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Messages - Aen Elderberry

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Rants and Stuff / Re: Happy Things 2006:Generation X [part deux]
« on: February 05, 2007, 11:10:14 PM »
I got a mystery package today:

At first I thought someone was softening you up before sending their manuscript . . . 'cause that's what I'm planning on doing.  :)

Site News / Re: Find Fell a job!
« on: February 02, 2007, 09:50:45 PM »
Can you post a resume or summary of a resume so we know more details of what to look for?

Everything Else / Re: Happy Groundhog Day!
« on: February 02, 2007, 09:44:32 PM »
Isn't the choice either 6 more weeks of winter or a month and a  half of winter?

And I'll bet they define it as 6 weeks - 42 days   and month and a half, month (February) 28 days + a half 14 = 42 days.   Surprise!   He's right 100% of the time.

Wait!  Maybe he can get it wrong on leap year?

Writing Group / Re: Potential Names for a Fantasy Book Magic User
« on: January 31, 2007, 09:15:07 PM »
What is the origin of Slovak?  You might look for words there as well.

I'm thinking that if I was to make up a name for something to be used in an English speaking country I might look at Latin or old English words.

Everything Else / Re: Best Quote Lately Reincarnated
« on: January 30, 2007, 07:48:05 PM »
Mathematical Requirements listed for the job I recently applied for (Intern Server Admin).

Ability to add and subtract two digit numbers and to multiply and divide with 10's and 100's. Ability to perform these operations using units of American money and weight measurement, volume, and distance. REQUIRED

Can you do all that?

It doesn't say "Ability to correctly add and subtract" so I could probably do it.

Writing Group / Podcasts for Writers
« on: January 29, 2007, 08:17:26 PM »
Some podcast info has already been posted at TWG -

   Post your favorite podcasts... (
   Podcasts you should be listening to (

And Brandon on the Dragon Page ( )

I'm interested in podcasts for Writers.  Here are some that I've listened to.  (I've used iTunes to find and subscribe to these.)

  Dragon Hearth  Tracy and Laura Hickman.  They sometimes discuss the craft of writing.  Approximately every month plus special editions.
  I should be writing  Mur Lafferty- from the perspective of an aspiring fiction writer.  Occasional interviews.
  The Dragon Page good stuff.  Including Brandon.
  The Survival Guide to Fantasy  Tee Morris - says, in one episode, that the podcast is for marketing his fiction.  So the podcast is misnamed.  I heard some interesting stuff about being on panels at a con but not much about writing.  Strong personality, which isn't a bad thing but the noise to signal ratio is a little high for my tastes.
  The Writing Show weekly - lot of interviews as well as podcasting of fiction
  Writers on Writing My favorite so far.  Weekly show hosted by Barbara Demaro-Barrett.  Interviews of writers.  Barbara is an excellent interviewer which is why this one is my favorite.  Few fantasy or sci-fi authors but good general writing stuff.  Among my favorite interviews are those of her frequent guest Dennis Palumbo, a writer turned psychologist.
A few I'm aware of but haven't listened to yet.
  The Naked Novelist
  The Rev up Review

Any good ones I'm missing?

Movies and TV / Re: Stranger than Fiction
« on: January 29, 2007, 06:09:10 PM »
Saw this on Saturday (we go to the movie theater about once every three months and usually the dollar show.  :)

It was a serious movie, not as humorous as the trailer indicated.


I was prepared to feel betrayed if the author didn't go ahead and kill Harold.  But I really liked how it ended.  I thought her reasons for changing the ending were good.  That probably sounds harsh.  I didn't want him to die.  But when I saw the boy get on his bicycle it was obvious that he had to save the boy.  I thought, "what better way to die?  The writer has to follow through with it or it will feel like a phony happy ending.  You can't take opposition or death out of life."  And I agreed with the "evil" professor.  But I really liked how the "writer" resolved why Harold should live.  It felt justified and "real."  Rewriting just because she'd found out that he was a real person for some reason didn't feel right by itself.  But because he knew his destiny and accepted it made him a different character than was in the book.

I'm not sure my comments make any sense.  It was a tangled resolution and a weird, and fun, mixing of reality and fiction so it's hard to navigate through it.  Which is why I wanted to see it in the first place.

Books / Re: Best book you've ever read...
« on: January 29, 2007, 05:45:45 PM »
The "Best" seems to change depending on what's on my mind.  A few weeks ago it might have been

Ben Hur  by Lew Wallace (though I read it when I was 14 it still comes to mind often)

but today it's

Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

Rants and Stuff / Re: For Brandon - Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« on: January 26, 2007, 06:25:27 PM »
And yet this was the Catholic Church's official doctrine for centuries (that is, any human who was not baptized during their life would go irredeemably to hell.  This included infants who died in childbirth).

I wonder if this is why Dante's Inferno makes the upper levels of hell rather nice, well, nice compared to the lower levels.  It was a way to make Hell less hellish for the people that couldn't help being there since they never had the chance to get baptized.

Rants and Stuff / Re: For Brandon - Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« on: January 24, 2007, 08:10:45 PM »
The advice given?  "Love her."  The man argued that since that was precisely the problem, how could he love her?  The psychologist then explained that feelings of love naturally arise when we do acts of love.  Simply put, the verb love leads to the noun love.

I liked Robert_Boyd's comments and thought I'd expand on the idea of being able to choose actions and even thoughts that deviate from ones urges.

Common to most world religions, Mormonism included, is the idea of self-denial.  Joy comes to us from controlling our appetites and passions, not being controlled by them.  Control of thoughts is central to self-control, i.e. buddhist concept of taming the monkey mind.  Some go to the extreme, in my opinion, of total denial of passions and bodily needs.  Such a view is as extreme as those who totally indulge.  But joy and peace do come from mastering the flesh, conquering oneself.  (Much easier in theory than in practice.)  Those that follow their appetites where ever they lead typically are lead to pain and suffering.  Unbridled indulgence always leads to a hangover of some sort though we don't always recognize what caused the hangover.

Too often we practice self-mastery in the negative sense, a denial of pleasure, rather than a more positive view of being free of the chains of addiction and free to follow the things that bring us joy.  For example, it's easier for me to indulge myself in some minor "enjoyment" like watching a movie than it is to "force myself" to write, which usually brings me feelings of contentment or a sense of accomplishment or even  joy.

Do you want pleasure?  or Joy?

Rants and Stuff / Re: For Brandon - Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« on: January 24, 2007, 06:31:09 PM »
Note: I know of at least one LDS author who has done a very respectful book series with a gay man as a main protagonist.  Tracy Hickman (with Margaret)'s Rose of the Prophet books.  Might not work for a person who is actually gay, but I found the depiction to be very well done.


Tracy Hickman also wrote The Immortals.

"It's 2010, and an attempted cure for AIDS has mutated into a deadlier disease, V-CIDS. The U.S., under martial law, has set up "quarantine centers" in the Southwest. Searching for his gay son, Jon, media mogul Michael Barris smuggles himself into one of centers only to discover that it and the other centers are actually extermination camps."

I don't think it addresses the morality of the homosexual lifestyle but it definitely addresses how we mistreat people that we disagree with.  It's quite dark and gritty, for my tastes, but I thought it was a good book.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Drastic and irreversable
« on: January 24, 2007, 06:01:29 PM »
Hrm. Well, Sweedish fish are better than fins any day.

Sweedish?    I thought McFish was scottish.

Rants and Stuff / Re: For Brandon - Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« on: January 23, 2007, 02:06:05 AM »
2)  What about all the people who aren't of your religion?  They go to hell because they happened to live at the wrong time, when there were no missionaries to teach them?


So, no.  I don't believe that good people who never accepted LDS teachings will go to hell.  Will mother Teresa go to Hell?  Of course not.  I well nigh think that things will be better for her in the eternities than they might be for me, unless I shape up. 

:) I think she'll be better off than most of us mormons. 

I thought I'd go back to one of EUOL's earlier points.  I thought that President Boyd K. Packer's recent comments while introducing a respected Muslim and Indonesian government leader, Alwi Shihab, relates to this conversation.

Among other things he says:

We believe that "the great religious leaders of the world such as Mohammed, Confucius, and the Reformers, as well as philosophers including Socrates, Plato, and others, received a portion of God's light. Moral truths were given to them by God to enlighten whole nations and to bring a higher level of understanding to individuals." ("Statement of the First Presidency regarding God's Love for All Mankind," February 15, 1978)

It may sound a bit condescending to say "all those other folks have part of the truth" but we would be following one of them if we didn't think we had at least a bit more.   But even saying that we claim to have "at least a bit more" is, I think, not quite accurate.  It's more a matter of what is most important and relevant to our current situation.   Seems to me that any system suffers the inevitable effects of entropy and thus the LDS emphasis on continuing revelation to wind us up again and give us the frequently needed course corrections.

Also this address is interesting:  President Faust talks about  "What Makes Our Religion Different?",4945,2043-1-1110-1,00.html

And this one:   World Religions (Non-Christian) and Mormonism   -

From the Book of Mormon:  "the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil."  (Moroni 7:16)

We claim no monopoly on its guidance.  Everyone has it.  We claim more direct guidance as well, but basically everyone on earth is entitled to God's guidance.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Advice
« on: January 21, 2007, 12:43:07 AM »
Dear Dr. SE,

Help!   I asked Archon to a question.  He lead me to a room and told me that if I sat in the corner I'd find the answer.  But I've been looking all day and can't find the corner.



Rants and Stuff / Re: My First 911 Call...
« on: January 17, 2007, 10:52:46 PM »
Perhaps it will add to her feeling that other people think her BF is a jerk and someday enough such things will add up to an impulse to do something about her situation.

I've heard it's not how she views her boyfriend, of course she knows he's a jerk, but how she feels about herself.  Does she feel like worthless trash that deserves that treatment?  Or does she feel like she's worth something and therefore won't put up abuse?

If she could just lose him in the move.  "Gee, which box did I put my boyfriend in?  I'm not ready to unpack him yet.  Just leave that box taped up."

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