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Messages - Stormblessed

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Elhokar *Spoilers*
« on: September 20, 2010, 07:41:49 AM »
On the topic of Elhokar, might Shalan try currying his favor by showing him how he can visit the Shadesmar?  Might she try to get him to marry her so she can save her house and family?  Might Adolin then be pissed because he finally started REALLY liking a girl, and then she goes flirty with the King?

Uh, probably not.

I think Shallan's family problems is the least of her problems, and I'm sure Jasnah will help fix them up anyway.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Favourite Minor Character
« on: September 20, 2010, 07:40:22 AM »
The ardents Geranid and Ashir, for making a systematic study of spren while the rest of the world overlooks them as a mere curiosity.

I agree. Especially when they use of maths and statistics to create theories. I love it!  ;D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: *Spoilers* General Shard List
« on: September 20, 2010, 07:37:48 AM »
"I've many." The man took Kaladin's hand. "I began life as a thought, a concept, words on a page. That was another thing I stole. Myself. Another time, I was named for a rock."
"A pretty one, I hope."
"A beautiful one," the man said. "And one that became completely worthless for my wearing it"

I posted this quote up on 17th shard, The second part makes me think he held one at one point and time, and then lost it.

This makes plenty of sense. I can't believe I didn't pick up on the "named for a rock" thing. That sounds like he was named for a shard, just like how Ati became known as simply ruin. Although how he lost it or how it became worthless isn't so clear. We haven't seen if a shard holder is even capable of giving up their power yet. But it would explain why Hoid is so well versed in the cosmere.

It does sound like Hoid is special in some way. That the shard reacted differently to him than the others. Which might be why he is so different from all the other shardholders, and might be why he may have lost the shard (but there is nothing there implying that he did from what I can see).

(General spoilers for all sorts of things below.)

My thought was that as a person's soul is leaving their body for the afterlife, another mind starts leaking in -- specifically, the consciousness of Talenel, the Herald who is still bound by the Oathpact.  This is a precursor to his physical return, and explains why the visions have only started happening recently.

The lives of the Heralds (after joining the Oathpact) seem to have two parts: 1) terrible, furious fighting during the Desolations in which they accept their violent death is more or less inevitable and 2) something far worse that fills the intervening time in "the place of nightmares" (i.e. Shadesmar).  Presumably, at the moment of death each Herald's consciousness transfers to Shadesmar to live out some horrible torture until their return.  Possibly, this entails reliving the horrors of each Desolation they've lived through, with nothing to look forward to until the next Desolation.

Why Talenel, and not just random prophesey?  The visions seems to have personal knowledge of the Heralds, the Oathpact, and the Almighty.
“Ten people, with Shardblades alight, standing before a wall of black and white and red.”
“Ten orders. We were loved, once. Why have you forsaken us, Almighty! Shard of my soul, where have you gone?”

One specifically references the abandonment of the Oathpact:
“The burdens of nine become mine. Why must I carry the madness of them all? Oh, Almighty, release me.”

This one was particularly intreaguing:
“Three of sixteen ruled, but now the Broken One reigns.”
Sixteen is not as significant number on Roshar as it is elsewhere the cosmere, yet it pops up here.  Possibly a reference to the 16 Shardholders, implying that Roshar was once managed by three Shardholders (Cultivation, The Almighty, and Odium), but now only one (Odium) is still in power.

Many of the other quotes are consistent with Jasnah's theory on the Voidbringers and seem to describe fighting between the Heralds and the Voidbringers, including the battle at the Shattered Plains
“That chanting, that singing, those rasping voices.”

Number 5 is interesting because the dying host is still lucid, and is quite clearly one of Tavarangian's "patients" who has realized that something is not right. 
“I’m dying, aren’t I? Healer, why do you take my blood? Who is that beside you, with his head of lines? I can see a distant sun, dark and cold, shining in a black sky.”

Note that the patient offers up a profoundly true statement "I'm dying, aren't I?".  He then sees Shallan's symbol-heads and has a glimpse of Shadesmar's sky. 
This parallels Shallan's own experience:
"'What am I?' she whispered. 'I'm terrified.'
This is true.
She found herself in a place with a black sky and a strange, small white sun that hung on the horizon, too far away."

Also interesting is the fact that Taravangian's scholars consider this sample to be "of particular note."  It seems Jasnah is not the only unconventional Soulcaster familiar with Shadesmar.

I like this theory. Maybe part of the process of the Heralds returning involves stealing people's bodies. Maybe they come back each time in a different body. So everytime someone dies, the soul flees and a heralds soul takes it over. But usually the body is too damaged to be of use, so the Herald only has time to give some sort of warning (which most people don't understand as its been too long since the last desolation) before they flee again. Then finally the Herald finds a body which is suitable and come back properly. (i know that this theory has a lot of holes in it, but its just a thought).

Maybe that quote 5 was the first time Taravangian realised that soulcasting could be done without a soulcaster. He then asked Jasnah over to test the theory, and it was confirmed. (an even wilder theory)

Cheese Ninja, I believe that the year on Roshar is longer than 365 days. The first epigraph in the book is dated "the first day of the week Palah of the month Shash." These dates are later abbreviated, such as "second day of Kakash," which would be the week of Kak in the month of Shash. The names of the dates follow the numbers on the Ars Arcanum in the back of the book. That means there would be ten weeks for each of the ten months. The highest dated day is the 5th day of a week, which means that there are at least 500 days in a year.

If anyone is really good at maths and seeing patterns and that sort of stuff (and if you have time) maybe you can attempt to work out how long each month is, how many months there are etc. Maybe someone can ask Brandon at a signing or email?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Shalan - near end of book **SPOILERS**
« on: September 20, 2010, 07:24:42 AM »
The only scenario I can imagine where Shalan's father gives the shardblade to her is: "Take this blade, kill your brother and give it back to me." That would also give Shalan a motive and explain the broken soulcaster.

It would not explain the man in a pool of blood. While the second-shardblade-strike theory has a ring to it, it still would not work since dead people don't bleed.

My favorite theory: Father beats son senseless, Shalan stabs father with conventional weapon (or steak knife), stormblade materialises, she picks it up and drops it again. Could a dropping shardblade cause the damage to the soulcaster before vaporizing?

I like that theory too, but I just can't see how the soulcaster could have been damaged by the shardblade. But at least this theory feels in place with the character of Shallan. There is no way that I can feasibly see Shallan owning a shardblade prior to killing her father.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: King Tavarangian (WOK Spoilers!!!)
« on: September 20, 2010, 07:17:08 AM »
Now here's my question, is Tavarangian allied with the ghostbloods?  Or a separate organization all on his own?

I was under the impression that Tavarangian was the leader of the Ghostbloods, but I may have misunderstood the section.

If he is part of the ghostbloods, then him and Kabsal would have to be from different factions with different goals.  There wouldn't be any reason for an assassin with poisoned bread when your cooking staff makes all of Jasnah's meals.  Kabsal hides himself when he and Shallan are in the garden and they see Taravangian and Brother Ixil.  The question is, did Kabsal fear being recognized, or just the questions that would come from him not being recognized?

If there's one thing we know about Taravangian is that he is sly, and trying very hard to hide who he really is. We have already established the fact that Taravangian didn't need a soulcaster, and he most likely brought Jasnah there to see if she could soulcast without a soulcaster. Establishing that she can, he wanted to get rid of her, so he sent Kabsal, someone who seemed completely untied to him in any way, to kill her. Even doing it in his own home will divert suspicion from him because no one would believe him to be that arrogant to think he could kill someone in his own home and get away with it. Who else is better. I think Kasbal hid from Taravangian and Brother Ixil, one to seem unrelated to Taravangian and two because he is not a true brother of the order Brother Ixil might wonder who he was.

When Gavilar died:
The king coughed. “You can tell…Thaidakar…that he’s too late….”
“I don’t know who that is,” Szeth said, standing, his words slurring from his broken jaw. He held his hand to the side, resummoning his Shardblade.
The king frowned. “Then who…? Restares? Sadeas? I never thought…”

Amaram after Kaladin kills the shardbearer:
“…why Thaidakar would risk this?” Amaram was saying, speaking in a soft voice. “But who else would it be? The Ghostbloods grow more bold. We’ll need to find out who he was. Do we know anything about him?”
“He was Veden, Brightlord,” the stormwarden said. “Nobody I recognize. But I will investigate.”
...skipping stuff...
Amaram shook his head. “You’d have changed your mind. In a day or two, you’d have wanted the wealth and prestige—others would convince you of it. You’d have demanded that I return them to you. It took hours to decide, but Restares is right—this is what must be done. For the good of Alethkar.”

On the other hand, how many organizations have access to Soulcasters?

Btw who is Thaidakar? At first I thought he was some random name who would become apparent in a latter book, but it seems I have missed his name a couple of times (i'm not very good with names and i haven't got around to my second reading yet). Do we know who he is, or are we only making wild guesses?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Spren and Hoid (spoilers)
« on: September 19, 2010, 12:47:48 PM »
And as far as we've seen thus far, DeathSpren come around when something is dying, they don't bond to people to give people that mastery.

So to be clear, when people mention Deathspren, are they talking about the people with wavy lines where their heads should be?

Now, there is a fabrial that allows you to soulcast without being bonded to a spren, so could there also be a fabrial that allows you to surgebind (or windrun, if you prefer) without being bonded to an honorspren? Perhaps this is related to the glowing glyphs on the Radiants armour, and their brightly glowing shardblades? 

I wonder why no Honorspren has bonded with Dalinar? Surely he is honorable enough to draw their notice. Perhaps because he weilded a shardblade, but Syl seemed to dislike it for reasons I don't understand, after all the Knights Radiant all wielded shardblades.

An honorspren wouldn't bond with Dalinar because he is not a Surgebinder.  He just uses the Shardplate and Blade; he doesn't have their magic.
I have made this theory in another post, but my theory is basically that a spren did bind temporarily with Dalinar when he was fighting the chasmfiend. When he stops the claw with his bare hands, his suit glows (and not from a cracked shardplate), and eight (?) gemstones on Elhokar's shardplate are mysteriously drained. In protecting his nephew, Dalinar has shown the primary divine attribute of 1-Jes (first of the ten elements which also corresponds with an order of the knights radiant). Maybe Dalinar temporarily bonded with some sort of protectionspren or leaderspren as suppose to an honorspren, which Kaladin bonded to, which would lead to different magical powers.

Just had an interesting thought; Honorspren bond with people to make them surgebinders, (or windrunners if you prefer). Another type of spren (Soulspren? Truthspren perhaps?) bonds with a person allowing them to soulcast.

Edit: Accidently posted my thoughts in the middle of a quote...oops.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« on: September 19, 2010, 12:41:35 PM »
I want Kaladin's father to turn up at the Shattered Planes as a surgeon, and for Kaladin to reunite with him, maybe learning more about being a surgeon under him for old times sake.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: King Tavarangian (WOK Spoilers!!!)
« on: September 19, 2010, 12:39:40 PM »
Now here's my question, is Tavarangian allied with the ghostbloods?  Or a separate organization all on his own?

I was under the impression that Tavarangian was the leader of the Ghostbloods, but I may have misunderstood the section.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Dalinar's gift and curse (lolSpoilers)
« on: September 19, 2010, 12:35:42 PM »
The problem with trying to work out the gift and curse is that we are making the assumptions of what Dalinar would choose from the character we are shown in WoK. However I think that he went to Nightwatcher before the assassination of the King, and we know from numerous references that Dalinar was a completely different person before the assassination, before he started honouring the codes and before he started hearing passages from the way of kings. This makes it almost impossible to try and work out what sort of gift the old Dalinar would ask for.

However, from my reading of the book, I have a fairly strong suspicion that losing the memories of his wife wasn't the curse (or at least was not at the time, he may look back on it now and regret his decision). This leads me to the theory of whether the gift and curse can be the same thing. A loss of painful memories may be a gift at the time, but it could very soon become a curse.

I think that when they die, they have a certain out-of-body experience which allows them to see something that most of the others cannot see. That's how I read most of the quotes, though some of the quotes are on the past, so I'm not sure how that fits in. But most of them comment on the coming hoard, so maybe the see what is really happening with the Parshendi or maybe they can gleam some of Odium's plan?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Elhokar *Spoilers*
« on: September 19, 2010, 08:11:47 AM »
I was thinking about those gemstones too, but if Elhokar was draining them with Radiant-type abilities, I would think we would have seen some effect on him or his surroundings, but nothing jumped out at me.

Maybe it wasn't Elhokar that drained them, but Dalinar. That might be where he got his extra strength.

That's really interesting.  Though, here's my question: Could honorspren be bonding with him without his knowledge?  For some reason, I thought they all would have a Syl/Kaladin relationship, but maybe that's the one that's not normal.  What do you think?

The bonding with Dalinar was probably brief, and not well connected. Many of the people on Roshar just ignore the spren, so maybe one has been hanging around Dalinar and he hasn't noticed as they all look the same and he is use to ignoring them.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Theory: The Tranquiline Halls
« on: September 18, 2010, 12:26:52 AM »
Also, who says Shards can't create on their own?  It's only Ruin and Preservation that have that problem, as far as I can tell.  Endowment probably created humanity in Warbreaker all on his(her?) lonesome.

I just think that the power to create humanity resting in one shard is just too much power for a shard to have. From a writer's perspective, you just dont want to create a being that powerful.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Elhokar *Spoilers*
« on: September 18, 2010, 12:24:16 AM »
I was thinking about those gemstones too, but if Elhokar was draining them with Radiant-type abilities, I would think we would have seen some effect on him or his surroundings, but nothing jumped out at me.

Maybe it wasn't Elhokar that drained them, but Dalinar. That might be where he got his extra strength.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Shalan - near end of book **SPOILERS**
« on: September 18, 2010, 12:20:20 AM »
I can think of lots and lots of questions, and some excellent ones have already been raised. For example, how did Shallan's father get (at least) two super rare and expensive items (the shardblade and the soulcaster). Did they belong to the family historically? Did he set up some grand bargain with the Ghostbloods? Was he deeply part of the Ghostbloods and doing this as part of their schemes, or was is more for his own personal gain? Why were the Ghostbloods asking after the soulcaster but not the shardblade? Was there a "hidden" reason why Shallan's father seemed particularly over-protective of her, or was it a combination of culture and his personality? Why did Shallan of all people end up with the sword - if it just appeared by her father's dead body, why did she claim it and not one of her brothers (culturally, she's shouldn't be going near such things and she's doesn't come across as a tomboy)? Could it be that he actually gave the sword to her specifically? Shallan seems quite trusting of her brothers, but do they know she has that sword? How accurate is Shallan's perspective of events? What were the events leading up to her father's death - some kind of internal dispute (no hints that outsiders we involved on the day in question at least)? Was it something sudden and completely surprising or was it a "last straw" kind of event? It seems like it occurred at a family dinner almost, so why would Shallan (seemingly) play the biggest role and not one of her other brothers? Why did the soulcaster get damaged - was it "collateral damage" or did it play some part of the events?

I have theories concerning some of these questions you've raised. The soulcaster obviously came frp, the ghostbloods, but I doubt that the shardblade came from them (i doubt they even knew about it) as they would've asked for it back when they asked for the soulcaster. And I doubt that her father was high up in the Ghostbloods as they not have asked for the soulcaster back until they knew the father was dead, which they don't.

I think Shallan got the shardblade for killing her father, like most of these transactions occur. Her father doesnt sound like someone who would willingly bestow something so powerful on his daughter when he didnt think he was going to die (and she did kill him, so he probably wouldnt bestow it on her just before he died).

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