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Messages - Tasslehoof

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Ok, the biggest plot-hole in my mind... he had been hunted by these corporations around the world, but now that Saito waves a magic wand to let him into the US, they're suddenly going to stop?  He had been hunted by these corporations around the world that knew enough about him to know that he couldn't come home and why, but they never thought to find out where he had lived and threaten his children for leverage?  I just... I don't see them being that kind.  That's partly why I think the whole movie was a dream.

The biggest reason that I don't think the entire movie was a dream, was because multiple times earlier in the movie, the top "stopped" spinning.  To me, it just didn't make sense that they would even bother with a totem if it only worked some of the time.  Or only in certain dreams, which just seems stupid.

The only way that the end could have been a dream was that they were somehow in ANOTHER layer, but the layer was just the plane where they thought they were supposed to wake up.  But that just seems to far fetched to me, so I'm just going with it wasn't a dream the whole time :)

I concur that the top dropped.  And I like stretching things, and I haven't seen a really good Mistborn discussion recently, so I attempted to spark something different :D

Also, this is the first "heist" type movie I've seen since I read Mistborn (I read them the first time a month or so ago).  So it really just kind of hit me, especially since my friend was talking about it a lot.  I can see how it works with a lot of movies, everything just seemed to really stick out for me in Inception.

I also noticed that the gravity didn't affect anything else, but the car in the first level falling off of the bridge initially affected the 3rd level.  I don't know, I guess they just didn't want to deal with no gravity in an open area like that.  Although for people who pay attention to details, it was annoying :P

I saw no similarities. I think this is a stretch and you're just seeing archetypes.


Obviously neither mirrors the other, but with Mistborn on my mind, I couldn't help seeing interesting similarities.

Okay.. So I finally saw the new movie Inception that everyone has been talking about.  Just before we got to the theater, my friend was talking about the first Mistborn book (which I suggested he read), and how awesome it is blah, blah.  The usual stuff you hear from someone talking about Mistborn.

So going into Inception, all I could think about was Mistborn.  This lead to some extremely interesting ideas.  Every character that appeared seemed to fit the characters from Mistborn:

Vin - Similar to Ariadne.  Ariadne is extremely advanced at the architecture of dreams, much like Vin is extremely advanced with Allomancy.  Even at early stages, Cobb is shocked at how fast Ariadne picks up the techniques.  This is quite similar to the Vin and Kelsier connection.

Kelsier - Similar to Cobb.  Cobb is the "Master" of the dream world.  He even goes as far to say something like "I am the best there is."  Kelsier is often seen, at least from Vin's stand point, as the best Mistborn fighter.  Remember the scene where Kelsier fought the Steel Inquisitor, shortly before he died?  He shows his extreme expertise on multiple occasions.    Also like Kelsier, Cobb lost his wife, and he almost seems crazy at some points, although this may be because I recently saw Shutter Island :P.  Either way, Cobb and Kelsier share many similarities.  They both start a "thieving" crew (one is for thoughts).  They both lost the ones they loved, etc.

Elend - Similar to Fischer.  The biggest difference between these two is that they aren't romantically involved with the same character (Vin/Ariadne).  He reminds me of Elend because he is thrown into the middle of powerful forces, and really doesn't realize what is going on, or at what magnitude.  He also has a serious father issue. 

Sazed - Similar to Cobb's father.  He seemed to be the all knowing, helpful character, that often warned Cobb of the dangers that he was embarking on, but went with it anyway.

Yeden - Similar to Saito.  Saito is the funder of the endeavor, similar to Yeden.   

Even the plot itself is similar in a few ways.  The Kelsier figure creates a nearly impossible plan, and recruits the best crewmen around the world to work for him.  Cobb is an international criminal, similar to TLR's dislike of Kelsier.

Idk, just thought some of the similarities were crazy.  Obviously, there isn't allomancy, etc.  But it has its own form of "magic" in it.

What do y'all think?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic of the Stormlight Archives
« on: July 16, 2010, 03:52:15 AM »
Actually, now that you say that... I somewhat recall reading that at one point or another.  Has Brandon said whether Shards "cross" worlds?  I'm guessing no, since there hasn't been any crossing of magic systems in the books, but would it be possible that a Shard created 2 different magic systems?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic of the Stormlight Archives
« on: July 15, 2010, 11:43:56 PM »
Since we're talking about magic systems... could Feruchemy have its own shard, just like Allomancy is paired with Preservation, and Hermalurgy is paired with Ruin.  It can't be THAT unrealistic (in Brandon's world) to create a shard (a "god" one might say) who is intent on BALANCING the world.

The closest thing I can think of to this, is the gods of Balance in the Dragonlance universe.  There are clear gods of light, and gods of darkness, but there are also gods who work to maintain the balance between the others.

What do you guys think?

I still haven't gotten around to reading New Spring, but I very much enjoyed all of the WoT books.  Eventually, when I'm caught up on all the other books I'm reading, I'll really "finish" the WoT books that are out now :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: "Death" of Ruin and Preservation
« on: July 05, 2010, 07:52:09 PM »
Actually, I just thought of something... I'm not sure if anyone else has read the core Dragonlance novels, but Hoid reminds me of Fizbain in those.  Fizbain is, as others may know, Paladine, a God, in disguise.  What if Hoid is smiliar, a shard in "disguise" or something like that... I know it sounds a little out there, but every time I think of Hoid, I immediately think of Fizbain.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: "Death" of Ruin and Preservation
« on: July 05, 2010, 07:49:38 PM »
I sure hope we don't have to wait that long... but we probably will :(

Brandon Sanderson / Re: "Death" of Ruin and Preservation
« on: June 04, 2010, 06:45:37 PM »
Perhaps Ati and Leras were only the names of these people AFTER they were bound to the shards... maybe they have other names when they are mortal human beings.

Yeah, thats kind of what I was wondering when I posed the original question... the human bodies that remain when Ati and Leras "die" are described too specifically.  Why even have bodies for them at all if the bodies weren't important in some way.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: "Death" of Ruin and Preservation
« on: June 04, 2010, 05:52:46 AM »
Sorry guys, I may have had a brain fart. My comment may be meaningless.


Brandon Sanderson / Re: "Death" of Ruin and Preservation
« on: June 04, 2010, 04:41:35 AM »
Well, thanks to google books, it appears that there isn't another instance where someone with red hair is mentioned...  Even though I swear I read it before the very end.

Still, this almost makes it seem more important.  Someone like this would definitely stand out, as there is no mention of a single other person possessing red hair in any of the three books.  The closest I found was Beldre, who possesses auburn hair, but obviously it wasn't her, because she appears with Spook after Sazed fixes the world.

I guess I really will just have to wait for Way of Kings :(

EDIT: Dumb typos.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: "Death" of Ruin and Preservation
« on: June 04, 2010, 04:18:09 AM »
Nah, that's Ruin.  The red head is preservation.  Also, the scene you're refering to where a red haired person appears before then is in HoA.  I don't remember the exact situation of the scene, but it's in there.

I thought it was in HoA also.. I'll have to go take a look because its going to bug me endlessly until I do.  And I was under the impression that Vin represented Preservation at the end, and that the red headed guy represented Ruin..  Although, that brings us to the question of who's body was it that fell into the Ash when Elend was confronted by the fading Mist Spirit, it represented Preservation, but Brandon wouldn't have even mentioned it, or described it so thoroughly if the body itself wasn't important...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 3 Annotations Discussion *Spoilers*
« on: June 04, 2010, 04:01:53 AM »
Random outside-the-box thinking here, but if Inquisitors (who weren't originally allomancers) had children (why don't we see any female Inquisitors anyway?), would they be more likely to be allomancers?

Probably not, but it's an interesting thought. If it is true, we might see some children of Marsh (unlikely) that have powers. Who knows, maybe the mistborn from the next trilogy might be his son/daughter.

One more random thought. I say that at some point in the next trilogy, the hero will guiltily hemalurgically spike a dying man, in order to try and defeat the villain.

It would make the most sense to me, that if Brandon writes another series dealing with this stuff... he'll probably do it with Spook as the center, or Spook's kids (I'm pretty sure him and Beldre get married).  Although, a darker Marsh-centered book would be quite interesting..  I know it seems like he died in the book, but I can't really recall it saying that he did specifically.. I may have to go back and look over it again.  I would assume he did, but you never know... he was quite twisted by Ruin (even by Inquisitor standards).

Brandon Sanderson / Re: "Death" of Ruin and Preservation
« on: June 04, 2010, 01:44:08 AM »
Hmmm... If you pay attention in Way of Kings, you might learn his name.


Way to make me even more freaking excited about WoK there Peter.

Thats what I was thinking....  August can't come soon enough :p

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