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Messages - Shaggy

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: A Memory of Light
« on: January 02, 2009, 02:18:12 AM »
Not necessarily. Yes, the Pattern is connected to the Wheel, but if the Wheel is destroyed,  technically couldn't the Pattern survive?

Everything Else / Re: Public School Writing Teachers
« on: January 02, 2009, 02:15:53 AM »
Sigyn, I am NOT demeaning the necessity and/or value of knowing how to write essays, analytical pieces, compositions and such. I am merely expressing my feelings of how creative writing was not really teached (where I went to school for a time). And I must correct you, for I do NOT find those types of writing useless–however, creative writing is what I get the most pleasure from when writing, and I would have loved to have had more oppurtunities to show my work in school when I was younger. That is all.

I agree; it absolutely does depend on the teacher. It seems you got some good ones….

If you would rather keep this information private, that is perfectly fine, but if not…what school did you go to where you had those teachers? I'm curious….

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A Memory of Light
« on: January 01, 2009, 08:25:56 PM »
I agree. Moiraine is definitely going to live and might play a pivotal role in the ending of AMOL. But this thread is about who will be alive when the story is over. Some people are going to have to die, even if it's just the bad guys (unless RJ pulls a D.J. MacHale and brings everyone back to life, which I sincerely hope he doesn't). Yes, Moiraine lives, but will she survive the Last Battle?

Smashingsilver, you said "If the Wheel were to be destroyed, everything RJ wrote about, the philosophy of everything repeating would have to be ignored." But maybe that's the point. What if RJ used the destruction of the Wheel as a metaphor, showing how at last, the timeless struggle of the Light is no longer timeless. The Dark One is dead. Finished. A new order is here. The Wheel represents all that (hopefully, by the end of AMOL) no longer exists–Fades, Trollocs (although there will undoubtedly be survivors), Darkfriends…with time and effort, they will all be eradicted. The destruction of the Wheel will keep them that way.

Yes, that discussion has some very good points in it. However, the point you took from that discussion, "If the Dark One breaks free, he will break the Wheel of Time and remake Time and the world in his own image." can be switched around. (1) If the DO breaks free, and Rand/someone kills him, he won't be able to remake Time and the world in his own image. And also, that sentence does not necessarily imply that the DO is connected to the Wheel–it could mean that after he breaks free, he will intentionally break the Wheel, not that his breaking free causes the Wheel to break. And if the DO can break the Wheel of Time…what if Rand and his allies can, too?

I know, I'm sorry, I'm been reading t oo much history. RJ said he was a history buff, and I really believe him. I have found so many parallels between his writing/characters and real historical figures. (Merrilin/Merlin, al'Thor/Arthur, Elayne/Elayne, Gawyn/Gawain, etc.)

Yes, that's what I was talking about (I just didn't  know the name for it). And we had to de-shell them, too, but that's not that hard.

Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: January 01, 2009, 06:35:29 PM »
Oh wow…I wish all schools had those kinds of numbers.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A Memory of Light
« on: January 01, 2009, 06:34:09 PM »
Yes, Moiraine has to live. But then she could die! She could *live* up to Min's viewing, then die. So really she could have no further impact on the story, ignoring the fact that certain peoples (Thom, Mat, Noal?) go out of their way to go to the tower thing or whatever it's called.

what's RAFO?

what's devein?
and i didn't actually catch the shrimp although i wish i could have had the means to do so 8)
do you catch your shrimp?

Everything Else / Re: Public School Writing Teachers
« on: January 01, 2009, 07:21:19 AM »
yes, but a necessary part of english is writing, don't you agree? and in my opinion, a more broader range of types of writing should be tought…expository will only get you so far(this is, of course, just where i went)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A Memory of Light
« on: January 01, 2009, 07:19:57 AM »
why do you want Faile and Gawain to die?? I find Faile extremely annoying, but I like Gawain……

Movies and TV / Re: Eragon
« on: January 01, 2009, 04:31:32 AM »
The movie was horrible. The acting was bad. The casting was bad. The action was bad. And the dragon didn't even look like a dragon! It looked like the offspring of a lizard and the woman from X-Men or whatever that series is. In the book, everyone's always oh so scared of her–but in the movie, if I was one of Galbatorix's soldiers and she came to scare me away, I'd fall down and start cracking up. (Normally, I'd like to say then I'd get up and chopped her head off but considering how well coordinated I am I'd probably fall on my sword and gut myself to death 8).) And they barely followed the real storyline at all! They killed off the Ra'zac–WHAT THE HELL??? Absolutely no skill at movie-making whatsoever!

Everything Else / De-Pooping Sixteen Large Wild Shrimp From Mexican Gulf
« on: January 01, 2009, 04:15:01 AM »
Has anyone ever had to de-poop sixteen large wild shrimp from the mexican gulf?? It takes FOREVER.

PS If anyone thinks this thread is pointless, well, they said 'Everything.' So deal.

Movies and TV / Re: New Witch Mountain Movie?!
« on: January 01, 2009, 04:09:36 AM »
I personally don't think The Rock is very good at being funny. I think they could've found a much better fit for that kind of movie. He's great in rough-and-tough shoot-'em-up movies (Gridiron Gang, Walking Tall, etc.), but I don't think he does well in sci-fi movies. He just doesn't work.

I've never seen the originals, but this one looks sort of…well, bad. It just doesn't look interesting or real AT ALL. I'll probably see it tho 8).

Everything Else / Re: Sword Fighting Prowess
« on: January 01, 2009, 03:56:52 AM »
What about the Paolini characters? Eragon? Murtagh? Galbatorix? The elves? An elf like Oromir might be able to win, 'cause elves have superhuman strength, speed, reactions, reflexes…basically everything you need to kill stuff. In "Eldest," you saw how easily Eragon's sparring partner (elf dude, forget his name :)) destroyed him every time, even though he was trained by the best (Brom). And what about Galbatorix? We've never read of him fighting, but c'mon, he's gotta be pretty beastly.

From the list, though, I'd have to go with Rand. I mean, come on. He defeated Ishamael, the super-evil-destroyer-of-hope-who-is-tight-with-the-Dark-One-and-has-had-millenia-to-practice-sword-fighting (alright, he basically committed suicide to do it, but still! he tricked him!).

Everything Else / NBA Basketball (Focus: Bad Trading Moves)
« on: January 01, 2009, 03:41:09 AM »
This year, the NBA has seen some drastic trades. First, the Knicks traded two of their top scorers, Zach Randolph and Jamal Crawford, and Mardy Collins for Cuttino Mobley and Tim Thomas. They did this in order to free up salary-cap space for the summer of 2010, where they hope to get a superstar. Maybe it will help them in the end, but right now, they're not doing too well. In my opinion, the Knicks' managers are doing too many things, too fast. They are making so many trades and general changes, desperately searching for something that will work. But changes don't happen in an instant!!! You have to give players a time to settle, to get used to their teammates. Continuing to change their roster every five minutes will NOT WORK. Any other thoughts?

Second are the Detroit Pistons. They recently traded Chauncey Billups , Antonio McDyess,  and Cheikh Samb for top-scorer Allen Iverson. What were they THINKING??? They gave up an All-Star point guard and former MVP (2004) who has been the Pistons' starting point guard for what, four years? Five? There is no doubt that Iverson is an amazing player. None at all. But he isn't a team player. The Pistons had a team chemistry that is very rare and very valuable! Big Ben's move to Chicago was a big disappointment, but that doesn't mean you have to chop away MORE good players! I would LOVE to know what Joe Dumars and the other managers were thinking in making this move. What's your opinion?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A Memory of Light
« on: January 01, 2009, 03:27:18 AM »
Smashingsilver, I'm going to have to disagree with you on several points. First of all, Nynaeve will most likely NOT figure out how to bring someone back to life–that would open up too much. Then everyone (including those dead of natural causes) would come back and it just wouldn't work. Yes, Mat will probably survive (he's that kinda guy). Second, I think that the Wheel could maybe be destroyed with the DO losing. If not, then the story has no ending! The DO will just try again next time. And, if the Wheel isn't destroyed, then the book will probably end simply in Rand's Age. Thirdly, you do not know that Moiraine is alive. Yes, it seems so, but we do not really know. She could be merely imprisoned by the Eelfinn/Aelfinn, and is somehow contacting those who are alive (perhaps she's in some kind of limbo world between life and death–somewhere where the Eelfinn/Aelfinn are the dominants). What are your thoughts?

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