Author Topic: TWG East Game Day II  (Read 1082 times)

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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TWG East Game Day II
« on: November 23, 2003, 09:56:57 AM »
Looks like I get to report on it before Jeffe mocks me. He had his chance..

We met at his place yesterday, then after shooting the breeze and looking at a couple things we headed down to Game Parlour in Woodbridge to play some games (possibly to pick up a random player, but that never happened).

We played soem Diceland (the Ogre set has a weird balance, but I think by mixing sets and making sure the Ogre player has more than just the Ogre you'll do ok -- heck you can do that without mixing sets.) There are some cool effects, and if you were willing to buy 4 or packs of it, you could have a really cool 48 pt army of GEV's that could conceivably come into play all in one turn, which would really cause a headache for the Ogre player.

After that we tested Atlas' Dungeoneer game. It's a lot like Dungeon (the board game) except that the board morphs as you go and it has a competing quest system. It was kinda fun, and yes, I won this game too.

We then headed back to Jeffe's and played a round of Mad Scientist (imagine, Jeffe owning such a game!) about world domination. I came pretty darn close to losing this one, but I came through with a nice draw in the end and grabbed Australia with a multi-card combo, making me 3/0 for the day. Yay!

Now, Jeffe might feed you a lot of lines about how bad a driver I am, with reports on poorly timed gear changes, or turning too fast, or a stall, or a bunny hop. Don't listen to him. He's just jealous.

Mad Dr Jeffe

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Re: TWG East Game Day II
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2003, 10:20:26 AM »
Only of the sun roof, not the new transmission your going to need in a week..
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