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Messages - Asmodemon

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Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: October 16, 2010, 10:17:04 PM »
I also like to send in a new chapter on monday.

The second day in the mountains, low on supplies, Rosalin and the others go into a valley where they hope to replenish their supplies.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: October 09, 2010, 10:54:46 PM »
I also have another chapter for this monday.

That's weird. I sent it to you again, hopefully this time it will arrive.

Reading Excuses / Re: NaNoWriMo
« on: October 05, 2010, 07:46:47 PM »
I will also be joining NaNo again this year, under username Asmodemon. It'll be the third year in a row and I plan on 'winning' it this year again too.

Keeping each other on track sounds like a good idea, but I won't be up for critiqueing (other) NaNo pieces until november is over (it'll be tough managing time to write as it is). And showing my own stuff at that stage will just wake my internal editor and I can't have that ;)

And here we are with chapter fourteen already; the great mountains await.

One thing that didn't work for me was the first paragraph.

I had a feeling it might not work. Occasionally I like to get a little poetic, but more often than not it doesn't work very well.

And, much as I hate to say it, I'm still not seeing why Dais is even with them to begin with.

If there is one thing I consider my biggest oversight it's Dais's backstory. Compared to the others it is the weakest and that's not good for a major POV character. You're right, his position there doesn't seem deserved. I've been giving it a lot of thought and got some ideas for him that I'll work out in the next draft. That draft will see a major overhaul of his plotline.

Hope this was helpful!

Definitely :)

Avoid passive voice, if you can.

I thought I was, I'm sorry to say, but then I wasn't paying attention to it specifically. It's a bit disconcerting to see how much slipped through.

This is the first chapter I've read so obviously I'm a bit in the dark as to what's going on.  I think using italics for thoughts would make it easier to discern Rosalin's thoughts.

Unfortunately in the case of Rosalin this isn't really possible, since there are more thoughts in her head than simply her own. There's another presence there, called Rosen, and his 'voice' uses italics at the moment.

Even though I'm unfamiliar with the story, I'm interested in the direction its heading and for just picking it up:  that's a good thing.

Thanks, that's great to hear. If you want to read the earlier chapters just reply to my submission mail and I'll sent them to you.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: October 02, 2010, 07:26:27 PM »
I'm going to try for another submission on monday as well, so far I'm on a roll with them ;)

Nice start, though with three perspectives in one chapter it's not yet clear where things are going, I can see that the characters are sympathetic. The way you're using Victorian terminology grants a certain authenticity to your setting. These are all good points, but there are also a number of things I think you should beware of.

First, you should be careful how much slang you use. It's interesting, but obscure slang can read a lot like made-up words if you're not familiar with them. If you don't explain them in the text or make them clear through context you can quickly lose your readers.

You do explain things, but they're not the things that need explaining.  I understand that a Runner is one of the fast thieves and that Bruisers beat people up without you telling me. But what is a 'dipper kid'? From the glossary you linked to I found out it's a pickpocket – no way was I going to know from the chapter itself.

Another explanation issue is also at the start of the chapter. First you get us into the action of Jobber running but then you tell us dryly, just after the Runner/Bruiser explanation, how he got there. I'd rather you show me how he tried to deliver the package and go from there. It's the difference between show and tell. There are some more instances where you give us background information, like on Zona's uncle, but it feels like an info-dump.

Which brings me to another 'tell' in your story so far, the character descriptions. You use the list format and this is not such a bad thing occasionally, but you've done it with all characters so far. It's like the story is going along and then someone takes you aside, hands you the grocery list, which you scan dutifully, and then you're sent back to the story. It doesn't fit seamlessly and that hurts things.

There are more subtle ways to do descriptions and most of the time we don't need to know specifics because it's too much to remember in one go. Better to decide, for main characters, on a couple details and remind us periodically.

For example, Zona's hair is usually greasy. Instead of telling us it is along with all the other details you can have her handle something greasy and then carelessly let her take her grease-stained hand through her hair.

Some smaller issues are grammar and spelling issues ('get away' should be 'getaway' for instance). Your tenses switch here and there, sometimes in the same sentence.

and in about 3 seconds

Small numbers should always be written out.

Your sentences tend to be very long and have a lot of commas, which make them feel jerky, which cuts into the flow of the story.

In chapter thirteen of "The Citadel of Thorns" Rosalin has to deal with the repercussions of making a deal with Rosen.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: September 25, 2010, 09:47:48 PM »
I also want to submit again if that's all right.

Reading Excuses / Re: September 20 – Hubay – Fathers of Gods, Chapter 4
« on: September 23, 2010, 05:41:46 AM »
On the whole this was a pretty entertaining chapter, with some good dialogue in the beginning between Ristem and Cumo. There are parts, mostly in the latter end of the chapter, where the writing turns a little rough – some grammar and spelling issues. But you already said you didn't have much time with this chapter, so you'll already know this.

The new character Ristem seems like a character with a good head on his shoulders; Cumo's chosen name does reek of hubris and it's good that he's called on it. Ristem's dry wit and clever suggestions are things I can appreciate in the character.
That said, Ristem is another new character. So far you've been introducing new characters left and right, which makes it hard to determine which are actually important. Given the foundations for conflict between Cumo, Aela and Crato, and the fact that chapters one and two both heavily implied said conflict, I'm a bit surprised we're not seeing more of them right now. I'm sure Crato could call out Cumo on his name just as well and would because he's not happy with his friend right now.

To deal with the huge cast so quickly you're making liberal use of Listener's telepathy and, I've said this before, it doesn't work for me. It reads like you're taking the easy way out. The way you're writing Listener's 'spoken' thoughts is a bit jarring; I don't  really like them. [I really don't]. You're telling us integral truths about your characters again without showing it. So Pyra doesn't like to kill – I'd rather find this out in a battle scene where her hesitance gets people in trouble rather than just having it out there. If she does flinch I won't be surprised, nor will I feel any real tension, because I'll be expecting it to happen.

The last thing I want to address is the Daltri. Their presence makes no sense other than as a plot device to get Cumo thrown over the walls and get him in conflict with Imlur. This siege is not new, so the enemy already knows the walls are solid. They also know the Polaesi are lax in their defenses but can mount a strong one nevertheless because they're gods. The Daltri can't learn anything more by just looking at the walls and if you're going to spy on the enemy city you're not going to do it with a group of soldiers on horseback. They'll stick out like a sore thumb.

Better to have individual scouts approach with camouflage, taking cover where possible, and simply staying low. The enemy commander can't possibly be this stupid.

Chapter twelve, where we leave Overlook behind us. Enjoy.

However, in order to override those last two objections, I made changes that, in my opinion, make it a different story.  And as a result, Isis is now liked and her death seems the wrong ending.

I wouldn't say her death is the wrong ending. I'm starting to sympathize with her, but I do think her death is a good way to end the story. It's a little abrupt, but that may be a personal issue.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: September 18, 2010, 09:45:43 PM »
I'm also trying to keep to my personal schedule, so I'll also have another chapter this monday.

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