Author Topic: Hey! Where've I Been?  (Read 1364 times)


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Hey! Where've I Been?
« on: October 28, 2003, 10:17:27 PM »
Hey,  Whaaaaa happened?

Mr. P passes boards, says he's taking a break, and then disappears into the the night....whaaaa happened!?!?

Well, let me regale you...

The ninjas that Saint sent after me were able to take me with their shear numbers.  I took a few down with me, but I soon found myself locked in a room filled to the knees with spiders.  After the fear finally died down I used my knowledge of optics to focus the single shaft of sunlight entering my cell into a laser beam which I used to open the door.  Take that, Saint!  I've escaped your devilish plot!

Okay, maybe not...

What happened was passing boards ignited something in me I haven't felt in a while...the desire for self-improvement. The last two years I've been in a big keeps me so busy that its really hard to exercise and eat right and spend time doing the important things in life.  So I decided to cut down my internet time significantly to have more spare time to study and spend with friends.

In succeeding in that, TWG was kind of lost in the mix.  Other than email and livejournal I really didn't frequent my usual hangouts on the net, like here.  And hence, I forgot about Avast Ye... oops.

Then I decided that I have to start eating better.  For the past year it's been junk food, soda, take out, eating out, and fast food, as I didn't think I had time to cook.  This only accelerated my slide into fatness that had begun in late undergrad.  See, I was a captain of the football team in high school. Fit, strong, and not small.  When I got burned out on wieght lifting in college a lot of it turned to mush.  I started jogging to make up for it, but I only had time to do so in the summers.  Not good.

So I hit about 300 at the start of this October.  I didn't look too terrible as I'm a big guy who has always carried weight well.  But I felt terrible.  Sluggish, low-self confidence (which was never a problem before), and just malaise.  I decided to change that soon after my internet time cut.

So last week I started out on the South Beach Diet.  I'm not a fan of fad diets, but as a biologist I know it sure seemed medically sound.   A week later I'm 14 pounds lighter and still dropping.  Plus I've taken up jogging againt.  The results are higher than normal, but when the bad stuff you eat constantly is replaced by good stuff, something happy is going to happen.

I haven't felt this good in a long, long time.  I have more energy than ever and I still get to eat a lot of what I love.  Plus, I've been introduced to food combos that I didn't know existed.  It's great!

So that's where I've been.

Now the bad news--- When Spriggan reminded me of Avast Ye I got all excited.  I'd recently dropped out of all 4 of my games (biweekly though remember) due to time constraints and I'd love to get a dash of gaming in.  Plus, I'm really enamored with the setting even though I created it in like an hour.  It's got a lot of potential.  The more I thought about it though, the more certain I became of what would happen.  I would probably run it intensely for a few weeks but then start to fade off again as time got less and have to drop it.  Instead of leading you guys on, I think its best that we quit now, though someone else is welcome to take it over.  I feel bad as I know some of you have put a lot of work into it.  Let me know how I can make it up to you and I will, okay.

So that's my story.  I should be around still, though maybe not as much as I was.  I still have some reviews I'd like to write up when I find time.  But I will be here.  Of all the places I've gone on the internet, this is the only place I can really say I've made connections with people.  Sure, I know people on other forums, but its just in passing.  I've gotten to know some of you very well and I'd like to keep it that way.

Corny, yes.  But true.


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Re: Hey! Where've I Been?
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2003, 10:44:10 PM »
Did... did you just break up with me?

Lieutenant Kije

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Re: Hey! Where've I Been?
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2003, 02:10:23 AM »
Best of luck on these new endeavors.  As someone who feels the need for self-improvement keenly and consistently, I applaud you.  


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Re: Hey! Where've I Been?
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2003, 03:16:24 AM »
No worries about the game Mr. P, so when can I call you Dr. P?  
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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Re: Hey! Where've I Been?
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2003, 06:54:40 AM »
Nobody escapes TWG! Nobody! We have a claim on you now!

If you're ever in an argument and Entropy winds up looking staid and temperate in comparison, it might be time to cut your losses and start a new thread about something else :)



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Re: Hey! Where've I Been?
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2003, 01:25:10 PM »
Welcome back, Mr. Pleasington, and I hope you stick around for a while.
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Re: Hey! Where've I Been?
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2003, 01:43:51 PM »
Congratulations Mr. P! I admire your drive. I'm really going to miss that game. In fact I'd volunteer to run it, except that I don't know anything about the Savage Worlds system and I've never GMed before. The systems sounded really cool, and I wish the game could have gone on so I could learn more about it.
" If i ever need a pen-name I'd choose EUOL, just to confuse everyone. " --Entropy