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Messages - Vatdoro

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Congrats to Ookla The Mok
« on: May 08, 2009, 11:01:27 PM »
oops! I just congratulated Ookla in the The Way of Kings : pre-release thread before seeing this thread.

Congrats! I'm sure Brandon is plenty busy enough to use a full-time assistant. The amount of quality writing he is able to crank out is remarkable. I'm glad his new assistant is a regular here on the forums. Maybe regular is too light of a term. Ookla is more like a knowledgeable Elder willing to share his great troves of knowledge.

I don't know you personally Ookla/Peter, but maybe we'll meet some day at a signing or event in Utah.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« on: May 08, 2009, 10:06:37 PM »
Wooo Hooooo! Way of Kings update!

I just have to say I love how open and upfront Brandon is about his progress, how he spends his time, his personal goals, and whatnot. It's a huge contrast from most other authors. What a stud! He actually gives us more information than I would if I were in his shoes, but I think it's awesome he feels comfortable revealing his self-imposed deadlines to us. But, maybe telling people what his self-imposed deadlines are helps him reach them.  :P

THE WAY OF KINGS is a massive war epic of legends, mythology, and magical revolution. It's intricate, complex, and was a bit daunting for me when I thought about readying it for publication.

That sounds AWESOME! I'm stoked! When I first read Elantris and Mistborn I enjoyed them, but they didn't have the epic scope I love about WoT and other long series. Then when I learned that Brandon was finishing the WoT, the most exciting aspect of it for me was that he'd get the experience and practice of writing in that huge epic world.  Now my wildest dreams are coming true and Brandon is publishing his own huge series. And he's young enough that this could just be his first big series, he could go on to write additional ones!

Brandon says he's been planning and working on this book for 8 years. I'm sure some of that was spent in world building and outlining the overall series, and we all know Brandon has pumped out MANY other books in the last 8 years. I'm curious how long Brandon expects the second book in the series to take him.

Oh, and congrats Ookla! That's very cool. Now you can really give us the nitty gritty (that's nitty gritty with a Nacho Libre accent).

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Dragonsteel **SPOILERS**
« on: April 28, 2009, 10:11:05 PM »
No comment.

Gosh, I always wanted to be able to say that.  ;D

Hahaha! Maybe some day I'll be important enough where I can say "no comment" and sound cool and mysterious.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Dragonsteel **SPOILERS**
« on: April 28, 2009, 05:45:07 PM »
Oh yeah! I forgot you mentioned that.

Inkthinker actually read Brandon's mind without knowing it and drew the Way of Kings characters on the Shattered Plains from Dragonsteel (without having ever read it).

Ink - is this drawing being saved for something special? Or are you able to throw it on these forums?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« on: April 28, 2009, 04:48:23 PM »
Ookla - Thanks for looking out for us. Maybe brandon just wants to draw out the anticipation of The Way of Kings for us. Or maybe I just got myself too excited when I saw him Twit about WoK.  ;D

I'm hoping he'll post the update before he heads off to Nebraska this week, but if he's not ready to make any announcements then I suppose I can wait a little longer.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Dragonsteel **SPOILERS**
« on: April 28, 2009, 04:42:11 PM »
Ink - you should definitely read it (for selfish reasons). I want to see you draw a scene on the shattered plains!  ;)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Ink needs to do his own research
« on: April 28, 2009, 04:40:55 PM »
I would definitely NOT make Sazed 7 feet tall. 7 feet tall is freakishly tall. I'm 6'7" and a lot of people think of me as being "freakishly tall". I think I definitely fit into the category of "abnormally tall". I wouldn't make Sazed any taller than 6'6" or 6'7".

Min is supposed to be a little shorter than average and petite. Like Myabi, I always envisioned Sazed with a very pale complexion. Almost like an albino, but no pink eyes of course. If you draw Vin short and petite, and Sazed around 6'6" I think she would come up to his rib cage, which is what I always pictured.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: April 28, 2009, 01:02:34 AM »
Joe - Sorry to hear about your friend. I really don't know what to say about that. It's a really hard thing to deal with.

On a WoT note, thanks for the update. It was fun to read even if your heart wasn't in it. And ya, it was kind of obvious you weren't quite your normal self when you wrote that.

I agree that Path of Daggers wasn't as good as the previous books. I don't mean to say that I didn't like it. I did. But I LOVED some of the previous books. Fires of Heaven is AWESOME! And most people REALLY enjoy reading from Matt's point of view, and there isn't any Matt in Path of Daggers at all! No wonder it's not as exciting!  ;)

Masema is crazy. I also hope to see Rand lay into that crazed loon one of these days. I won't comment on Faile, because I can't think anything to say that wouldn't potentially lead to a slight spoiler.

I'm currently at the beginning of The Dragon Reborn on my own re-read of the series. I love the foreshadowing that Jordan drops about different characters. Every time someone teases Egwene about rising as far as the Amyrlin Seat is great! She is an awesome Amyrlin. Artur Hawkwing wouldn't have had any channelers when he laid seige to Tar Valon. It will be very interesting to see how that goes.

Ya, you'd think Elayne would just walk in and take the Lion Throne. She's the Daughter Heir and her boyfriend is the freaking Dragon Reborn, who already controls Andor. I kind of see her point, but I also think she's a little stubborn. She wants to jump through every tiny hoop to prove to everyone that she is the Ruler of Andor because she deserves it and not because Rand handed it to her on a silver platter. Kind of makes sense, but a little frustrating she has to go through all the politics anyway.

I don't recall when Logain joined the Black Tower, but yeah, he's there. When he kissed Toveine he did something to her with the Power. You'll probably find out exactly what shortly after starting the next book. Elaida is such an incompetent person. Everything she does ends up blowing up in her face. Sending those sisters to the Black Tower ends up introducing some very interesting twists in the relationship between Ashaman and Aes Sedai.

It's been a long time since I read Path of Daggers. I can't remember much of Rand using Callandor in a battle with the Seanchan. Cleansing Saidin is an interesting idea. That would be pure crazy talk though.

Dashiva and the other Asha'man haven't gone mad. They're just finally showing their true colors. Looks like there are some darkfriends mixed in with the Asha'man. Now they have to keep an eye out for "Black Asha'man" as well as ones going mad.

So yeah. Path of Daggers isn't as great as some of the other WoT books, but I think it still carries the plot forward and sets up more exciting things for later books.

Good luck Joe!

Ink - those are all awesome! The mistwraith is great. I never really imagined them with legs. Just kind of a rolling blob, with all the weird limbs you included. Yours is probably more accurate though.

I agree withMyabi. That's pretty much how I always envisioned Vin. The HUGE sword is sweet! Makes you really appreciate the raw strength of a Mistborn (or pewter arm).

Brandon Sanderson / The Way of Kings : pre-release
« on: April 24, 2009, 09:21:59 PM »
Brandon Twittered the following about 15 minutes ago:
Getting Ready for a Post about THE WAY OF KINGS. Should go up soon.

I am VERY excited about this new series. I am so excited about it, I am a little sad that Brandon has to work so much on the last few books of The Wheel of Time.  (And I am a HUGE WoT fan!) That's how excited I am.

I managed to get a hold of Dragonsteel (see the Dragonsteel **SPOILERS** thread for more info on that) I enjoyed the characters and concepts introduced in that book immensely. From what I understand, Brandon decided not to publish Dragonsteel, but to introduce some of the concepts from it in The Way of Kings instead. YES!

Anyway, I thought I'd start a thread to discuss the imminent announcement of WoK. My first thread on these forums! That's how excited I am.  :D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: What's Brandon up to now?
« on: April 17, 2009, 10:43:37 PM »
I just saw this on Brandon's Twitter:

"At Jordancon. Loads of fun. I just played ALL of the Forsaken (the males at least) in a skit. Sometimes playing several Forsaken at once."

Hopefully someone got a video of that. I would love to see it. :) Plus video or transcripts from any other interesting panel discussions. :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: April 17, 2009, 10:22:27 PM »
There is real reason to believe these are Mat's personal past life experiences.

Renoard - I don't think so. I agree with melbatoast on this one. I seem to remember Matt having memories from multiple people in the same age. Melbatoast mentioned Matt having memories from multiple people in the same battle (even different sides of the same battle). I can't think of any examples of that, but I seem to remember something like that too. Anyone have the books handy and want to point out some examples?  :P

Seems to me that Matt's memories are just a bunch of memories from different people, mostly generals and commanders. I'm not sure if the memories are from people that visited the land of Finn or not, but that theory at least makes a little bit of sense. I seem to remember the Finn vicariously "enjoying" people's memories when they were visiting with them. I think that's the reason the Finn even allow humans to contact them. They gain something from sifting through people's memories. I don't know if that's true or not, but if it is it kind of makes sense the Finn would have access to people's memories that they could have dumped into Matt.

I think Perrin was a wolf in his previous incarnation.  :P

Mat ... Hmmmmm... There is definitely a link to Manetherren, but I never got a strong inclination that Matt was ONE person reincarnated. He has all those different memories in his head, and it seems to me that some of them were from different people who were alive in the same age. I'm not sure if all the memories he has now are memories from his previous incarnations, or if the Aelfin just dumped a bunch of different souls memories into him.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: April 10, 2009, 12:37:41 AM »
Yeah! An update from Joe.

I agree with you about the Shaido. It's pretty ridiculous they're still against Rand when Couladan is long dead. My only advice is get used to it. The Shaido don't go away any time soon.

Mat is Artur Hawkwing reborn? I'm not so sure on that, but I've been wrong before. :)

I LOVED that scene where Elayne and Nyneave finally apologize to Matt. I NEVER thought that would happen. Oh, and the scene where Elayne is getting drunk through the warder bond is hilarious.

Aes Sedai age slower than most people, but they don't get close to 412 years old! This was news to me when I first read that part, since it never really says how old Aes Sedai get.  Just that they "age slower". I think you'll soon learn a theory about why the Kin live longer than Aes Sedai. It's pretty interesting.

I hear you about Rand not making much sense when you're seeing him through other people's POV. That's one thing I missed in the later books is more insight into what Rand is thinking. I guess it makes sense that Jordan started sharing less and less of Rand's thoughts, since that's now a large part of the suspense. "What will Rand do next?"

Oh, and thanks for the nice long update! Reading them totally brings back the memories of reading this awesome story for the first time.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: April 09, 2009, 03:38:05 PM »
Joe - It's been too long! I need my vicarious WOT fix!

No pressure though.  ;D

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