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Topics - Miyabi

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Everything Else / Dvorak
« on: October 06, 2008, 09:55:11 PM »
So, today, in between classes I took about an hour and a half and took all of the buttons off my laptop and changed them to the Dvorak layout.  Then I changed my keymap so that they matched.  So I am currently typing quite slowly considering I have very little idea where the keys are at. LOL

So basically I was wondering if anyone else used the Dvorak layout.

Books / Brisingr *SPOILERS*
« on: October 03, 2008, 11:54:18 PM »
I thought we needed a discussion thread for it.  I will write a review later, but I just wanted to talk about it and assumed there would be spoilers.

LIKE OMG BROM IS ERAGON'S DAD!?!?!?  That threw me for a loop.  I had basically every but that figured out.  I KINDA had the heart of heart thing figured out.  Like I assumed it was from the old dragons/riders, but I didn't know how.

Everything Else / Japanese . . .
« on: September 23, 2008, 04:11:59 PM »

So, who knows Japanese?  Yes, I know I spoke like completely in vernaculars, but whatevs.  We're all friends it should be fine. ha ha.  I'm used to chatting with my friends in Japanese so I'm way used to typing in slang so I do it out of habit.

Rants and Stuff / What!? I can't believe her/him!!!
« on: September 19, 2008, 01:24:21 AM »
MAYBE I'm like being childish here.

So I date this guy for like a semi-decent amount of time.  Like we were REALLY close.  I was absolutely devastated when he broke it off a month or so ago. (and it was for REALLY dumb reasons, at least from my perspective.)  Like I stopped eating.  I stopped talking to a lot of people.  It was just bad, until the last week or so.  At some point during this I starting hanging out with another friend of mine who is gay and David, the ex, got mad at me saying that I "move on too fast" when all I was doing was hanging out with a long time friend.

So a few days ago I was talking to him and trying to figure out a real reason for him breaking it off, but he just kept saying that it wasn't right that we had had "relations" and that his parents were going to find out and that was going to go to hell for it and that he couldn't deal with us having a real relationship.  Then I said we could try and start again and just do thing differently this time and not dive straight into the deep end.  Then he bitched me out saying that "HE was still picking up the pieces and had been hard for him to see me when we ran into each other a few days prior."

I mean really, HE was picking up pieces when HE'S the one who broke MY heart!!!  I was livid!  Like I can't even put into comprehensible words how it made me feel.  BUT that's not even the best of it yet.  So THEN an hour or so ago I come to find that he got with one of my best friends NOT EVEN A WEEK after we broke up and has since broken up with her.  I mean HONESTLY!  I can't believe it!

1. I move on too fast, but it's OK for him to date RIGHT after we break up.

2. He's still picking up the pieces even though he broke my heart and has obviously moved don.

3. One of my BEST FRIENDS!  I mean, I know it was a secretish him and I were dating because his family is Mormon, but poor Felicia!  Like how is she supposed to know he's gay?!?!?!  He just freaking hurt her!

4. I'm also kind of mad at her, because EVEN though she doesn't know he's gay she DID know that I liked him!

So basically I just want to know if I have a right to be mad and if anyone else has similar stories.

UGH!  I'm like SOOOOO angry right now.

Brandon Sanderson / Election Day!
« on: September 16, 2008, 12:19:22 AM »
Seen as how this topic has become more and more fervently argued I decide to hold elections.

I would like to request that both parties involved write speeches and I will post them within this post of the topic.  All debate on said topic should be done here.  At the end of the week September 20, 2008 our election will close and the results will be revealed.  At that time we will know who the REAL HoA is.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Please do not vote until the speeches have been written. ;)

EDIT:  After all.  This is how Elend would want it done, ne?

And here they are!  The speeches!

When in the course of Human Events, it becomes necessary for one person to be elected over another as the Hero of Ages, it is obvious that the person selected should have both skill and intelligence. When all of the candidates meet these requirements, you should choose the one who has the more heroic name. Obviously, do you people have to have me prophesy everything for you?

The above is an excerpt from the Prophecies of the Terris Religion. How did I get it, you ask? Well, you see, I am the Hero of Ages. I know everything about the Terris Religion. I have it memorized. But I'm not allowed to tell you until Mistborn 3 comes out. It's in my contract. So don't ask.

Now, I obviously have the more heroic name. I mean seriously. We have Chaos2651 (What kind of hero has a number in his/her name anyway? That's like me being named Andrew the Gr8. Seriously. Who can take that seriously?) and Andrew the Great. Andrew the Great rolls off the tongue easier, it is more pleasant to read...You can memorize it without spending hours thinking about, "Is it a two or a five there? No, it's six. Dang it!" Why would a hero do this to you? He obviously would not, which is why my name is more heroic.

Now, I would like you to notice a trend. This board was dark and dreary in the days of 2007. There was much discussion and theorizing, but little to no progress toward discovering the truth about Mistborn 3. Then I came to the boards, and suddenly everything changed. I, being omniscient in regard to the Mistborn World (I also can't tell you what it's called. Contract. Sorry.), blessed this board with my enlightened presence. And suddenly ideas started to come together, and things began to make sense.

But if you need more proof, look to Chaos' signature.
Chaos will reign, and not just because it's my name. I blame entropy for it.
As you can see, Chaos does not wish to steer the world into a better state. He would turn our fair world over to the mercy of Ruin, and let him turn it into an chaotic wasteland! We must not, nay, cannot let this happen!

Besides, I am consistently on these boards. We need a strong, consistent force as the Hero of Ages. Not someone who takes a week-and-a-half-long leave of absence for as ridiculous a reason as, "I'm going to college and can't post for a week because my computer's in a box." He refuses to take his computer out of a box and post! How can we trust him to have the commitment necessary to be the Hero of Ages? We cannot.

It is obvious that I am the Hero. Let us stop this farce and move our world forward to where it truly belongs!!!!!

This message has the full approval of Andrew the Great. (Green, you can quote that at the bottom of yours if you want... but only if you change my name from Andre to Andrew in the first sentence)

I would like to begin with the story of the Lord Ruler.

This is the fiend in the world who claimed to be the Hero of Ages, and in this false claim that he defeated the Deepness, he made the world his own, and by doing so, he had destroyed the world. He sat back, content in his godhood, while he let the world stagnate and suffer through his oppression.

My friends, my countrymen, this is the enemy we must fight. Stagnation, Preservation, and worst of all, Complacency.

My name does not mean destruction; to say so is ignorance, at best. It does not even mean an "without order", despite the common Order/Chaos duality. No, my friends, I am not the embodiment of destruction as my opponent and his squad of attack dogs would like to claim. I am the spirit of change.

We live in a world constantly changing, a system that changes dynamically. One hundred years ago, the world was without the computer, and yet, this entire election now takes place on the Internet, a thing that hundred years ago could not be conceived. New ideas constantly materialize, and old ideas constantly fade away. It is dynamic: no one can deny this. Two years ago, neither Andrew nor I walked this forum, which--at least in my life--has profoundly altered my ways of thinking.

You see, "Chaos" is not some harbinger of destruction, but the analog for change. Things change all around us, unforeseen and unknown until it happens. Change is essentially chaos because it is not "ordered", or structured as a king demanding that a person become, say, a blacksmith. True, it has the semblance of change, but really, like the Lord Ruler, it is stagnation. In fact, all who study thermodynamics can clearly see that, as in my signature, chaos always does reign. Every change corresponds with an increase in entropy, or "chaos". All biological processes result in an overall increase in entropy; in fact, none of us could do anything if it was not for the nature of chaos.

Opposing the idea of "chaos", logically, is the worst possible decision one could make. Opposing chaos means opposing any change, and opposing change opposes the world, because the world could not exist without constant changes. None of us could breathe, because the eternal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is a dynamic system, never stagnating to one side or the other.

I am not trying to be subtle in my message here, my friends. Andrew "the Great" is the king I refer to in my previous statement. I am fundamentally different from Andrew--we are, in a sense, diametrically opposed. This man stands for stagnation in all of its forms. He would vilify the honorable name of chaos and side, instead, for a world which could never change.

The fact that he claims to be the Hero of Ages is exactly the same as Rashek's logic. Rashek virtually gave him a title for himself when he slew Alendi. Andrew, similarly, gave him the title of "the Great" when he arrived on TWG. That he would be so atrociously arrogant to bestow upon himself a title reserved for people with the stature of true greatness like Alexander the Great shocks me to the core. For all we know, Andrew killed for his title just as Rashek did, and look what that did to the past thousand years.

I gave myself numbers in my name to show my uniqueness, not in any underhanded ploy. In fact, if you Google "Chaos2651" or put it into AIM, MSN Messenger, or YIM, it is me. I make no effort to hide the past, because any Google result for "Chaos2651" is me. I do not think I could say the same for my opponent. Now that I Google "Andrew the Great", we can now see that he really does think of himself as a saint, irreverently stealing the title from the "Church of St. Andrew the Great Cambridge". I am not arrogant to assume that I am a saint, I only set out to convince you that I am the Hero of Ages--I will not steal the title as Andrew stole "the Great", or proclaimed himself to be "the Great". I will firmly follow the rites of democracy.

You see, the truth cannot be obscured. My opponent would obscure the truth, or even flat out lie. He hides behind his "contract" claiming to know everything about the Mistborn World. Can we risk believing him? Can we risk another Lord Ruler? I think not.

The truth is, I am the Hero of Ages, and will prove it by dispelling Andrew's web of lies, the most obviously false being this:

Quote from: My Opponent
Then I came to the boards, and suddenly everything changed. I, being omniscient in regard to the Mistborn World (I also can't tell you what it's called. Contract. Sorry.), blessed this board with my enlightened presence. And suddenly ideas started to come together, and things began to make sense.

Never mind that it was I, Chaos2651, who first noted the duality between Ruin and Preservation on the forum. Never mind that it was I, Chaos2651, who first created the Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread when it was truly needed, and never mind that I came up with the first real theory upon how Hemalurgy actually operated (Andrew posted a similar theory a page or two later which bore an eerie resemblance to mine).

The record clearly shows that I am the more competent in the lore of Mistborn, while my opponent insists that he really does know more, but could never tell you until Mistborn 3 comes out. These are fear tactics; fear tactics which should not be tolerated.

Apparently, we should give the fate of the world over to someone who steals his own titles and then, in the same fluid motion, proclaim that his own ill-gotten title makes him more heroic. Never mind his lies, never mind he appears to be the reincarnation of Rashek reborn, and certainly never mind that would put his false "contract" to persuade you. He makes no attempt at transparency, merely believing in his arrogant heart that you should just name him the next Lord Ruler when he has nothing at his side except being an Allomancer (again, with no verification).

My record stands for itself, my friends. I am a seer, while he is a liar. I hide nothing, while he hides everything. The last thing we need is another Lord Ruler; we need someone who can stand up for truth and honor like me. Most of all, I will never be manipulated into falsehoods--this speech should say that much, that I will never stand falsely before you.

I humbly plead for you to vote for me instead of this tyrant-in-the-making.

This message is approved by The Chaos2651 Campaign for All Ages, not just 2008, because this is for the Hero of Ages, not just a single year.

Music / I recently discovered. . .
« on: September 15, 2008, 11:47:54 PM »
This 80's - 90's band called Gazebo.  I have NO IDEA why I'd never heard of them before.  They are amazing!

Everything Else / L to the U L to the Z
« on: September 08, 2008, 01:27:16 AM »
I was sooooo freaking hyper when Kevin logged in today. ha ha.

 [C] h r i s  says:
RAWRZ! ha ha

Kevin says:
Oh Nos!

 [C] h r i s  says:

Kevin says:
*Throws pokeball*

Kevin says:
Captain Jack Sparrow! I Choose You!

 [C] h r i s  says:
-runs away- OH NOEZ!!! My one elemental weakness is rum and he's at 897% Rum capacity!!!!!!!!!

Kevin says:
898% now

 [C] h r i s  says:

Everything Else / Operating System?
« on: August 29, 2008, 03:37:45 AM »
Due to the amount it is used in my programming classes, I installed Ubuntu onto my lappy and discarded Vista . . . BEST CHOICE EVER!

I am loving it.  I can't wait to get farther into my classes and start cracking it out and doing fun stuff to it. ha ha.

Brandon Sanderson / Mistborn : The Final Empire : The Soundtrack
« on: August 26, 2008, 07:31:27 AM »
So I'm bored as heck so I'm going to make a 15 song soundtrack using random playlists on my iTunes.

I will be adding tracks soon, I'm just like. . . only doing this many tonight cause I have class early tomorrow morning.

I will also provide when it would play, I have some ideas of when they would play, but help me out.

1. One Day, Robots Will Cry - Cobra Starship

2. Do You Know What I'm Seeing - Panic At The Disco

3. California - Phantom Planet

4. What A Wonderful Man - My Morning Jacket

5. Making Love Out Of Nothing - Air Supply

6. Clockwatching - Jason Mraz

7. My Immortal - Evanescence

8. One Of The Boys - Katy Perry

9. I Hate This Song - Secondhand Serenade

10. We Will Fall Together - Streetlight Manifesto

11. This City Is At War - Cobra Starship

12. One Foot On The Gas, One Foot In The Grave - Streetlight Manifesto

13. American Triangle (Just the music, not the lyrics) - Elton John

14. Keeping Up With The Joneses - The Medic Droid

15. Sugar, We're Going Down - Fall Out Boy

Rants and Stuff / People who . . .
« on: August 26, 2008, 06:29:57 AM »
OK so the whole point of this thread is that someone is bugging the heck out of me.  So I just wanted to make a little game.

It's simple.  Your posts goes "People who . . . [fill in the blank] . . . make me [fill in the blank]"

I'll start.  I have two ATM.

People who come onto sites and act like they can demand stuff and don't take others and reality into consideration make me want to kick babies.

People who come to a site and post a ton of new topics in the wrong places, in the wrong ways, or that are just stupid make me want to cut myself and give up on life.


I feel better now. . . who's next?

Brandon Sanderson / Nails, Grails, and Epic Fails
« on: August 24, 2008, 06:59:27 PM »
OK, a few random things to think about that don't really go in any of the other topics.  I don't think any of this was talked about, but it might have been before I became active again.  Or a time or two when I missed a few days and didn't read all of the topics. ha ha.

Nails - Sazed talks of nails that he found in the Koloss, but he never describes the metal they are actually made of. . . . Atium?  Malatium?

Grails - (Oops I translated grail wrong, it should be blood. xP)  So in the two Heroes we know about they share some things in common.  1)The could both use Hemalurgy.  2)They were both Allomancers.  3)They were Heroes.  What if the becoming of a Hero has to do with heredity?  Perhaps shortly after becoming the Hero Rashek had a child, which eventually lead, over a thousand years, to Vin?  That could explain her abnormally strong abilities with Allomancy.  Perhaps also giving her the potential of having unknown, yet, Feruchemical powers?  This could support my other theory in the. . . oh what thread was it. . . oh yeah. This one.  It would support a lot of the stuff I talk about in there. ha ha.

Epic Fails - I think that in order for Vin to gain the power she needs most in order to defeat Ruin . . . she is going to have to lose a lot.  Sazed?  Elend?  Both?  I'm not sure, but I think she will have to suffer in order to defeat Ruin.

Movies and TV / Monty Python
« on: August 24, 2008, 10:40:16 AM »
So Wednesday I went and saw Monty Python's Spamalot : The musical lovingly ripped off from the motion picture Monty Python And The Holy Grail on 44th, between 8th and Broadway.

It was SO amazing!  I think I'll write up a review for it. ha ha.  My favorite line is when Sir Robin was singing a song about them not being able to make it on Broadway because the didn't have any Jews.  The line was "There simply must be, Arthur trust me, simply must be Jews."

My favorite seen was a song about Lancelot being gay. ha ha.  It was hilarious.

Suggestions Box / Tell us?
« on: August 19, 2008, 07:45:31 AM »
Uhm, let us in on what's going on?  It is after all, nice to know what's happening on a site you spend hours a day on.

I mean I'm freaking out wondering what's happening.  I logged on and everything was blank and stuff.  Now it's all blue. o.0  What happened?

Role-Playing Games / Project .Hack//
« on: August 17, 2008, 06:37:15 AM »
A friend and I have recently created a forum based RP for Project .hack//  which included things such as .hack//sign .hack//XXXX etc.

That is the URL.

hope to see you there.

Brandon Sanderson / I WANNA!!! . . . .
« on: August 15, 2008, 05:56:48 AM »
OK, so I'm sure if I took a few hours out of my day to look through TFE and write down and figure it all out I could figure out how to speak in the vernacular that Spook uses.

I think it'd be great if Brandon posted something that explained it, or if someone else has taken the time to figure it out.

I mean, come on, how fun would it be to be chatting with some friends and there is someone eaves dropping so you drop into Eastern Slang?

ha ha.  I guess I'm just weird.  I love doing the same thing with Japanese, sadly, not many of my friends speak Japanese, they feel it's too difficult.  ::)

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