Author Topic: The Nerdery #16  (Read 4577 times)


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Re: The Nerdery #16
« Reply #30 on: April 22, 2005, 06:25:31 PM »
As much as I don't WANT to admit this openly. :-X   I think that you're right in your decision to stick to your guns.  I seem to remember playing . . . . . Let me see here . . . . .  Oh Yes, now I remember!  A certain someone's zombie campaign. >:(   He showed no mercy on me, which at first hurt and was insulting.  Which he was not directly aiming at me, that's just how the dice fell.  Anyway if you bend the rules all the time where is the sense of reality in the gaming session.  As we all know once you lose the reality aspect of the gaming session it gets boring, very fast.  Another thing, usually after these occurances if you give it five minutes, then your trying not to pee your pants from all the laughter. ;D  As in this case in example, and I quote "What where you thinkin?" was said after my little mishap in the zombie campaign.  Which made me mad at first, but after I evaluated my actions.  I verbally aloud myself concluded "What the heck was I thinkin?"  Laughter fills the room, of course.  ;D :D ;D :D

Nicadymus, do you remember the zombies campaign with Moredew?  Where I botched, and got mangled by the lickers? ;D


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Re: The Nerdery #16
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2005, 06:58:32 PM »
"Mangled By The Lickers" would be a sweet name for a rock album.
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Re: The Nerdery #16
« Reply #32 on: April 23, 2005, 05:40:24 PM »
Now friends the moment you have all been waiting for, that's right the new single from The Zombies just arrived hot off the presses.  The title to this wicked, wicked track is "Spinal Tap Tongue Snap" from their new album release "Mangled by the lickers!"

Sorry, I thought you had a funny point so I couldn't help but joke around.  Funny?
« Last Edit: April 23, 2005, 05:41:18 PM by mulchNator »

Captain Morgan

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Re: The Nerdery #16
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2005, 11:06:35 AM »
You are much to harsh on yourself there Nic. The only reason why you show your rolls is becuase you made a few of our players show you their rolls and you thought it would be fair. They only reason why siad player was pissed off at the rolls that were made was due to the fact that it was the second session of what was going to turn out to be a sweet campaign, and ended before it really got started. Quite frankly if that doesn't annoy any player to be killed off (along with the rest of the players)  right at the start then maybe they should just go to video games where there is way more action to fill their ADHD minds.  My point here is that you being the rules laywer that we all have come to know and love, have a hard time fudging the rolls even when you don't show us. Your just too ... principled to do something like that. You know how frustrating it is to only here the first chapter of a story to get you going and then it being taken away and you'll never get to see the outcome. With that said, you did the right thing as far as you were concerened and that is all that matters. As far as the player killer thing goes, well, you do take a satanic enjoyment in it, but usually not so far as to ruin an entire campaign :P In the end it was a bad roll (the botch) and with only two players that makes it much harder for you to help keep us alive. In the end it will allow us to grow as players and continue to challenge us and you.

I cry if I want too since it was my party:P
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Re: The Nerdery #16
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2005, 01:34:16 PM »
My Cyberpunk 2020 character died the other day. What surprised me was the GM pulling some notes out and going over the exact combat rules to explain how he died. I'm not gonna get stressed out over it or demand that he fudge the rules or whatever to save my character. I later found out that he used to play with a utterly pedantic player who would insist that the GM was being unfair and not using game rules unless the GM did just that - pulled the notes out.

Some people just... need to stop taking it so seriously.
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Re: The Nerdery #16
« Reply #35 on: April 28, 2005, 10:08:05 AM »
I am not saying that it is bad to have a character killed off in a game, it allows the story to evolve, and really the only reason why I play, and I would say the same for the rest of the group. I have had characters die off in the past, and it makes you sad, especially after all the time and love you but into developing a character, but if it can go into the story to make the story better, then there is nothing wrong with it. However, I think it is truly tragic when all the characters die at once thus ending the story before it really begins. I would say that if there was ever a time to fudge the rolls, then that would be it, or to make the game more intresting.

The campaign we started after the massacre of the characters has got a huge potential and looks like it will be a blast. If the gm didn't really want to do that campaign then that's one thing, but to throw away good material is quite another. It's kinda late now to go back, but don't throw away great campaign material just becuase of a few bad rolls (in my case and the other player's case) or a few great rolls (in the gm's case).
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Re: The Nerdery #16
« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2005, 02:21:00 PM »
You know I have pondered this situation seriously!  I have to totally agree with Captain Morgan on this one.  He could not have explained and commented better, I totally agree!  

Another cool thing that I entertained at the same time was this . . .   Why not have everybody keep there characters exactly as they are even when they die.  In example in a RIFTS campaign setting.  As we all know we love to game, it's in our destructive natures!  Then later at some point a sessions can be held where everyone in attendance resurrects an old character as they where when they died.  Funny enough it would add automatic confusion, along with paranoia for the characters.  But as for the physical dynamic of the gaming group I think everyone would have a blast, and be fully entertained!  

Anyone up for a good session of RIFTS in the near future?
« Last Edit: April 30, 2005, 06:29:56 PM by mulchNator »