Author Topic: Growpramming? Did I find the right reference?  (Read 2910 times)


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Growpramming? Did I find the right reference?
« on: April 19, 2009, 04:34:36 AM »
growpram (v) or the more common growpramming -- given the use of emergent programming constructs, the classical programming approach of the late 21st century was replaced with modern growpramming work where designers select appropriate EP seeds, adjust parameters to match design requirements (a.k.a. guesstimation of desiremental extremes and satisfactoring), implant firmly, and then allow the development to proceed. This growth period is considered extremely sensitive, and good growpramming practice calls for close observation and adjustment to ensure optimal development. Many growprammers prefer to let the AI do its own thing, while they go have an orgy of fast food and carbonated sugar water. This often results in maladjusted AIs who will need professional help in their later lives, but that's what keeps the consultants busy. Also see mushrooms (keep them in the dark and feed them organic recycling materials) for another common pattern of development often used in corporate environments. Finally, check the urban myths files for an amusing connection between growpramming practice and a possibly mythical early story of a religious leader who cast his seeds in various development environments, with varied success. Modern growprammers try to avoid such risky approaches.

From The Idiot's Guide to Growpramming, published 2187 by BitsAreFree, a NanoSoft subsidiary. ::)


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Re: Growpramming? Did I find the right reference?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2009, 05:23:01 PM »
LOL!  Thanks, I needed that.

I must say that I was beginning to find the "day-to-day" strips just a tad bit, well, dull.  The individual ones are still good, but the storyline doesn't pack much of a punch, no matter how much punch the characters pack.  The management insights were actually insightful and somewhat true to life, but that's still not something to hang a strip on.

And then we get this personality drama, not to mention character development.  And it reminds me yet again why I read this strip.  The buildup was actually building to something.

Is it too much to ask to get some more hilarious but still vague references to the problems the other groups are facing, though?
Nature hates being reified.