitting to a full campaign. C'mon Shane, write faster!

Buffy - The Gateway Season 2: I could run Buffy again, starting where the last game left off (on a very un-Josslike cliffhanger), but I'd rather run Angel.

Savage Worlds - Necronauts: Inspired by the premise of Orpheus and Flatliners, this would be a pulp era game about exploring the world beyond death and then blowing it to smithereens. Not too much developed here yet, just the basic idea.

Savage Worlds - Ruins Redux: Ruins didn't go anywhere near how I thought it would and I'm not that happy at all with how it turned out. The players did a great job, but I fell through as a gamemaster. Given the chance, I'd like to run a game starting with the same premise, but do it right this time. It would be run concurrently with Ruins history, but be set in a different part of the world. This is more of a pipe dream, there's a lot of stuff I'd rather run before this.


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Re: Campaign Brainstorm: The Sequel
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2004, 09:12:20 AM »
Personally, I want to run Necessary Evil (mmm... fin-steaks...) and maybe a rather strange D&D idea I came up with. Starts off with the 20 year old players grabbing a keep full of (recently expired) orcs. They do the usual upgrading and filling it with staff. Then a town begins to arise to fulfill the needs of the keep. Then, after some downtime, the PC's are in command of a sizeable and new town, with all the nearby kingdoms wanting a look in. Idea is essentially to mix D&D with Simcity and Civilisation, with the campaign ending once the PC's die of old age. They get to campaign build and have to deal with things like agricultural revolutions, Guilds clashing, assassin guilds requesting a homebase in the city, natural disasters, the results of too many Earthquake spells near tectonic plate boundries, the usual.

I'm basing it somewhat on a game i've been shown called Living Steel.

But, it will be a while before I get to run these. Tuesday has 7th Sea going, and that will certainly last for a while. And Thursday has a ConspiracyX campaign starting, which the GM states will be a long one. Both games look to be pretty damn cool.
If you're ever in an argument and Entropy winds up looking staid and temperate in comparison, it might be time to cut your losses and start a new thread about something else :)



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Re: Campaign Brainstorm: The Sequel
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2004, 09:19:26 AM »
Holy crap, Entropy, we must be seperated at birth or something.  That D&D game you just described is what I want D&D adventures to turn into.  I bought Eden's Fields of Blood a few months back and *love* the domain management system.  I'd love to run it, but no one else is interested.  It'll probably be me adn one other interested player running it during campaign downtime.


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Re: Campaign Brainstorm: The Sequel
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2004, 09:36:34 AM »
I had the idea after buying 'A western Magical Society' from RPGnow. The blurb mentioned 'how much does it cost to repair a keep? What are the political ramifications of owning your own keep?'. The idea just grew from there.
If you're ever in an argument and Entropy winds up looking staid and temperate in comparison, it might be time to cut your losses and start a new thread about something else :)


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Re: Campaign Brainstorm: The Sequel
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2004, 10:25:26 AM »
King Arthur Pendragon actually has an excellent rules set for running/owning a manor and/or property. If you wanted orcs, you'd have to make stats for them, but it wouldn't be that hard.