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Messages - Firemeboy

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 41
Matthew Buckley / It's the end of the world as we know it...
« on: June 08, 2007, 09:59:15 PM »
Fictionally speaking, of course.

I've been kicking around an idea for a story.  I've  finally got to the the point where I'm putting some initial work up on the wiki.  This particular story takes place in the very near future.  Through a series of coordinated events, America has been attacked, and civilization as we know it has crumbled.  This isn't some doom and gloom story, nor is it a story about the end of the world.  This is a story about a few people who are caught up in the end of the world.  If you have seen Jericho, it is a similar feel.  We don't know what caused the end of the world, only that it has taken place.

Anyway, if you'd like to participate, you can do so here.

I've written a few things and posted them to the wiki, much of which I'm not very happy with, but it is a good starting point.  One area I'd particularly like help with is the 'tid bits'.  While I never come right out and say what causes the end of the world, I do need to describe what happened to this group of people during the end of the world.  So what did it look like to them?  Sometimes we think that the end of the world will be broadcast right into our living rooms on the evening news.  But that is assuming that our satellites, power, and several other things 'still work'.  In this case they don't.  So I'm looking for some ideas on how the world ends, and how these people experience it.  I've already written up a brief piece on this, but again, it's not very good.  I'd be interested in any feedback, or if you want to add new stuff or ideas yourself, feel free.

Matthew Buckley / Bullies is in the stores.
« on: April 19, 2007, 11:19:00 PM »
Just found out that Bullies made it to the stores yesterday.  Going down to pick up a copy (just in case nobody else does).

Brandon Sanderson / Re: PC or Mac?
« on: April 19, 2007, 06:08:09 AM »
An extremely large amount of research was conducted, and the following conclusion was reached.

It might be a  bit too academic, but if you can wade through the big words, they come to a very clear, and in my opinion, correct conclusion.

Matthew Buckley / Fears...
« on: March 23, 2007, 11:40:14 PM »
For some reason, I'm dreading this book coming out.

When I wrote my first book, I think I was nervous, but not too much.  If they liked it, great, if not, I'd feel bad, but hey, that's life.  Did I really just use five commas in a 14 word sentence?

Anyway, this book has me worried silly.  Since then I've met with a lot of folks who have liked my book.  A lot of them have asked me if I was working on a second one, and when I answer in the affirmative, they always look excited.  And THAT is why I'm lying awake at night.  With my first book there were no expectations.  Pick up a book, read it, no harm no foul.  But now people are expecting something.  They will want a similar experience with the second book.  How can I possibly live up to that?  I can tell you right now the book is not as funny.  I think it's just as 'good', but good for a different reason.  But now I'm worried that I will have a few thousand kids, use their allowance to buy a book, only to be severely disappointed.  Will they curse my name?  Will they cry into their pillow because they just flushed $12 down the drain?

May 1 is a loooong way off.

Matthew Buckley / Re: Bullies
« on: March 12, 2007, 03:56:41 AM »

I thought the artist did a great job.

Matthew Buckley / Re: Bullies
« on: March 06, 2007, 04:29:32 PM »
Now that sounds like a good story.  But I would need to do more in-game research on the matter...  I'll get right on that.

Matthew Buckley / Bullies
« on: March 06, 2007, 04:28:38 AM »
Looks like the official release date for Bullies in the headlights is first week in May.  Should be fun, but I'm likely not going to do many book signings.  I just don't have it in me.  I enjoy signings with other authors, but the thought of sitting by myself for 8 hours in a day, and get treated like you have leprosy...  Not my idea of fun.

If I could play World of Warcraft while I sat there...  Now that would be another story.

Everything Else / Re: A first for me...
« on: January 19, 2007, 10:58:09 PM »
Well, the rubber snakes are implied, of course.  :)

Everything Else / Re: A first for me...
« on: January 19, 2007, 09:26:18 PM »
Yeah, I probably just used up my 15 minutes.  Rats, I was hoping my 15 minutes involved dry ice, plastic tubing, and lots and lots of peanut brittle.

Everything Else / A first for me...
« on: January 19, 2007, 08:52:36 PM »
I don't know if any of you read Digg, but it's a great site to get caught up on the latest geek news, among other stuff.  Anyway, I wrote an article on a blog that I contribute to, and it was submitted to digg and made it to the front page.  Kind of fun...

Matthew Buckley / Re: Bullies Don't Have Armpits
« on: January 13, 2007, 10:04:06 AM »
Yeah, but I guess people have different ideas of 'inappropriate'.   This is actually based on an experience my wife had (it wasn't her that heard wrong).  I told my boys the first chance I had.

Maybe I'm corrupting the poor little beggars.  :)

Matthew Buckley / Re: Bullies Don't Have Armpits
« on: January 12, 2007, 01:41:05 AM »
Book pushed back to May, not April. 

And I lost my first scene.  :(  It was a right funny scene, too.  I'm going to take a page from the great House of Mustard (who may have taken it from Brandon), and post the scene to my blog one of these days.

They always cut out the best bits. 

For those interested in this issue, there is a great podcast on the topic over at

John Dehlin always does great interviews, and this time is no exception. 

My favorite comment on one of the boards was from somebody who was defending DB for their tactics.  It went something like, "Gospel principles have no place in business practices."

He was dead serious, and apparently entirely correct.  :)

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