Author Topic: TWGventure! disscussions  (Read 7251 times)

Eagle Prince

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Re: TWGventure! disscussions
« Reply #45 on: August 10, 2005, 05:29:58 AM »
The part that has been taking me extra long with the adventure was that stupid custom axe I was making.  I think I finally got it done though.  I changed it to a heavy pick and used the intelligent item rules and the cursed item rules.  Until you meet all the weapon's requirements, it functions only as a +1 adamantine heavy pick with a minor drawback of spraying fake blood all over whenever it hits stone.  Hopefully you'll appriciate the effort after that Nerdery about making +1 weapons seem cool.

 Possessions: Helljack has an intelligent, unique pickaxe called Stonebleeder (worth 5058 gp, but is only fully functional if the wielder meets all the weapon's requirements), detailed below.  If you have Weapons Of Legacy, you could make Stonebleeder into a legacy weapon with a little work.  If you do this, the drawback should be used as the weapon's Omen, and its intelligence and associated powers part of its legacy (and thus only granted to Helljack and others who spend the time and money to unlock these powers).  Otherwise, use the rules below.

 Stonebleeder: +1 adamantine heavy pick, +2 circumstance bonus on Profession (miner) checks (due to being a masterwork tool, see page 131 of the PHB); AL LN; Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 10; Empathy, 60 ft. vision and hearing; Ego score 6.
 Lesser Power: Item has  10 ranks in Profession (mining) (total modifier +13), Golembane 3/day (each use lets Stonebleeder deal critical hits and sneak attacks to constructs and objects for one round).
 Requirements: Stonebleeder only functions as a +1 adamantine heavy pick, with its +2 circumstance bonus to Profession (miner) skill checks due to being a masterwork tool (pg 131 PHB), unless certain requirements are first met.  A PC can learn of these requirements (along with an idea of the new powers it will gain) with a bardic knowledge or Knowledge (history) check DC 20, or with an identify spell (or equivalent).  First, a new wielder must break at least 8775 gp worth of precious stones and metals using the pick, along with permanently investing 702 xp.  The weapon's threat range doubles (making it a +1 keen adamantine heavy pick) in the hands of a wielder with at least 5 ranks in Profession (miner).
 Drawback: Sprays Illusory blood when it strikes objects and creatures that are made of or that appear like stone (this can grant a bonus to Intimidate checks, as mentioned above).
 Personality: This pickaxe used to belong to a great dwarven miner and fighter.  The dwarf had many dealings with the Elemental Plane of Earth and its natives, and it is rumored it was these dealings that brought such power to his pickaxe.  Happy whether mining or sundering an enemy's shield, Stonebleeder loves clawing into the earth and tearing through items made from what the earth has yielded.  Stonebleeder can use its Empathy to guide the hand of its wielder while mining, which functions similiar to the Aid Another action (granting the wielder a +2 to his Profession check; this bonus stacks with the +2 bonus for being a masterwork tool).  Alternatively, the wielder can make a Profession (miner) check for himself and another for Stonebleeder, then take the better result.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2005, 05:36:09 AM by Eagle_Prince »
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Re: TWGventure! disscussions
« Reply #46 on: August 12, 2005, 06:11:55 PM »
Ha, no comments on the weapon?

So I am almost done with another adventure called The Imaginary Mr. Skulk, and starting to think of another adventure.  But I was wondering if you can make NPCs using PrCs from other books, like say if I made a NPC with the Blighter PrC from Complete Divine?  Or do I have to mostly stay just core only?
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Re: TWGventure! discussions
« Reply #47 on: August 12, 2005, 06:20:39 PM »
I sure you can make it but I'm not sure what we can or cannot print, but I'll have to defer to 42 on that one since he knows more about what we can and cannot do via the license.
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Re: TWGventure! discussions
« Reply #48 on: September 11, 2005, 12:03:08 AM »
Continued from the Hell's quarry thread about JK converting previous adventures:

Also get permission from the author of the original adventure, while TWG publishes the adventures they're still copyrighted, and I know how much you hate that word, to the author.  Again I'd rather have you write new material, especially when you're only converting a few pages worth of stuff, but I don't make the final decision.  Just realize that it'll be a few weeks after you finish until it gets published since I have no idea when I'm going to have time to make a new layout.  Letting us know what system will help so I can start thinking of a generic template for it, the current scroll one is our D&D generic template, since I feel that it's best to keep the different "generics" looking different so people don't get confused with what version they have. (I'm assuming GW in your above comment means Games Workshop and you're wanting to convert to WFRP)

Also, and I want to get SE and 42's comments on this one, I don't think anyone that converts an adventure to a different system should get a writing credit only a convert by credit.
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Re: TWGventure! disscussions
« Reply #49 on: September 11, 2005, 12:47:20 AM »
I'm not really too keen on publishing conversions for our adventures.

If we did write-up conversions, I would want to include a conversion for several systems at the end of the adventures.

Conversions created by someone other than the author just seems very amateurish. Mostly because it's not something I would ever pay money for. I would pay for an original adventure, but not for a conversion of an adventure written by someone else and not included in the original adventure.

I think it would be better to maybe just have a part of the site that has conversions for other systems, but I don't think it would be worth putting much effort into conversions as I can't see them as being a big draw for the site. So in other words, I wouldn't want to go through all the effort of design and layout for conversions.
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Re: TWGventure! discussions
« Reply #50 on: September 11, 2005, 12:51:55 AM »
ya and all that's basically being done is changing the stats of the monsters, if you're a GM who has to rely on a site to convert their adventures from one system to the other then you're not a very good GM.
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Re: TWGventure! disscussions
« Reply #51 on: September 11, 2005, 03:06:06 AM »
I'm just thinking that the only way I'm going to run the scenarios is if I convert them to WFRP 2nd.  And if I go to the trouble of converting tests/stats/etc., we may as well publish it for the convenience of others.
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Re: TWGventure! disscussions
« Reply #52 on: September 11, 2005, 08:21:28 PM »
You are always welcome to post your conversions on the forum.
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Re: TWGventure! disscussions
« Reply #53 on: September 11, 2005, 08:24:50 PM »
Again there's not so much of a problem of you converting them as us publishing them since it would require extra work on our part for something that's not really worth the effort.  I do like the idea of posting them on the forum though, don't see much of a problem with that.
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Re: TWGventure! discussions
« Reply #54 on: November 30, 2005, 04:23:53 PM »
Just thought it was time to give you all an update on the lack of TWGventure articles the past month.

I've been very busy with freelance work and school projects, so I haven't been getting around to it.

Now the SUESQ are very short and don't take much time to do but I've been putting them off since I need maps done, heck I've been so busy I forgot to e-mail MR. P about the maps.

Anyway things are calming down, I do still have free lance work but it's PHP/JS backend which is a lot less time consuming the Flash (which is what the last project was).  Also I'm getting InDesign in a few weeks so I'm probably going to download the trial to convert the templates to that.

I've got some other TWG priorities to take care of right now and some stuff to do for my brother's site but I should have time Friday or Saturday so should I get the templates over to inDesign easy enough I'll get some done for next week.
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Eagle Prince

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Re: TWGventure! disscussions
« Reply #55 on: November 30, 2005, 05:49:19 PM »
Since we played that one, I think I want to change how many hit points the crystals had, cause I thought it drug out the fight too long.
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Re: TWGventure! disscussions
« Reply #56 on: November 30, 2005, 05:49:54 PM »
cool, just drop me an e-mail sometime or let me know Saturday.
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Re: TWGventure! discussions
« Reply #57 on: December 28, 2005, 12:44:41 AM »
Oddly enough even though InDesign says it can read free hand files/templates it won't let me import them so I'm having to do it from scratch.  But I guess that's not so bad since I've been wanting to clean a few things up and add some better boxouts, we'll be starting these back up next week with WIND AND FLAME by Eagle Prince plush I'll probably update the previous ones with the cleaned up template and style guide.

I do have a question though, with CS2 Premium I can create PDFS that anyone can comment on and was wondering if I posted such a PDF for people to look over and comment on if they would?  This is for style changes (like boxouts) or editing and what not.

And since I like to do this, here's the introduction to WIND AND FLAME

Djinn and Efreet are two races at complete odds with each other.  However, champions of these two races joined forces to battle a common enemy.  They failed, but the PCs will have a chance to redeem this strange duo for a second chance at defending geniekind.  A group who is successful has a chance of laying their hands on two unique magical swords or the genies granting them a wish!
Wind And Flame is an adventure for characters of 10th level.
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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