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Messages - padywhak

Pages: 1 [2]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: February 17, 2009, 11:26:26 PM »
Its great to see it all from the perspective of someone whos never read the books before.. I started on them when i was about 13 (10yrs ago now) it was upto maybe book 6 at the time, i could be wrong though and have nothing against being corrected, and have re-read them basically each time a new book has come out. While re-reading is great it doesnt have the same excitement as reading them for the first time and not knowing whats gonna happen next.

Oh and on the blonde subject I always pictured Elaida as blonde, i thought she must have been described as blonde for me to get that idea but im re-reading at the moment and think i saw it being mentioned somewhere that shes brunette. Can anyone clear that up?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A Memory of Light
« on: February 17, 2009, 08:56:35 PM »

Either way I do not think Rand will die. I think just the voice in his head will die.  If he dies it will be more like a Harry Potter death in which he dies but not really. :P

i was thinking of a Potter-esque death as well but for me that would be too predictable. I think it needs to be different,   Theres the whole thing about his blood on the rocks of SG so theres gonna at least be some serious bleeding if he wants to win, but from the start I never really took that to mean he died although thats what he seemed to think.

Anyways, I agree that the dark ones prison will have to be resealed completely and not just patched in order for the wheel to continue on.  I am wondering how this will be done.  It is stated many times that the creator bound the dark one in his prison.  If this is true then wouldn't the creator have to rebind him.  If thats the case we are out of luck because the creator does not take a dirrect hand in events. 

There has to be a way for it to be done, this isnt the 1st turning of the wheel so it had to have been done before although too long ago for even the slightest memory to remain. "The wheel of time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again". Maybe they find a way to do it, maybe the creator does lend a hand (there was the voice at Tarwins Gap to kinda show that he/she/it is paying some kinda attention) but either way its been done on all the other turns of the wheel so it has to be done again somehow

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A Memory of Light
« on: February 17, 2009, 12:11:39 PM »
ok heres my 2 cents.. the DO's prison has to be remade like new or the wheel will be broken, there are 7 spokes of the WoT, 7 ages, at certain times things have to be a certain way. It has to be remade completely and stay remade long enough for people to forget the DO exists by the time the AoL (or its equivelent) comes around again. Then the hole can be made and then sealed and then the seals can weaken etc etc in a never ending circle. Thats how the DO intends to break the WoT by escaping and not being sealed when it becomes time when he should be sealed. Thats all explained by that crazy old dude at the school in cairhein lol.

I also think rand has to sacrifice himself in order to accomplish it but he will be tied to the wheel and will continue to live on in the world of dreams to be reborn again, as opposed to the DO winning and the wheel being broken so all the heroes are dead forver, never to be reborn. The HoV could have something to do with it, like rand dying b4 the job is done and matt blowing the horn and he comes back and finishes it. Or it could be the whole body swap thing, it would be funny if he managed to swap bodies with moridin at the last second so his body died but his mind lived on

Im kinda with Perrin dying as well, and of course becoming 1 of the new heroes tied to the horn. faile could possibly do something really great to avenge his death the way saldean women are known to pick up their fallen husbands swords in battle (hopefully she dies after it as well though, she irritates me). and possibly aviendah dying although i like her she just seems to be the one most likely to jump in guns blazing (metaphorically speaking of course) when she feels rand die/dying, she is still a maiden at heart after all.

Nynaeve and Lan will both survive. I think theres something to the 3rd ring or the ter'angreal used when raised to accepted. In Egwenes she was Amyrlin and now she is although under slightly different circumstances. and in Nynaeve's her n Lan had rebuilt Malkier. The things they see in the rings definately dont all come from imagination coz thats where Egwene learnt about the 13 channelers n 13 Myrddraal thing so I think they could be some kinda variations of the future or something close to it.

And i hope something really horrible happens to Elaida, oohhh i hope Egwene gets her on a leash lol Reading anything to do with her infuriates me just by her ignorance

ok that was alot more than 2 cents but anyway ;D

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