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Messages - Tasslehoof

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Nature of Shardblades? (Spoilers)
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:55:39 PM »
Yeah, I kind of think they are different too.  I'm just trying to decide where the "Dawnblades" could have gone, if Shardblades are not physically the same thing.  Throughout Roshar's history, it seems that power is almost defined by how many Blades (of whatever type) that you control, so it seems kind of weird for so many to just go missing.  The only other reason for their disappearance that I can think of (other than that the original "Dawnblades" were corrupted and are now the "Shardblades") is that someone amassed so many, that they could hide them or dispose of them in some way to keep their power.

**Mistborn Spoiler**

Its almost like the Atium in the Mistborn series.  It wasn't that there was physically a huge shortage of Atium, it was more that the Lord Ruler had so much of it, that he could act as though there was only a small amount, to control the market.  Something similar could have happened on Roshar, but then the "stockpile" of weapons, or where they were hidden, was lost with time. 

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Nature of Shardblades? (Spoilers)
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:25:51 PM »
Thats an interesting point also, that there may be two different types of shardblades, in addition to the difference between Honorblades and Shardblades.  This would definitely explain Syl's repulsion, and would also show more of Odium touching the world.  I want to believe that Dalinar is not using a "Voidblade" as you called it, just because I feel he should be untouched by Odium, even if he is doing it without knowing.

Do you think that the "Dawnblades" were just corrupted by Odium at some point, and thus created the "Voidblades"?  I don't have my book on me, but during one of Dalinar's visions.. he sees hundreds of the Knights Radiant giving up their Shardplate and Shardblades (or Dawnblades perhaps).  I remember that the people who pick the blades and armor up then start fighting over them, but I don't remember if there is a description to how the people died.  We might be able to determine if that event changed the blades (Odium's touch?), or if the blades are separate from each other in some way.  I hope this makes sense, I'm thinking through this as I go.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Nature of Shardblades? (Spoilers)
« on: January 24, 2011, 07:11:30 PM »
Your theory is really interesting, and the name of the Herald's blades (Honorblades) almost seems to reinforce it.  Honorspren and Honorblades might be related in someway, maybe when the Heralds ditched their blades, they returned to their spren state.  If so, they would definitely be "special", and Syl definitely strikes me as a special spren.  Its quite possible that if you choose to release your shardblade, instead of having it taken from you, then the spren is released back into the world.  Can't wait to see what others might think about this, I miss a lot of the interviews Brandon has, so its quite possible some of these questions have already been asked.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Did the Lord Ruler ... ? (Spoilers)
« on: January 20, 2011, 03:21:53 AM »
Yeah, so I'd assume Ati had some affect on him.. I mean if Vin's ear ring can let him make some changes.. I'm sure that Ati could affect The Lord Ruler over a thousand years.  It would seem a little strange to me if Ati didn't try to alter the course of The Lord Ruler.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Did the Lord Ruler ... ? (Spoilers)
« on: January 20, 2011, 03:07:49 AM »
I might be remembering this incorrectly.. but didn't the Lord Ruler have his Feruchemy bands pierced into his arms in some way?  I feel like I remember reading that, and Vin literally ripping them out of his skin.. Its also quite possible that the years its been since I read Mistborn have tainted my memory haha.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Soulcasting and AonDor too powerful!
« on: January 19, 2011, 10:40:09 PM »
Thanks, its been awhile since I read Elantris.  My point is still just as valid.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Soulcasting and AonDor too powerful!
« on: January 18, 2011, 08:07:49 PM »
I still can't believe that anyone would think AonDor was too powerful... Thats like saying a bow and arrow are too powerful, because you've never seen them before, and don't understand their limitations.  The first time someone got shot at by an arrow, they were probably screaming for fear of their lives... Flying sharp objects?  No thanks!  Not until they saw how the bow worked, how long it took to shoot/reload/aim, the limited number of space to carry arrows (and therefore limited number of arrows), did the person getting shot at realize that it wasn't that big of a deal. 

AonDor is quite similar.  People fear what they do not understand, if I saw fireballs flying at me, I'd scream and run like a maniac.  If I was then given the chance to see how it was created, the time it took to draw the Aon, the time it took to learn how to draw the Aon perfectly (including the multitudes of modifiers), I wouldn't be as shocked. 

Like others have said, AonDor is limited, but it in ways that MANY other magic systems are not limited.  The way the land is shaped is a huge limiting factor, it took them a decade to figure out why their magic suddenly stopped working, and this is from the best AonDor users ever.

Another analogy I feel fitting:  Many video games (games like Starcraft, or Heroes of Newerth) have a HUGE time stamp on them.  They take months, if not years, to master every aspect, and every possible thing you might face.  In fact, many things in real life are like this.  AonDor may have limitless potential, but people do not have limitless memory, or limitless abilities.  Saying "Anything is possible with AonDor" is correct, but what are the chances that anyone, or any 100 people could account for every possible thing you can make with Aons.  Sure its limitless, if you ignore the distance from Elantris, and the shape of the land arguments.

tl;dr - AonDor has limitless potential, but who can use every single thing that AonDor is capable of?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Soulcasting too powerful!
« on: January 17, 2011, 02:11:03 AM »
I agree with ArgentSun, I think Soulcasting is very limited by the amount of gems you have with you (basically wealth), as well as other limitations that I'm sure we will begin to learn more about as the story unfolds throughout the rest of the series.  I'm excited to see the magic systems develop further, but so far I don't think anyone can make a judgement on how "overpowered" or "underpowered" a certain magic system is.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Roshar and the Ocean. (very minor spoilers)
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:15:27 AM »
I don't think its really underwater either.. I was just wondering if there might be a reason other than "lets just try this out".  Its really fascinating nonetheless, and I hope we learn a lot more about the environment in addition to all of the other interesting things in the world.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Roshar and the Ocean. (very minor spoilers)
« on: January 08, 2011, 06:37:36 AM »
Wow, I can't believe I didn't notice that... I know its a stretch, but it IS a fantasy novel, stretches are well within reach :)

Brandon Sanderson / Roshar and the Ocean. (very minor spoilers)
« on: January 08, 2011, 01:53:52 AM »
Every being that we've encountered so far, other than humans, seems to be just a play on an ocean creature.  Knowing Brandon's amazing writing skills, there must be some reason that everything seems like it could underwater.  For some reason, when I think about it, I just think about Spongebob and how it doesn't really appear to be underwater (most people in the show are stuck to the ground).  Chulls are like giant crabs, theres flying eels, and even spren could be like a microorganism (or in the case of Syl an intelligent shrimp!).

I'm not hatin' on WoK, I loved pretty much everything about the book, but I'm curious if Brandon has said anything somewhere that I haven't seen.  It seems like something that he did on purpose, but I have no idea.

Also, I talked to my mom about this, who hasn't read the book but enjoys other fantasy series (like WoT), and she said that maybe it really is underwater, with some weird sense of gravity.  While I don't follow her line of thought, I was wondering what other people might have though about this.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOK Cover Art Questions
« on: January 05, 2011, 02:58:11 PM »
The cover looks 1000% more amazing displayed like that... The Highstorm is just as overwhelming looking as I had always imagined.  Sooo awesome, thanks for the pictures! :)

Most of it seems relevant, but the 3 peninsula part seems like it might be dated.  I'm guessing he originally had a certain map layout planned, and then totally scrapped it for the current Roshar layout.  Its very interesting nonetheless, I'm excited to see how much of it will end up being true at the end, assuming I can remember this information even exists in the 10+ years it will take him to finish the series.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: TWOK Casting
« on: December 29, 2010, 08:16:30 PM »
here we are

Kaladin - Joseph Gordon Levitt
Dalinar - Liam Neeson
Adolin - Aaron Eckhart
Sadeas - Cillian Murphy
Elhokar - Sean Bean
Navani - Eva Green
Jasnah - Jennifer Connelly
Shallan - Alicia Witt or Natalie Portman
Szeth - Jason Statham
Hoid - Ben Kingsley

This list is full of win, although I'm not a fan of Ben Kinsley.  Not really sure why, he looks the part, but I'd prefer someone more like Sir Ian McKellen.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Time-Waster's Withdrawal
« on: December 27, 2010, 06:04:28 AM »
Sorry, I probably should have posted it there, but I use Brandon's most often, and when I first noticed it was back up I was too excited to think about where to post it haha.  If someone really wants to move it, they can, it doesn't really matter :p

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