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Messages - Bravesamwise84

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Reading Excuses / My introduction
« on: October 06, 2009, 03:07:39 AM »
If you think this may seem a little self-absorbed, it probably is. The prospect of posting my profile on the profile page was daunting - sixty-something pages? Yeah, I don't imagine anyone getting around to reading my belated post.

SO, by way of introduction to those who are still currently active here at Reading Excuses, I am Sam. (No Green Eggs jokes, please.)

I'm 25, and I've been putting off writing for most of my time since High School, where I graduated fully convinced that I wanted to be a writer. At the time, everyone in my life seemed to take it upon themselves to cram down my throat the idea that I would never make a decent income as a writer. Only recently have I realized that 1. None of those people know anything about writing, and 2. None of those people ever actually READ my stuff!

I ran into Brandon Sanderson last November. True to his nature, he told me the same thing he tells everyone in Writing Excuses; That yes, if I had a passion for writing, I could do this, and make a living at it too. It might take a few years and a few failed novels, but success would come.

I'd love to say that I got straight to work and have been writing ever since, but I hate liars. I did at first, but a writing companion and I had a falling out - my passion dwindled, and I sank into depression for a good long while. I'm doing much better (thanks for your concern though!) =) and I stumbled upon Writing Excuses.

I am writing again. Right now it's just prompts - I'm working on the concepts for my next story... I can't write my other one because it was a collaborative project and that person still isn't in the mood to talk. I am excited to find a writing community that workshops, if for nothing else but to surround myself with others that are in similar situations. I'll be joining NaNoWriMo this November and pushing out my first novel, which I am currently outlining. I know it'll probably suck, but I am still looking forward to writing it, and to what I'll learn from doing so.

So anyways, there I am. Good to meet you all, and please, by all means, say Hi while you're here. =D

Reading Excuses / Re: Oct. 5 - Recoverying Cynic - Oathbound - Ch. 5
« on: October 06, 2009, 02:55:11 AM »
Just finished reading it. Since this is the first time I've reviewed or workshopped anything, I have a hard time knowing what to say, so I'll follow a criteria I heard on the Writing Excuses episode about Writing Groups.


What did you do right? Where do I start? I haven't read your other chapters but the Synopses in your email brought me pretty well current. First of all, this chapter's action pulled me in. I found that I liked Valenth, as a character - which helped the feeling of suspense and terror as the events unfolded. I found that, as a Villain (or Villainous Anti-Hero?), I also liked Jagoth. The concept of the hound poison was interesting as well.


To me, a glaring problem is something that is not cohesive or somehow knocked me out of the story. That didn't happen to me as I read, so I can't think of anything else to say.

Now, there were a few passages which I felt could be revised for an easier read. However, I don't know how picky I want to get about those minor details in the review - I mean, often those kinds of little problems are easily fixed during the revision process. SO I guess I'll leave that one up to you. If you like I'll read back through and identify the passages, or I can lay off minor details (which is my inclination).

Reading Excuses / Oct. 5 - Bravesamwise - The Cellist (Writing Prompt)
« on: October 06, 2009, 02:23:18 AM »
All right, tear me apart! (And also, let me know what I did well, if anything. hehe)

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: October 06, 2009, 02:21:43 AM »
Lol. Thank you!

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: October 01, 2009, 09:18:54 AM »
I'm totally new to this but, may I submit one of my Short Story Prompts this Monday?

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