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Messages - Flo_the_G

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Reading Excuses / Re: 22 June - Concord - Prologue, Ch. 1 and Ch. 2
« on: June 25, 2009, 09:58:00 AM »
I am not a fan of the overly used Terrans. I know it is kind of a standard but I feel like every Sci-fi story uses it. Maybe some creative alternative.
Yeah, that's only temporary (I hope). It's probably the one name I've changed most often, but none of them had the right ring to them.

Finally - I am not sure the Prologue was needed. Unless that sets up something else in the story later I don't know about. I would scrap it - as most publishers/agents hate them anyway. Start with Chapter one - just my opinion.
It does sort-of set up something, but that's more of a gimmick and can easily be dispensed with.

Did any of the grammar issues turn up repeatedly? Maybe there's something I tend to overlook when proofreading.

The Prologue:  [...]
I sense a pattern here. ;D I did quite like the gimmick the prologue sets up, but if the prologue itself keeps people from reaching said gimmick - adieu le prologue. Is that even proper French?

Chapter 1: Whoa.  MAJOR break in the flow.  It's like reading the beginning of two completely different stories. 
Would chapter 1 work as a beginning more or less as it is, in your opinion?

I would add another chapter about Juno and her interrogation of whomever it is before jumping to the seditionists, preferably explaining what it is that she does and why it makes everyone around her so nervous. 
That would be chapter 3, at the moment. But I see your point, I might have to juggle the initial few chapters around a bit.

It bothers me a little that you don't identify von Bredow as either Imperialist or Terran (I assume these are the factions left after the non-war in the prologue?).  You may have reasons for that, but it makes it harder to mentally categorize him and his friends- which, admittedly, may be your point. 
Yes they are, and no I don't. He's one of the Imps, and it honestly never occurred to me that this might be unclear, simply because it was so very clear to me. [insert powerful expletive here]

And if you're going to hint that someone has "family connections" it helps to tell us why.  Is his family prominent in government?  In the armed forces?  Did he inherit great wealth?  What is it that makes him so certain he's "untouchable?"
Point very much taken.

Thanks again, both of you. Calling your input invaluable would be an understatement. :)

Reading Excuses / 22 June - Concord - Prologue, Ch. 1 and Ch. 2
« on: June 22, 2009, 10:53:29 AM »
I hope you all got the email, thanks for reading and, uh, be as harsh as necessary.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: June 20, 2009, 08:08:32 PM »
Silly me, nearly forgot this part: put me on the list for Monday, please!

Reading Excuses / Re: June 15 - Blade of the Fallen - Chapter 10
« on: June 19, 2009, 06:05:36 PM »
Did read it, made no notes, but if no-one else seems to be volunteering, I'll try and remember the issues I had - keep in mind that the good bits usually go unnoticed, while the not-so-good sticks.

For me, the chapter did have a a fairly dark feel to it, lighting-wise, I mean, apart from that I think I'd sign everything Ravenstar said.

What really needs fixing is the ending, with respect to the Drakkin's retreat. Him taking one of the soldiers hostage felt like a cop-out on your part most of the time, as if you simply didn't want to kill anyone important. Then, when he did die, it screamed "redshirt", as if you had only taken him along to off him at a convenient time. The main problem here, I think, are the Drakkin's motives. He apparently has the power to manipulate people and whatnot, so what, exactly, is keeping him from having the soldiers slaughter each other until only Garrik is left? There might be a limit to his powers, but it's not clear to the reader.

Cutting his arm off was somewhat strange, too. I'd have expected Tul to give him another hearty stab to make sure he didn't get up again, especially because he didn't exactly seem troubled by the wound later on. Having the arm regrow when he got up would have been awesome, by the way. ^^

The other drakkin also went down a tad fast, considering how you introduced them earlier. Stormtroopers against Ewoks come to mind. ;D

But, you know, swordfights, babes, magic... I'm sold.

Reading Excuses / Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« on: June 16, 2009, 09:30:42 PM »
Nah, I'll take those 30k you wrote in a day last NaNoWriMo.  ;D

Reading Excuses / Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« on: June 16, 2009, 09:27:12 AM »
That's quite the outline, Flo.
Well I've tried writing with significantly shorter outlines in the past (and none at all), but that just didn't work out. I have to know exactly where I'm going and how I'm going to get there, apparently. Which is quite surprising, because when I started out writing, I was convinced that outlines took all the fun out of it. Silly past-me.

Now if only I could churn out as many words per day as you do...

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: June 15, 2009, 11:08:16 PM »
You furriners with your strange clocks... :D

Reading Excuses / Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« on: June 15, 2009, 10:55:23 PM »
I have words! On a page! And they're actually part of the story! Only 3200 or so of them, but you have to start somewhere, after all.

Next landmark: making the story longer than the outline. Only 10k to go...

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: June 15, 2009, 10:50:45 PM »
*laughs shamelessly at Silk*

There are still 10 minutes of Monday left hereabouts, but I just couldn't wait.  ;D

Incidentally, would you be so kind as to strike my name from the list of readers? It's taken me long enough, but I've been fairly productive these last days and I'll be wanting to submit something presently, maybe even next week. Glee!

Good thing, too, because starting tomorrow I'll probably be hopelessly bogged down by uni again. Glorious excuses, what would I do without you. ;)

Reading Excuses / Re: Enhancements to Reading Excuses
« on: June 03, 2009, 07:34:01 AM »
As far as I know, a Google account isn't necessarily tied to a gmail address, unless they've changed that recently. So you'd have to sign up for the account, but could keep your regular address.

Renoard's thingy sounds like a far easier solution, though, the main problem being that you'd still have to manually update the list. On the other hand, I can't imagine that being much more time consuming than the Google thing. :-\

Then you'd have the problem of being seen by animals or other non-humans, am I right? Because I think there'll be a creature that can see you no matter in what part of the spectrum you are. And in that case, it would be highly likely that someone had found out about it and trained one of them accordingly, if invisibility were common enough. Or someone could have constructed goggles... sounds like a great idea, story-wise. ;D

Still, I maintain that you don't need an explanation, even though you now apparently have a scientifically sound one.

Bending light around you would in fact make it impossible for you to see, as Chaos surmised, as would any other sort of invisibility involving the manipulation of light. Once light hits your eyes, they're visible again. I don't think any kind of explanation is necessary there, though. It's magic, anything is possible, and physics be damned.

Also, wormholes would supposedly rip you apart if you entered them (should they exist), so you shouldn't try explaining anything with science if you don't absolutely have to, because science takes all the fun out of funtasy (see what I did there? ;D).  Without the explanation, people go "Ooh, invisibility." With it, they go "Hey, can you even see if light is bent around you?"

Bronze swords. Those are, by nature, short, because as they get longer, they become highly bendable. According to Wikipedia (whatever that's worth) bronze swords shouldn't be longer than 60 cm. Bronze-coloured swords, however... ;)

Anyway, those are all minor things that are easily fixed. I'd actually thought that Kail's slightly humorous air would be beginning to get on my nerves by now, but it turns out that it's becoming ever more refreshing. I also have to very much concur as to the ending of the chapter, which was great.

Reading Excuses / Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« on: May 16, 2009, 05:52:00 PM »
I can dimly recall myself announcing that I'd soon be joining the list of submitters two months or so ago... we-ell, since then I've managed to outline the first act (of three, I hope). Thankfully, that wasn't all I spent those two months on (or rather: I spent next to no time at all being in any way productive in that time), but it'll be at least June before I'll be submitting a prologue. My personal deadline is sometime before my birthday, which is in July, and I'm fairly confident that that's realistic. It has to be, seeing as you'd all be laughing at me if I needed until August. ;)

Anyway, I'm not writing a single word until my plot outline is done. Doing that has never worked before, tempting as it may be.

So if you're having self-doubts because you think you're writing too little, simply think of me, my endless pages of fluff, my third of an outline, and my zero-word manuscript. 8)

Reading Excuses / Re: 11 May 2009 - Renoard - EL SHADDU- ch 3
« on: May 14, 2009, 05:55:55 PM »
You can let your head keep on swelling, I'll have to say that it's overall very good writing, just like in the previous submission.

It did have a plot-related issue, though. Near the end of the chapter, the prisoner fears that he might break. Why, then, doesn't he simply use his (apparently quite extensive) power to escape before that happens? It seemed quite nonsensical to have him state at the beginning of the chapter that his cell can't hold him, and then have him despair in the end.

A minor point was that the first time he fell unconscious could have been clearer (i.e. say that his vision blackens or something to that effect), simply having him wake up a second time was mildly confusing for an instant.

The change in pace worked quite well, I think, and you raised enough questions to make me want to find out what the answers are, but not as many as to completely confuse me and make me stop reading. And there's of course the constant dangling carrot of his still-unused magic as well. ;)

I fear I have to largely agree on what's been said about the first part. While the introduction by the translator is interesting to read, the only thing the prologue gave me was the impression that reading the following pages might be a bit arduous. Then came the story proper, and I honestly didn't see the point of everything that had gone before anymore - they felt like two completely disconnected tales.

Accordingly, all those "similar" names felt rather forced, especially because of the large number of them. If I were a run-of-the-mill reader, I'd probably have thought "oh, that's quite clever" at the first handful of names, but that would have rapidly declined towards "now he's just showing off".

Overall, I find the entire translation-thing interesting. However, from what I've read, I don't really see the need for all the introductory stuff. Especially since it distracts from the actual story, which I enjoyed reading (and which covered all the important info even without the various prologues, in my opinion).

To the story itself: the fart irritated me only a tiny little bit (and irritate is even to harsh a word). What I found really jarring was the fact that you referred to a scribe's misspelling as a typo. ;D

Anyway, the entire thing about the prophet is great, and now I went away from the PC for an hour and completely forgot what else I wanted to write. Something about how nicely you inserted the info in the non-foreword part, I think.  Suffice it to say, the lack of negative commentary on that part is supposed to be interpreted as positive commentary.  :-\

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