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Messages - Harakeke

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOK: Horses
« on: October 05, 2010, 08:24:49 PM »
Assuming you're good enough with soulcasting organic compounds... could you just make the horse?

Haha -- that does make a lot more sense.  :)

Navani's map of the Battle of the Tower sort of foreshadows the chapter immediately following.
"Hey... what's that third arrow there?  The one labeled Parshendi Army that's cutting right through Dalinar's Army..."

Brandon Sanderson / WOK: Horses
« on: October 05, 2010, 06:34:05 AM »
Okay, this is something that's been bugging me...

Are the "horses" that everyone rides around on in Roshar *actual* horses, or are they weird alien hermit-crab beasts that vaguely resemble horses (in the way axehounds resemble dogs)? 

We eventually get a good description (and sketches) of the "hounds", but the only horses I recall being described in any detail in WOK are the special breed from Shinovar.  Are they special because they're just really awesome warhorses (like Arabians here on Earth), or because they're freaky furred mammals instead of normal crustaceans like most people have?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Thrill (Spoilers)
« on: September 29, 2010, 04:20:16 PM »
Could also explain why other cultures (Shin, Horneaters) do not value warriors as much as other, less-tainted Callings.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic system based on sound waves?? (minor spoilers)
« on: September 26, 2010, 04:11:31 AM »
But what is magic, other than a form of science we don't understand. If you tried to teach physics to a man in the middle ages, he would call you a witch.
I like the definition of magic in the Alcatraz books -- magic is strange things only certain people can do while technology is strange things anyone can do.  On Roshar, Shardblades, fabrials, etc. would be considered technology, while bonding with spren or having visions of the Almighty would be considered magic.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOK: Navani's Notebook Translation *MAJOR SPOILERS*
« on: September 24, 2010, 01:46:54 AM »
If this is Alethi script there is a question of why Shallan's notebooks had normal english writing unless it's meant to be two different styles of writing that they use.
Probably the same reason all the Nazis  in WWII movies speak English as well -- so that the audience can understand.  ;)
Shallan's pages are directly relevant to the plot, so they need to be readily understandable. There are also a couple pages by Navani in plain English.  The Shattered Plains battle map comes to mind.  Again, these are directly related to the story.
The Alethi script pages seem like much more of an Easter egg for the hardcore fans, just like the snippet of Dula language in that Interlude chapter.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The value of spheres in WoK (no spoilers)
« on: September 23, 2010, 07:53:32 PM »
I expect a resurgent interest in marbles, should Kings cosplay ever properly take off.   ;D

I checked already, couldn't find glow-in-the-dark marbles.  ;)

Few ways to trick around this... for instance, a pouch of marbles with a small, battery-powered LED lamp at the bottom, the glass should reflect and refract the light around in fun ways in there. Only works while they're in the pouch, of course...
Or even better -- lasers!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOK: Navani's Notebook Translation *MAJOR SPOILERS*
« on: September 23, 2010, 07:47:42 PM »
Not to mention that the English language, especially American English, is (as the singer put it) ka-RAAAYY-zeeee... it's loaded with synonymic idiosyncrasies and pronunciation/definition tricks that you generally only pick up in context.
Exactly.  Even native English speakers have trouble keeping all the rules straight.  I mean, you hear ordinary words like ghoti and ghoughpteighbteau spoken all the time, but they always get written down as something convoluted like fish and potato instead. (This is part of a nefarious Librarian scheme, I'm fairly certain.)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOK: Navani's Notebook Translation *MAJOR SPOILERS*
« on: September 23, 2010, 06:42:04 PM »
We take the idiosyncrasies of our own languages for granted because we learn them at such an early age, but many real world languages could be considered just as "impractical" as Alethi.

For example, Japanese words can be written in as many as 4 different ways depending on the setting, writing implement, and intended reader.
Even with English, you can have printing, cursive, shorthand, etc.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOK: Navani's Notebook Translation *MAJOR SPOILERS*
« on: September 21, 2010, 08:24:57 PM »
Oh, of course!  This makes much more sense.

I had overlooked two classes of grapheme: symbol-hash and symbol-double-hash.  Incorporating them into the key makes it much more systematic and eliminates all the clunky letter replacement rules.  (Though in my defense, the symbol-hash combinations do closely resemble a consonant-vowel sequence.)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOK: Navani's Notebook Translation *MAJOR SPOILERS*
« on: September 21, 2010, 06:40:18 AM »
Rats!   :) Well, that's what I get for rushing ahead and translating without stopping to grasp the underlying mechanics of the key.  (I kind of suspected I was fudging some of the more difficult letters, and that there should be a more consistent and elegant rule to supersede my hodgepodge of exceptions.)
I'll have to do another pass and work out all the mechanics of the alphabet.   ;D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Shalan - near end of book **SPOILERS**
« on: September 21, 2010, 06:10:27 AM »
Now that we know from the Navani translation page that spren are trapped in Soulcasters, what if the reason that Shallan attracted the transforming spren was because she freed it/them from the Soulcaster by accidentally breaking it?

The line-head spren have made a couple other appearances as well.
One of the death visions references a figure with a "head of lines", and I think there was also a passing mention of Elhokar  seeing squiggle-heads in the mirror -- possibly the cause of his assassination paranoia.  It's quite possible Gavilar saw them too -- right around when he started acting strangely.

I suspect that they're a "natural phenomena" related to Shadesmar and the transactions involved with Soulcasting.

As far as the Shardblade -- There are a few examples of Shardbearers commanding their Blades to remain intact when they set them down.  This is generally not such a great thing do do because it's so risky -- anyone could just pick it up and stab you with it (like, for instance... a daughter who you have just driven to the brink of murderous rage?).

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOK: Navani's Notebook Translation *MAJOR SPOILERS*
« on: September 21, 2010, 05:42:16 AM »
My next question is, what do you do for a living? You sound like some of the linguistics researchers I work with at the BYU English Language Center. (I'm just a webmonkey, so most of their work goes over my head. My consolation is that my work goes over their heads, too. ;))

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Rights For Spren!!!! (minor spoilers)
« on: September 21, 2010, 05:31:33 AM »
I will be monitoring this thread for the appearance of spren-rights spren. 

The existence of such "meta-spren", could revolutionize the science of fabrial creation.  (Muahahaha.)

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