Author Topic: Joining a Branch of the Military  (Read 1708 times)

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Joining a Branch of the Military
« on: March 07, 2006, 11:14:10 AM »
Ok, so I've recently re-thought going into the navy. I almost did about 3 years ago, but I was younger and dumber then. I'm thinking now I'm a little better prepared for something like this and know better what I'd want to do in the Navy (instead of nuclear engineering). Anyone have any words of wisdom about this, or something?
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Re: Joining a Branch of the Military
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2006, 11:22:27 AM »
Yeah.  Watch out for small boats filled with dark bearded men.

Seriously, I spent some time in Bahrain on a navy base and it was very cool.  They really knew how to make living there pleasant.  Smart serious fellows do well in the armed forces.

That's about as much as I can tell you, however.  Jeff might be able to tell you more.  I don't know how closely the Coast Guard works with the Navy...
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Re: Joining a Branch of the Military
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2006, 11:45:13 AM »
One of my older brothers works for the Navy, as a civillian, doing rocket science. That's about all I can tell you, since he's not really permitted to say that much about his job.

But the Navy seems to offer good pay and benefits.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2006, 11:45:41 AM by 42 »
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Re: Joining a Branch of the Military
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2006, 11:45:25 AM »
The coast guard runs away, weeping in terror!

They made a documentary recently about life in the Royal Navy, which I guess you could look at Gemm.
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Re: Joining a Branch of the Military
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2006, 11:27:03 AM »
Royal Navy you say? How Royal is it? Obviously not royal enough to be royale.
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Re: Joining a Branch of the Military
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2006, 09:01:27 PM »
Oh that's what YOU think...
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Re: Joining a Branch of the Military
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2006, 12:42:01 AM »
Royal enough to bombard the captials of places trying to rebvel, and then send them the bills for the shells expended in levellling their capital city.

Good times.
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Re: Joining a Branch of the Military
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2006, 06:28:03 PM »
I have a few cousins in the navy, and I'm sure it's different from job to job, but one of the downsides for them was that they were moving a lot (every two-three years), and they both seem to go out on the ships for months and months at a time.  Of course they are both married, so it's hard on their family, but I don't know your situation.
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Re: Joining a Branch of the Military
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2006, 07:25:40 PM »
You have to deal with moving a lot as part of the military lifestyle. It just happens.

Navy life on ships is well different. You'll go to boot first (in the great lakes, so going in Summer is a plus) then to an "A" school to get occupational training. The Army calls it an MOS. From there you'll get an assignment to either a ship (in a specific role) or on shore. If your on a ship, chances are you'll be in for six months living in Barracks and out for six months, deployed to a hotspot around the world. Six months is a long time to spend on a grey metal thing with a couple of hundred guys and gals. A long time.
2 months was about all I could take on legare with 100 folks and we had some room on there. You'll sleep in a 2 foot by six foot metal coffin stacked 3 high, with a flip top so you can put clothes in the drawers built under your mattress.

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Re: Joining a Branch of the Military
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2006, 07:29:46 PM »

This guide was designed for those who think they would like to, but haven't had the chance to, experience an extended period of time at sea.

  1. When commencing this simulation, remember to lock all friends and family outside, communicating only with letters that your neighbors will hold for at least two weeks before delivering, losing one of every five.
  2. Surround yourself with 400 people you don't like. Good choices are: people who chainsmoke, fart loudly, snore like a logging truck on an uphill grade, or use expletives in speech the way children use sugar on cold cereal.
  3. Unplug all radios and televisions to completely cut yourself off from the outside world. Have a neighbor bring you Time or Newsweek a month late every month or two, and/or a Playboy from four years ago with all the pictures cut out.
  4. To simulate taking unnecessary readings on engineering equipment, monitor all household appliances hourly, and record all vital parameters (e.g., plugged in, light comes on as door opens, etc.). If any appliance is not in use, log as "Secured".
  5. DO NOT flush your toilet for the first three or four days, to simulate the smell of 70 or 80 people using the same commode. After that, flush a maximum of once daily to ensure the odor lingers.
  6. Wear only coveralls or approved Navy uniforms. No special t-shirts or cut-offs. Even though nobody really cares, clean and press one "dress" uniform weekly and wear it for twenty minutes, after which you must change back into your coveralls.
  7. Cut your hair weekly, making it shorter each time, until you are bald or look as if you lost a fight with a blind sheep-shearer.
  8. Work 18 hour cycles, sleeping only 4 hours at a time. This will ensure your body doesn't know or care if it is day or night.
  9. Listen to your favorite cd six times a day for two weeks. Then play a tape which causes acute nausea until you're happy to have your "favorite" cd back.
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Re: Joining a Branch of the Military
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2006, 07:31:32 PM »
10. Cut a twin mattress in half lengthwise and enclose three sides. Add a roof which prevents you from sitting upright (18 inches is a good height). Place it on a platform which is at least six feet off the deck (floor). Place a dead animal under your bed to simulate the aggregate smell of your five cubicle mates and/or their sheets.
 11. Set your alarm clock to go off at the "snooze" interval for the first hour you're sleeping. This will simulate the various alarms of watchstanders and night crew going off at odd times and waking you up. Place your rack (bed) on a rocking table to ensure you're tossed from side to side for your remaining 3 hours of sleep. Have a custom alarm clock which sounds like a fire alarm, a police whistle, and a new wave rock band combined to simulate the various drill alarms onboard a ship so that you will never get accustomed to ignoring your regular alarm clock.
 12. Prepare all your food while blindfolded. To simulate Navy cooks, use lard in everything and either no spices whatsoever or all the spices you can grope. If any part of the meal will not stick to an inverted plate when cold, you didn't use enough lard. If the food contains more than one part per thousand fiber, throw it away and start over. Randomly place some food back in the freezer or under the broiler, to ensure burning and/or frozen parts still remain. Remove your blindfold and eat as fast as humanly possible. Remember to make and serve more food than you can possible eat to keep up with the Navy's waste standards.
 13. To simulate general quarters drills, have someone randomly shut off power at the main breaker every few days. Run around screaming "Fire in the main engine room!" until you are sweating profusely and/or lose your voice. Then call out, "Secure from drill" and restore power.
 14. Buy a gas mask. Smear the seal with rancid animal fat and scrub the facepiece with steel wool until you cannot see out of it. During every third general quarters simulation, wear the mask for the entire simulation. Alternately, wear the mask for 2 or 3 hours once a week, even to the bathroom.
 15. Prepare yourself for an emergency which will require you to evacuate the premises, knowing that if you do exit the house, the biker gang you hired to simulate sharks in the water will cut off your arms and legs. Study first aid for bleeding until you can quote the book verbatim.
 16. Remove all plants, pictures, and decorations from the entire house. Paint all furnishings and bulkheads (walls) grey, white, or hospital O.R. green.
 17. To simulate the preventive maintenance program, study the owner's manuals for all appliances in the dwelling. At regular intervals take each one apart and put it back together again. Then test operate it at the extremes of its tolerances for one hour. If the appliance breaks down, tear it apart again and then write a letter to the manufacturer and have them deliver the necessary parts by the most expensive and rapid means available to a pack mule service at the Grand Canyon which will then deliver the parts to you (simulating the Supply Department).
 18. Ensure you are living in a clean and happy environment by cleaning every room from top to bottom. Ensure you take all day to do it, even if it is only a 3 hour job. Whenever you can, go back over spots you already did. When complete, inspect your work, criticizing as much as possible. Never be satisfied with anything you do.
 19. Once a day, plug in your TV and watch a random 27 minute segment of a movie you walked out of last year, then watch an episode of "Star Trek" you didn't like the first 7 times you saw it.
 20. Since you have no doctor, stock up on Band-Aids, Motrin and Sudafed, which the Navy Corpsman Training Manual swears will cure every disease and ailment known to man.
 21. To simulate liberty in a foreign port, once every 3 weeks go outside directly to the city slums wearing your best clothes. Enter the raunchiest bar you can find and ask the bartender for the most expensive imported beer he has. Drink as many of these as you can in four hours, then hire a cab to take you back by the longest route he can find. Tip the driver after he charges you double because you were dressed funny. Lock yourself back in your dwelling for another 3 weeks.

This simulation must run for a minimum of six months to be effective. The exact date of the end must be changed no fewer than seven times without your knowledge. This is done to keep you guessing about when you can expect to get back to a semi-normal life. It is also done in the hopes of screwing up any plans you may have made or would like to make.
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Re: Joining a Branch of the Military
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2006, 07:32:52 PM »
Sadly most of the above is true.

The extended version is here.

and because Im feeling nostalgic, here's my big white pig... USCGC Legare
« Last Edit: March 09, 2006, 07:48:07 PM by ElJeffe »
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Re: Joining a Branch of the Military
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2006, 08:02:50 PM »
This was my favorite:

2.14 (Submarine Simulation) Install air lines throughout your home with connections every eight feet.  Store surplus gas masks (one for each member of the family) under the kitchen table. During your favorite dinner, announce with megaphone "toxic gas in the forward compartment, all hands don EAB's" (Emergency Air Breathing apparatus).  Don the rubber mask and plug into air system. Wait two hours or until dinner is cold and thoroughly congealed. Announce "Secure toxic gas in the forward compartment.  Drill is secured." Do not sit down to eat.  Shovel food into your mouth while en-route to the garbage pail.  Scrape remaining food from plate into garbage and run upstairs and sit in a closet for six hours. Repeat. [Paul Strauss]
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