That's where a good screenwriter comes in. Besides, when you do any sort of filmed production you can't be 100% faithful to the book. There's always something that gets cut or bridged over because it wouldn't transfer well to the screen. That's why the book is almost always better than the movie.
I agree that movies can not be 100% faithful and can in fact be better if done correctly. However, with Way of Kings, I think that the major character arcs for both Kaladin and Shalan are to introspective to adapt well to the big screen. It can certainly be done, but unless the screenwriter is REALLY good it would likely not work out compleatly
As an example, Kaladin goes through quite the emotional roller coaster during the book, with a lot of internal questioning of who he is, what he can and can't change, and if the path he is trying to follow even exists. This can be shown via external narrative but works much better internally
Still, all of my points don't change the fact that if a movie were made I would likely be in the seats on opening night, probably wearing 3-D glasses