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Messages - Drew P

Pages: [1] 2
Uhh...I'm lost. I understood the last chapter much better.

I think something you're running into, at least on my part, is that your world is so foreign it creates instant confusion. Where most stories take place in a world we can relate to in most phases, yours is completely different. Very little is common, so we have to learn everything all over again. This is not necessarily bad. It shows your creativity. However, I am still trying to make sense of what this place is, while trying to grasp your story. This chapter was overwhelming me with all of the explanations of what the "HELL" :D this place is.

The first chapter was not nearly as dense with background so it was easier to follow. I think you might want to take 4 or 5 chapters to get the groundwork for your world laid out. Work on a little character developement and world building in each and then I can care about your story.

I'll also agree with Ryos that the prose is rough, but I'm assuming these are all 1st drafts, just getting your thoughts down in a somewhat organized manner, so it's excusable.

I actually am intrigued with your concepts and want to enjoy this story, but my confusion is getting in the way of me doing so.

Reading Excuses / Re: May 24 - Justice1337 - TheodoraExcerpt
« on: May 24, 2010, 11:15:11 PM »
I agree with what Chaod said above. It was very telly. My biggest shock, though, was I didn't realize it as I read. Only after looking back over it. I just enjoyed what I was reading. Your writing feels very smooth and it was very interesting to read.

The concept of the kingdom and it's politics is very interesting, but at times I felt it bordered on silly. It never quite got there, but it seemed close at times. Of course, then you had a brutal deaths entence and it got much less silly.

I, too would have liked to have seen the Justiciar demonstrate his prowess on camera, but in a novel there would be other times for this and I can let it pass in the hopes that we would be shown this at various other times.

Overall this was really good. I would love to read more.

Reading Excuses / Re: May 24th-Drew P- Untitled Prologue
« on: May 24, 2010, 11:03:05 PM »
That's a good idea Justice. After reading your comments I realized I let the "noise' overwhelm me. As the original idea came to me that was part of the environment that jumped out at me and I guess I went kind of nuts with it.

Reading Excuses / Re: May 24th-Drew P- Untitled Prologue
« on: May 24, 2010, 09:56:08 PM »
I suppose I'm supposed to be indignant or defensive or some such, but I am just laughing. I pretty much agree with your premise, but even if I didn't your delivery was classic. Almost poetic.

As I stated above, I was leaning towards rewriting it, but my wife (as all loving wife's do) made me feel good about myself, apparently too good.

Reading Excuses / Re: May 24th-Drew P- Untitled Prologue
« on: May 24, 2010, 09:17:42 PM »
Well, between Cynic and Justice you guys hit on every problem I saw (that "whether he heard or not was unclear" line I saw right away and cringed on my re-read before submitting) and a few I didn't.

This was originally intended to be a short story that's been extended, then chopped, then extended again...all in my head of course. I also wasn't sure where this scene would go. I settled on the prologue rather than a flashback because they usually irritate me and the story is actually about the boy on the platform. This event is the impetus to his tale.

Cynic, I have to laugh at your take on the "sun splashedwalls' bit. That's my wifes favorite line!  :D I kept wanting to change it, but she loved it for whatever reason. The things we do for women..... ;)

and LTU, I too am annoyed that I lack a finished next chapter. Hopefully that will be forthcoming soon.

Reading Excuses / Re: May 24th-Drew P- Untitled Prologue
« on: May 24, 2010, 07:57:44 PM »
Cynic: I replied with it to your last email. Hope that one went through.

Reading Excuses / Re: May 24th-Drew P- Untitled Prologue
« on: May 24, 2010, 04:39:18 PM »
i just resent it with the attachment. Sorry about that.

Reading Excuses / May 24th-Drew P- Untitled Prologue
« on: May 24, 2010, 04:03:44 PM »
Be harsh. Be gentle. Whatever. Just be helpful.

This is a very raw, 1st draft so I understand there are a lot of things that need adding/deleting. Just wanting to get a little critique on my style/idea.

I noticed the 16 as well. I assumed it was quite intentional, but what it means....I got nothing.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: May 21, 2010, 02:31:36 AM »
If i might, I would like to throw my hat into the ring on Monday as well. I have a one scene prologue, 1st draft, that I'd like feedback on to see if I should proceed with the rest of my story.

Yes I did get it this time. Gave it a quick overview...Wow, you've got a lot going here.

I will try to give it a proper read through later and post any helpful comments I can.

Thanks for re-sending it!

Ryos let me start by saying I really enjoyed this. I am the reader you spoke of who has no preconceptions because I haven't read any of your other stuff yet.

The opening sparked my interest right away. I really liked the casual hints at the magic system (intriguing) and I thought the flyover was a good way of laying out the setting.

I would have liked to know more about Nmae, however. (And I'm not sure how i feel about her name. Part of me thinks you just typo-ed "Name" and ran with it.) Her chapter seemed to be more about plot and setting, so I'm not sure if she's a main character or not. You hinted that she's searching for someone, well more than hinted I guess, and I am assuming it is Dalrymple. Maybe if you included something about her motivation for her search. It doesn't even have to be detailed, just a hint. Like is she out to kill him? Capture him? Recruit him? Marry him?

I actually enjoyed the brain. The initial conversation had me a little confused as to who was saying what but the dialogue was fun.

It seemed to me that Dalrymple is much more developed in your mind than Nmae. I assume this is because you have written him before? As a new reader who wouldn't know that it just seemed like you liked him more, though.

I really don't have too many negatives. I am looking forward to reading more.

I didn't get this one emailed to me. I got LTU's....

Could you maybe try resending it to me.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: May 17, 2010, 08:28:45 PM »
I just got my first submission to read. I think I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl!

Which is odd, because I've never been a schoolgirl.

I've been nearly as excited to read submissions as I have been to write them.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: I dislike this
« on: May 13, 2010, 03:41:57 PM »
So glad someone pointed out that was Zane. I thought it might be the Survivor for a second and that made the art even worse.

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