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Topics - Mister M

Pages: [1]
Movies and TV / Superhero reality TV?
« on: May 08, 2006, 06:20:56 PM »

You can be Stan Lee's new superhero

PASADENA, California (AP) -- The creator of Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk is on the hunt for a new superhero, and he plans to find it on reality TV.

Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee said Friday that his new reality show "Who Wants to be a Superhero?" breaks new ground.

"I've never lived in a world of reality," quipped the 83-year-old writer.

Eleven wannabe superheros -- whittled down from 200 -- are set to compete in the show, which is scheduled to premiere July 26 on the Sci-Fi channel. The winning superhero will be the star of a new comic book created by Lee.

The reported catch-phrase for those who don't make the cut? "Turn in your spandex!"

Although this sounds like it would actually be pretty fun to watch, I've got to you think that, at this point, "Reality" TV needs a new moniker? Because it just ain't that real anymore.

Rants and Stuff / The Vagaries of University Bureaucracy (re: TLE)
« on: April 21, 2006, 02:11:43 PM »
Those of you who worked on Leading Edge (BYU’s science fiction and fantasy magazine, for those who didn’t) know that there’s always been a tension between us and the English Department, most of it riding on the fact that some in the administration don’t consider SF&F literary enough to merit English Department support. Well, over recent years our support base has been eroding, with such longtime supporters as Doc Smith, Sally Taylor, and Linda Adams retiring or, in Doc’s case, dying. And all of that finally came to a head.

Sometime near the beginning of this semester, the English Department administration decided that they would no longer support Leading Edge. We don’t know exactly when this took place, as they informed neither us nor our advisor (Zina Petersen at the moment). In fact, had one of the editors not asked the College of Humanities about the possibility of some extra funding for possible projects, we might not know even now.

The basic reasons for the department’s decision seem to boil down to the following:

1) Several members of the department administration don’t consider SF&F literary enough to merit English Department support, both in terms of funding and our advisor’s time.

2) Leading Edge doesn’t really fit their definition of a student journal because it (a) doesn’t have a class specifically connected to it, (b) publishes largely non-student material, and (c) often has non-students as prominent staff members (such as our current associate editor). They admit we’re an excellent journal; we just don’t “fit” their definition of a student journal deserving of university resources.

I think the reasons are kind of lame, but I’m not the one making the decisions. Anyway, as soon as we found out about the decision (through the College of Humanities, not even the department) we started acting to prevent it, or at least survive the transition. Credit where credit’s due: the vast majority of this was done by Matt Gibbons, our managing editor, and many thanks to him for his hard work.

We tried getting sponsored by the Linguistics department, but for whatever reason they decided not to take us. (The reason I heard was the same about department resources; I don’t agree with that, but it’s what they say.) We tried going directly through the College of Humanities, like Quark and LTUE do, but apparently we still need a department to sponsor us.

(continued next post)

Role-Playing Games / RolePlaying Usage Dictionary
« on: September 01, 2004, 03:10:12 PM »
i'm writing a "Roleplaying Usage Dictionary" for my ELang 322 class project this fall, and I just wanted some help thinking of terms to define. I've already got a lot (see below), but I'm sure I've overlooked some important ones (basically, anything someone who's never roleplayed would be confused at). Can anyone think of some important, general (ie: not game-specific) terms I've missed and post them below? Thanks.

Roll (as in “roll inititative,” “roll dex,” etc)
Dungeon crawl
Epic level
dX (d10, d12 etc)
d20 (system)
House rule
Rules lawyer
Save (as in saving throw)
World (as in setting)
Core rules

And here's two more for my own curiosity. I've only heard one group ever refer to the DMG (Dungeon Master's Guide) as a "Damage" and the PHB (Player's Handbook) as a "Pherbert" (FUR-burt). Is this something unique to their group, or more general that I just haven't heard before?

Thanks in advance.

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