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Messages - guessingo

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: questions about brandon
« on: January 20, 2010, 06:47:10 PM »
I have never heard of a college having a SFF magazine. Do they have an English degree for people who want to write this? Having so much SFF at a university that many of us percieve as being very religious is kind of odd. Does this ever come at odds with BYU administration?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: questions about brandon
« on: January 20, 2010, 02:18:36 PM »
1. Why does Brandon use EUOL for his name? Most authors with sites use their own names. What does it stand for?

2. I am most of the way through the first mistborn book. I hope to finish it tonight (as I said, I don't have alot of time for reading right now so it takes me 2 weeks to finish a book). I don't recall seeing anything about the shard world info. I saw a post on the forum about how elantris, warbreaker, and mistborn are related as shardworld.

is that the atium? Does that appear in all the books? don't give away too much. I am at the beginning of the 5th part (I think).

3. when you publish a book. I am guessing that the commission on sales comes after it covers the advance right? So if you get an advance of $10,000 and you have a 10% commission (I have no idea what it is) on a hardcover. I would guess the publisher sells the hardcover to the bookstore for say $12/book?(how much do publishers sell books to bookstores for?) I am not sure. so you get $1.20/book, but you don't get any of the commission money until the first $10,000 is covered. Then 15% of that goes to the Agent.

4. I often see alot of bestsellers on mark down at bookstores. So they bought too many books. Do bookstores only pay full price for books they actually sell at full price? They always seem to buy too m any books so after a few months you can get a $20 book for $6.
I am also willing to bet that most authors don't sell enough to write full time.

5. Who are some of Brandons other favorite authors? I saw a presentation he did at Jordancon(it is on google video) where he mentioned the Thomas Covenant books. I have had those on a shelf for 10 years. He also liked the Dragonbone chair(I think I read part of this and didn't like it a long tiem ago_). For some reason he doesn't like Terry Goodkind personally (I read part of his first book and didn't like it). Who else does he like?

5. Is the Lord Ruler in part based on the Tyrant from Dune? This is the son of Paul Muadib. He is not in the movie and is only a child at the end of the Sci-Fi series. He is the tyrant in the 4th book. They are very similiar. Tyrants who don't raelly want to be tyrants, live along time, and are basically depressed about it all.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: questions about brandon
« on: January 19, 2010, 03:30:07 PM »
TAs are graduate students. they typically get free tuition and a small stipend ($8000-15000) to grade papers and such for the professors. Larger lecture classes always have them. lower level undergraduate classes typically meet 3 times/week. once for a large lecture with the professor and twice/week in smaller sections with TAs. it is how large public universities manage their costs by cramming 300 kids into a classroom. but then again you don't need special attention for a generic history 101 class.

Being a teaching assistant or a research assistant (doing research for professors) is how most graduate students pay for PhDs since its so expensive. Unlike TAs , research assistants are often funded by grants. so if a physics professor winds a grant to create a black hole machine, it will include money to cover research assistant pay. The university I think kicks in free tuition, but the grant covers the pay (it is basically below minimum wage).

anyway back to Brandon questions. I was reading the earlier posts here. Wasn't it about 1.5 years between the time brandon got a book contract and his book was published? He didn't get alot of money up front. so did he live on ramen noodles and in his parents basement until his books started selling? That sounds like a huge risk. Most authors don't make enough money to become full time writers and need other jobs. Especaially until they get several books published and get an income stream going.

btw, I am mos about 450 pages into the firs  mistborn book. I like it. it is a fun read. he seems to have alot of potential as a writer. I am not burning through books. I don't have the time to sit there and read right now.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: questions about brandon
« on: January 16, 2010, 06:29:39 PM »
when did brandon become a full time writer. from what i have read it takes authors several published books before they can quit their job and write full time.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: questions about brandon
« on: January 16, 2010, 02:09:44 AM »
I noticed a post from Peter that Towers of Midnight will not be out until March 2011. Is this because of Brandon's other novels? Or is towers of midnight harder to write than he thought? The website said it is 82% done.

Brandon Sanderson / questions about brandon
« on: January 15, 2010, 09:38:07 PM »
I put some questions inside other threads about him, so I am making this thread so it is easier for people to find.

There are probably for peter...

how many hours/week does brandon spend writing? It sounds like he lives and breathes writing.

also, was the Timewasters site created by people in Utah?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: So There is Going to be a Mistborn Flick....
« on: January 15, 2010, 04:08:47 PM »
@Batchman: once you license your story to someone you lose all control. They pay for the rights to do what they want. There is nothing Terry Goodkind can do about what was produced. If he opens his mouth and tells people not to watch then he loses his licensing money. He also may open himself up to a lawsuit, but I am not sure about that.

I am not an Ursula K Leguin fan, but SciFi did a mini-series on one of her books and she said she hated it. She had NO control. You can't even force people to move forward once they option it. They can just sit on the option. I was on Joe Haldeman's forum recent(he is a GREAT Sci-fi writer) and he posted that he hopes Ridley Scott(he made gladiator and the first alien movie) will move forward with making The Forever War after seeing how great avatar was. He said he wants the money while he is still young. I believe the Wheel of Time was optioned in the 1990s and just got sat on. 

btw, the Forever War is a GREAT Sci-Fi novel. Joe has a very short and concise writing style that is fun to read. Te book is great and has some very ironic and funny parts.

What I think movie industry people want to do is to buy up an option, which is a small investment to them, then make another small investment to turn it into a script and then look at the script, the market, who they can get to direct and decide to move forward. They seem to option far more books than ever get made into movies or TV shows.

It is stilnot guaranteed that George RR Martins HBO series will go beyond the pilot. A decision will be madein march.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Dragonsteel
« on: January 15, 2010, 03:36:38 AM »
A few questions.

1. What is "Adonalsiumverse canon" ? I don't know Brandon. I found him since he is writing WoT and I am reading Mistborn. I am still on the first book.

2. So the 10 book way of kings series is partially a canabalization of an unpublished book called Dragonsteel that his friends all liked?

3. How many hours/week does brandon spend writing? It sounds like he writes alot...

I think Brandon wrote in that forum interview peter pointed too that he expects 3 books every 2 years. That is alot. Keeping quality up at that pace is really tough. Stuff may get generic. Anyone here ever read Harry Turtledove? He writes alternative history. I have probably read about 10 books by him (many are VERY good such as Guns of the South), but got tired of him since his books got formulaic and generic.

4. Peter: did you know Brandon in real life and that is how you got hired?

5. Will Brandon post on these forums anymore ? I understand he is busy.

6. Brandon plans to release Way of Kings and the next WoT book this year right? How often does he plan to release Way of King books? Is this going to be a 20+ year series like WoT? (that is ok. I am not kid and I am patient).

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Dragonsteel
« on: January 12, 2010, 06:20:14 PM »
What do writer's assistants do? Just curious. Do you do work similiar to what Maria does for the Jordan estate and help keep track of notes for world building and consistancy? do you edit his work? My understanding that being a writer is like running a small business.

I am just curious how this all works. Most writers don't discuss this kind of thing. I have seen others (like George RR Martin) mention their assistants.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Dragonsteel
« on: January 12, 2010, 03:04:15 PM »
Peter: Are you brandons assistant or are you a writer also? There is someone named Dan I think. Is he a writer also?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: So There is Going to be a Mistborn Flick....
« on: January 12, 2010, 02:48:28 PM »
Does Brandon post on these forums anymore? I think he wrote that he writes 14 hours/day. That is alot with a 2 year old. Then again it appears that he has wanted to be a writer for a long time so it is his dream.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: So There is Going to be a Mistborn Flick....
« on: January 12, 2010, 02:47:26 PM »
I don't know if it is odd that Palloppa pictures does not have a website. Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio have production companies and I don't think they have websites.

I think Pallopa is a startup formed by a couple of friends from the press release. I am willing to bet what they do is develop a script and try to sell it to a production company or a studio. I have read that it can 2-3 years of re-writes on a script before a studio buys it or the option can pass and it goes no where.

Most options are not made into movies. I think an option is the write to develop your copywright into a movie for a certain number of years. Then it can lapse. They either pay you more money or you can option it to someone else.

Then if it gets made into a movie/TV, etc... the author gets a new contract worth more money. Most authors appear to not be involved at all in the script writing. Terry Goodkind has stated publicly he is not being consulted. This is probably in large part because novel writing is very different than script writing. Scripts are much shorter and faster paced and alot of mechanisms you use in novels don't exist. Plus studios/directors probably want experienced script writers since script writing appears to be far more collaboritive than novel writing.
That being said. I think George RR Martin wrote the script for HBO. However, he has a long background in TV writing. so that is different.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Dragonsteel
« on: January 12, 2010, 04:48:09 AM »
how did brandon have time to write all of these books before being a full time author? We all have to work. Did he just come home from work and this is all he did?

did he write books and then mail them to publishers? why was his 6th book elantris his first book published?

The best audiobook I ever listend to was the one for the Time Travellers wife. Best performance I have seen. Partially because the book was so good. The movie sucked.

Cadfael was made into a min-series by the BBC. the star is the same guy who stared in I, Claudius. It is done pretty well for a low budget. I don't really like mysteries though, but this is done really well. If you want to read a GREAT midievil novel read The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. This has already been filmed as a mini-series by Ridley Scott (gladiator, first alien movie). I don't know what channel it will be on.

Follet is an interesting guy. He writes modern thrillers and his most popular book is a midievil story. If you want to read midievil fantasy you should read this book. George RR Martin recommended it highly on his website.

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