Author Topic: Usernames  (Read 3764 times)


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Re: Usernames
« Reply #30 on: April 06, 2004, 12:14:40 AM »
T.F.O., the fuzzy one was actually given to me by a psychiatrist, you see theres this thing call ed a "fuzzy moment" which can be acheived in three ways,  the first being extreme meditation, second extreme pressure(more so then it takes to spark an adrenaline rush), the third being having ADD but instead of switching focusis, you focus on it all at once. a "fuzzy moment" is when absolutely everything looks and sounds crisp and clear and is moving in extreme slow motion like a fly buzzing around could seem to take almost twenty minutes, things seem like this because for a breif moment say 50-80 seconds your brain is working in extreme overtime, It's called a "fuzzy moment" because it happens so fast that your memories of them are always a little blury or "fuzzy" this happens to me all the time, so my psyche started calling me the fuzzy one, until they realized there was nothing wrong with me, I just go all fuzzy from timte to time, thats why I'm good at martial arts and fencing( it makes my reflexes better cuz stuff seems slow.
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Re: Usernames
« Reply #31 on: April 06, 2004, 12:55:41 AM »
well my birth sign is the angel of mists, and fuzzy always used to say i was "as pretty as an angel" and the name just sorta stuck.
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Re: Usernames
« Reply #32 on: April 06, 2004, 01:38:06 AM »
Well, my original username was samdaman360, but I use that for everything, so that got boring, and I think Ninjas are cool and sneaky in the dark...and sly...and cunning...and cool...and then I'm like...hmmm..Saminja? no, that sounds weird, so how about Sminja! hehe.
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House of Mustard

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Re: Usernames
« Reply #33 on: April 06, 2004, 05:31:59 PM »
For a long time I had a ficticious company named Remo's House of Mustard, and, honestly, I don't remember where it comes from.  A couple of my friends used to call me Remo, and the name evolved from that somehow.  I really wish I knew.  Either way, for a long time I would use my ficticious company name for lots of things: on my mission, if I ever sent out mass mailings (when I got tired of writing individual letters) the mailings would take the form of Remo's House of Mustard catalogs or company newsletters.  Etc...

Man, this is going to bug me until I can remember what started it all...  Dang it.
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Re: Usernames
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2004, 11:53:32 AM »
It's at times like these that you wish you had listened to the advice about keeping a faithful journal. Even without the walking cross-country in the snow with no shoes.
" If i ever need a pen-name I'd choose EUOL, just to confuse everyone. " --Entropy