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Messages - EvilNuff

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« on: April 13, 2011, 12:33:30 AM »
Of course if the Knights Radiant powered their plate differently then it wouldn't interfere with their abilities... :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« on: March 29, 2011, 03:59:56 AM »
...Spren seem to be a more recent thing. I don't remember them described anywhere in the visions of the past-- the time of the heralds.

Spren do exist, from Dalinars conversation with (presumably) Nohadon:
And yet, the Nahel bond gave him no more wisdom than a regular man. Alas, not all spren are as discerning as honorspren.”
“They need to be better, old friend. We all do. The responsibility of what we’ve been given—whether it be the crown or the Nahel bond—needs to make us better.”

This indicates to me that some spren existed even though the more generic ones we have not seen. 

Brandon Sanderson / Re: is Talenel dead or not?
« on: March 11, 2011, 01:10:23 AM »
He is not dead.  His blade is not a shardblade that appears on death, his is one that disappears on death so its presence indicates that he is still alive.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Parshendi (WoK spoilers)
« on: February 08, 2011, 03:33:52 AM »
...I can't remember anything that clearly and unquestionably indicated that Szeth was employed by the Parshendi. ...

First sentence of the Szeth prologue:
Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar, wore white on the day he was to kill a king. The white clothing was a Parshendi tradition, foreign to him. But he did as his masters required and did not ask for an explanation.

and a few paragraphs down:
...As Szeth passed the drummers, they noted him. They would withdraw soon, along with all of the other Parshendi.

They did not seem offended. They did not seem angry. And yet they were going to break their treaty of only a few hours. It made no sense. But Szeth did not ask questions.

While it is possible that he had masters (plural) who were not Parshendi and who instructed him to wear the Parshendi white, the second passage indicates that the Parshendi knew they would break the treaty.  This means the Parshendi knew that he would assassinate the King.  So if they were not actually his masters they were working with his masters.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: What are the words?
« on: February 01, 2011, 02:12:58 AM »
I honestly didn't think it was such a huge stretch for the difference between Kaladin before the battle and Kaladin during to be more about determination and practice (and dramatic license) than about magical words, but if the oaths really are somehow magical than paint me disappointed.

It is explicitly clear that saying the words had an effect:
He didn’t know what had happened to him, what had gone on with Syl and the words in his head. It seemed that Stormlight worked better for him now. It had been more potent, more powerful. But now it was gone, and he was so tired. Drained. He’d pushed himself, and Bridge Four, too far. Too hard.
Really to me after reading WoK twice through, it seems clear to me that the most important words are the ideals of the Knights Radiant.  In my opinion there can be no other answer.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: knights radient
« on: January 16, 2011, 01:41:13 AM »
My supposition is that the spren that bond with the nahal (sp?) bond was it? are special spren and the other spren came about after the stormfather's death.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Recommend a book
« on: December 26, 2010, 05:09:02 PM »
The 7th Sword series is great, but I think my favorite of his would be either the Alchemist's Apprentice books or the King's Blades series.

The Alchemist books were ok (I've only read the first so far though) but I wasn't enamored of them.  Agreed his king's blade books are great as well.  My favorite of his is a single stand alone called Ill Met in the Arena.  Fantastic book that I adore!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Recommend a book
« on: December 26, 2010, 12:17:07 AM »
Anything by David Gemmell.  In particular the Drenai series which isn't so much a series but a series of books set in the same world.  I suggest starting with Legend.

Other favorites:
Dave Duncan books, the 7th sword series and the A man of his word series.
I like the GRRM books A song of ice and fire series, but he's never going to finish it so I strongly recommend NOT reading them until/if he finishes the series.  Trust me you'll be angry otherwise.
The Trudi Canavan magician books are great as well though lighter fare.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Thunderclasts *WoK Spoilers*
« on: October 18, 2010, 03:43:13 PM »
Speaking of spren and thunderclasts, I noted this in my re-read:
Dalinar looked up at the hulking carcass. Tiny, near-invisible spren were floating out of the beast’s body, vanishing into the air. They looked like the tongues of smoke that might come off a candle after being snuff ed. Nobody knew what kind of spren they were; you only saw them around the freshly killed bodies of greatshells.

No clue what it means but I think it bears mention.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: knights radient
« on: October 17, 2010, 04:02:54 PM »
The spren affinity has some logic.  The problem I have with that theory, however, is the lack of spren in Dalinar's visions.  There are none and there are still Knights Radient...

If the Oathstone works like compulsion...

It doesn't, see reply #33 in this thread from me.  There is ample evidence in the book that they are not compulsion.

...The Oathstone literally forces him to do things.  ...

No, it does not, his honor forces him to obey.  Chapter 71:
I probably needn’t say it, but I order you not to harm me.
Or I could kill him, Szeth thought. I could stop this.
He nearly did it. But honor prevailed, for the moment.

His honor, not his oathstone stopped him from breaking a command.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: knights radient
« on: October 15, 2010, 01:45:48 PM »
Szeth does not have powers through his oathstone, all Shin warriors have oathstones:
“Shin are a curious folk,” he said. “Here, warriors are the lowliest of men—kind of like slaves. Men trade and sell them between houses by way of little stones that signify ownership, and any man who picks up a weapon must join them and be treated the same. The fellow in the fancy robe? He’s a farmer.”

If you pick up a weapon, powers or not, you have an oathstone.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did you find out about Brandon Sanderson?
« on: October 14, 2010, 02:17:21 AM »
Warbreaker...a free book how can I pass that up?  Oh wait this is actually pretty good...hmm this is quite good...hmm he has other books?  Well this way of kings thing sounds pretty interesting...what the heck I liked warbreaker I should donate or something...might as well just buy one of his books this time.  Oh...way of kings is pretty fantastic...  Hmm what else has he written?  <present day> :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« on: October 14, 2010, 02:13:31 AM »
The Surgebinders didn't use plate,  although they probably used blade. They didn't because, as it says on page 29 in the hardcover (end of the page): "His Lashings interfered with the gemstones that powered Shardplate, and he had to choose one or the other."

We only know that Szeth does not use the shardplate of modern time.  However, we also know through multiple references that shadplate from Dalinars visions was different/more and that when left by the Radiants it lost its glow.  We also know that surgebinders used shardplate and lashed themselves while in it directly from the visions.  See numerous references to Radiants falling from the sky or floating up.

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