Author Topic: Free (and legal!) RPG manuals online...  (Read 4546 times)

Dravner Belanos

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Free (and legal!) RPG manuals online...
« on: June 14, 2004, 03:42:57 PM »
I figured others would want to know of this. is a startup web site for selling e-copies of RPG manuals. The thing is, every week they're giving away FREE copies of one or two of them. Last week was Exalted and Gamma World, and this week is Big Eyes Small Mouth (2nd edition). Yeah, the chance of it giving away the manual you want is small, but still, it's FREE! And legal (I found the link off of White Wolf's official site).

So, just in case anyone's interested. Registering at the site and fixing your Acrobat reader takes about 10 minutes, just so you know.