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Messages - Natalie Perkins

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hollywood Speculation
« on: June 06, 2008, 05:03:19 AM »

Really, this isn't actually an important post, but a test to see if HoA figures out that there is hidden text here at the bottom, and if anyone else figures it out. So, HoA, I am now officially outlining our plan to make sure it is clear. First, we pay a time-traveling mistborn a ridiculously large amount of money to steal the Lord Ruler's Atium. Then, we use the massive atium cache to hire him to assassinate VegasDev and Qarlin, as well as several other unnamed contributors to this forum. Then we use the remainder of the cache to hire a master hacker to discover their forum passwords, and then we impersonate them online for the fun of it? Or was it that we hire a master hacker to write a program that will occasionally post things for them so that no one is suspicious of our evil plan? If so, it should definitely post things that are relevant to the conversation, such as why don't you ask Brandon, and I hate you, and cheese is delicious. Just my thoughts on the matter.

God that text is small

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hollywood Speculation
« on: June 03, 2008, 04:07:48 AM »
Anyways whatever book it is i hope he gets to help the movie and have some control over it so it doesnt turn into another Eragon.

I would flip out if it turned into another Eragon. They totally destroyed that book. (and that series is somewhere in my Top 20)
And I like most of Brandon's books more than Eragon, so if it's not done well... then, someone will be missing a few of their vital organs, to name the least graphic of the various punishments I've thought up

Brandon Sanderson / Hollywood Speculation
« on: May 28, 2008, 03:46:39 AM »
So, I didn't see a thread for this, but if there was, please don't attack me.

Yes, I have been offered a movie deal
FIRST OFF: Yay, that's awesome.

No, it probably isn't for the series you're thinking about.

Ok, so I was thinking Mistborn.
WoT converters are probably thinking WoT
Newcomers who only read Elantris are probably thinking Elantris.
So if you eliminate all the ones I assume people are thinking about, that leaves:
Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians
Dragonsteel (The Liar of Partinel perhaps?)
OR One of Brandon's other finished/unfinished/unpublished books: (Full list here:


I imagined them like the faded elaborate tattoos of a biker guy except more... pretty seems like a completely wrong word for it but... pretty.
So blues, reds, blacks, yellows, a whole bunch.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Wheel v. Mist
« on: May 10, 2008, 04:13:56 PM »
I think Mistborn would definitely win in a fight. At least against an Aes Sedai, maybe not an independent channeler (It's too confusing for me to figure out that one)
And like you said it's all about the element of surprise. An Aes Sedai cannot use the One Power to attack anyone until they attack them first. So theoretically, if the Mistborn sneaks up on an Aes Sedai and uses a duralumin-enhanced steel push to shoot a chunk of medal THROUGH an Aes Sedai... I think we know who wins.
(FYI, I'm still on Fires of Heaven for WoT, so if the Aes Sedai oaths have changed I wouldn't know.)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn as a Video Game
« on: March 30, 2008, 09:06:30 PM »
Maybe you could like... equip different metals, like you can use 4 of them at once max?? Idk... confusing

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The coolest sword ever...Nightblood
« on: February 22, 2008, 05:15:23 AM »
Nightblood is good for those like me with no hand-eye coordination and a desire to get others to do the work for me. Just throw and run. My kind of sword

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hi! Just drifted over from dragonmount ...
« on: February 22, 2008, 05:08:06 AM »
For a first time author, I think J.K.Rowling did pretty good.
The books are in the kids section of the library anyway. I doubt a 2nd grader is gonna notice something as vague as the whereabouts about Mr. Marcus Flint.

Sorry, I have a tender spot for the series that made me actually like reading. It deserves respect. Hehe.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: New Mistborn One Cover Art
« on: February 22, 2008, 05:04:08 AM »
I liked it but Vin looked too old, and big. And a little too I'm-the-freaky-girl-in-your-history-class-that-wears-black-fishnets-on-my-arms-and-keeps-voodoo-dolls-of-you-in-my-backpack-that-i-enjoy-stabbing-with-safety-pins. Do you get what I'm saying?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Question about Zane at the end of tWoA [spoilers]
« on: February 22, 2008, 04:58:33 AM »
Why is it that I feel I've read a lot of books using the name Zane lately?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Holy crap... Just finished MB2
« on: February 22, 2008, 04:55:16 AM »
I beat you all.
Mistborn II took me 2 days.
Mistborn I took me 5 but only cause I picked it up with the vibe that I wouldn't be able to understand it, so of course, after I read the first chapter, I didn't understand it (I did this with the first WoT book too). I let it sit there for 3 days and on the 4th day I figured I'd try again with an open mind and it became so much clearer to me. I didn't go to sleep that night and I finished it then.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Finally read mistborn
« on: February 22, 2008, 04:52:36 AM »
My favorite fight scene in Mistborn is the one between Vin and Shan. I love people getting shocked by an opponents power.
However, I did smile when the inquisitor nodded to Kelsier in respect after he did the whole... matrix-esque cage dodge. Though, I'm going to refrain from bescribing the scene as "Ballin"

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Atium Mistings?
« on: February 22, 2008, 04:49:07 AM »
I don't like any of them.
Shade... no, overused to the point where its no longer bad ass... just lame.
Oracle... no, its too 99-cent-psychic
Seer... no, its too cliche-fantasy-version-of-99-cent-psychic
... it has to be original. And those are not.

Whoa... I missed the thing about the spike too.
How is this possible??? I'm such a thorough reader...

That actually clears up a lot becaue I was under the impression that using any allomancy near the crystals shattered them. Not just iron and steel. Ok, I think I get it.

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