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Messages - Swiggly

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Books / Re: That was such a great book but....
« on: November 17, 2007, 10:50:13 PM »
What kind of childhood are you talking about?

Elementary school?

Because I really liked the Magic Treehouse in 2nd grade and after that Harry Potter and Narnia.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: November 17, 2007, 10:48:12 PM »
I'm kind of shifting between a couple of different books.

I'm flipping through parts of Forging the Sword by Hilari Bell and I've still got to finish Scarlet by Stephen Lawhead. I'm trying to keep my gag reflex down to read Innocent Mage because I bought both books because I thought the covers looked so freaking awesome I had to buy them without actually reading an exerpt. Green Rider and The Beatles Biography by Bob Spitz (Which is only slow going because it's so huge but a good read)

Books / Re: Dragonhaven
« on: November 17, 2007, 10:40:56 PM »
I haven't gotten it, but Deerskin confused me very much. I believe that was written in first person as well. Robin Mckinely's books are either very good or very bad, in my opinion.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: More Art for You to Digest
« on: November 17, 2007, 10:01:48 PM »
I feel a bit offended. I like Mercedes Lackey. I don't think the cover looks Mercedes Lackey at all. I'm looking at a 500 kingdoms books, Elvenbane, and The Outstretched Shadow - and I just don't get it.

It's a lot different from Brandon's other books though, which seem a lot more interesting to me because of the interesting backgrounds, but you can still tell that one thing is the focal point. The one thing I don't like about Mercedes Lackey's covers is that her name and the title seem to just overpower everything. Not so with Brandon's books.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Write a Review of a Book Never Published!
« on: November 14, 2007, 09:18:34 AM »
Nice. You'll recognize me as Cynthia. It's not been helpful, though - so you'll have to click on the link. I was feeling a bit low on inspiration, so it's not that good, but it's fair.

I liked the one about Pemberly dancing. Funny Funny Funny.

I'll bet there are going to be some confused people there, the reviews seem somewhat....different from each other. ><

Brandon Sanderson / Re: More Art for You to Digest
« on: November 14, 2007, 07:21:19 AM »
I like this cover better than the new ones. Though the dress isn't as elaborate or skimpy as I think it should be. The second version, I really don't like because of the Native American -ish of the dresses. I think it should be a brighter color and the blood on the sword is definitely a plus. It makes it more interesting because without the blood on the sword it seems kind of pointless.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: thoughts on hardbacks
« on: November 14, 2007, 06:44:00 AM »
I hate paperbacks. I like to keep my books very pristine, and while this is possible with paperbacks: I'm prone to mishaps.

I have all of Wolverton's Runelords books except for Worldbinder in hard cover. I was introduced to this from Brandon, by the way. I was going to wait for the paperback to come out because I like them all to be uniform. I managed to last about two weeks.

I managed to get my Elantris hard cover copy severely water damaged (At least I think so) and I lost my Final Empire at school. I tend to lose things when I'm overwhelmed, no matter how much I check back.

I also have only one Dragonlance book in hardcover, which really irritates me. I don't have any Sanderson books in paperback, which is good.

I prefer Hard Covers. All of my paperbacks I try very hard not to bend the cover or crease the spine, and I've gotten my friends to get obsessed with it, too ^^

On a completely different note: I wanted to join the Scholastic arts and writing contest with writing this time because my Art teacher submitted my work last time but I can't because I don't have a creative writing teacher because the evil witch left so I got stuck with Photography which I'm terrible at.

Stephanie Fowers / Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« on: October 17, 2007, 07:16:08 AM »
I am actually adamantly against any type shape or sort of vampire books because I absolutely hate them with no exceptions. Everyone is reading those stupid books. Half of my former friends lie all the time about their secret lives of being vampires with their imaginary brothers and crap. I really hate vampire books and people who think their vampires.

But in theory, a vampire would be a good boyfriend.

Stephanie Fowers / Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« on: October 08, 2007, 11:34:12 PM »
Well, This is a very hard decision, and I'll give it a shot.

I think the best one to date out of all the horrors, you would think - would be a fairy. You'd think of a sparrowman from Peter Pan. I don't think sparrow man. I think of a dallying Oberon. I don't want to be a Titania. They're terribly malicious towards each other, and that would be a terrible person to date.

I definitely would not date a zombie, for how boring would that be? Sitting through a movie like Sean of the Dead and having him groan and moan throughout the whole movie. Or not even responding when I ask him a question? Terrible.

I would definitely not date a superhero either. Think pompous, irritatingly arrogant, and completely absorbed with his hair looking just so! No intelligence. Think - If I like playing games that include a certain amount of risk, would he not come flying up to save me? Would he not be too clingly if I were to dump his ass? Yah. You see where I'm going here.

A werewolf - sure, he may be normal for the majority of the month. A couple of days without seeing him, or worse- seeing him. Don't you think that he would be a bit feral, even when the full moon wasn't out? A little hairy, a little violent?

So, I would date a vampire. I know what you're thinking. WHAT? who would be so stupid as to date a vampire? Well, they're nocturnal for one thing, and I like the night. I wouldn't have to see him that often even if I didn't like him. Usually they're very intelligent, have a nice, victorian sense of style. They live in castles, they have great cereal. They have a sense of humor, if a little cold. Count Chocula would be nice to have around.

Brandon Sanderson / MB2 Cover Insight.
« on: October 01, 2007, 09:36:55 AM »
Well, I do know how you love to call your books by the "informal" name. Like I remember all of you talking about alcatraz and I was just going crazy with unrestrained anticipation. I, personally like to say the entire name of my book when I'm on a rant and saying everything about nothing. "Oh my god I can't believe that Brandon's third book Mistborn: well of ascension is coming out in august I'm so excited I hope it comes soon because I know how slow amazon ships and I would just die if it didn't get here as soon as physically possible."

So, I loved the fact the the first book was MISTBORN like BOOM I'm here, fantasy fans and fantasy haters alike - get used to it. I'm the awesomest book out there. I was rather disappointed when I got my mb2 book in the mail and I opened it up to see THE WELL OF ASCENSION which still gives a big "I'm awesome" impression, but I think it would really tie it to the first book other than the fact that it's the second book. I was just disappointed.

So, tell that to Tor. Rest assured that you are not the only one who preferred (Holy crap >< can't spell today) the layout of the cover on MB1.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: There's something spooky about Alcatraz...
« on: September 13, 2007, 05:35:01 PM »
Okaaaaaaaay. I can't even tell if you're being sarcastic or if you just didn't read my post.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon, about Denver.
« on: September 13, 2007, 09:24:30 AM »
I have a friend that's moving to Denver. Maybe I'll get him to stop by and get me a signature, cause I've already got the book. I'll frame it and put it on my wall. Maybe he'll get a book, too. He's a reader, like me.

Brandon Sanderson / There's something spooky about Alcatraz...
« on: September 13, 2007, 05:53:50 AM »
Maybe it is the fact that "Brandon" slipped in "Wasing is of Wasing not" in the form of Quentin. Something that Spook certainly would say, and I believe that he did. Sneaky, Brandon, very sneaky. I was overjoyed to find it, though. I absolutely adored Alcatraz. I thought it was infectiously sarcastic and witty and there is no parallel. There better be another one.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker Title Question
« on: August 31, 2007, 05:40:01 PM »
I like the title of the book, I don't think it needs any changing at all. I like the way that we learn what warbreaker means halfway through the book. I think I made a post about it. Something like - and thus, the orgin of the title is revealed!

If I didn't, then I imagined it, I suppose. Anywho, I like the title and the cover artist. His works don't seem as intense as the mistborn covers, which fit Warbreaker well. You're right, the color is really nice on the sample you gave us. However, I am art deficit - but I can make pretty darn cute stick people (well, clylindrical people actually).

Brandon Sanderson / Scalzi
« on: August 08, 2007, 07:05:23 AM »
So, I was at borders in the fantasy section. I practically got the vapors when they expanded on the entire store and made the bookshelves higher, therefore making the fantasy section much larger. (they still only have copy of both of Brandon's books.) And, you know how every once and a while they display the books so that you can see their entire covers...well I did something that perhaps Brandon will be proud of. It wasn't really bad or anything, on my part. They put Scalzi's book before Mistborn on the little shelf. Even though Scalzi's name is distinctly after Brandon's in the alphabet. I mean, I was steamed. I swear Brandon, you have me brainwashed. I was mortified that they should put Brandon after Scalzi. I have read a fair few of fantasy books, and none can hold a magic ball of light to Brandon's works. High school sucks, so I wish mistborn two would have come out sooner.

I'm really excited about baby sanderson. Know what baby x is going to be yet?

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