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Messages - Elmandr

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: On the essence of Mistborn.
« on: October 25, 2008, 10:05:30 PM »
Ah, yes <nodding head in a sagely manner> The "Emperor's New Clothes Syndrome." (ENCS) It affects so much of the arts now-a-days.

That nod, where have i seen it before?

...My psychiatrist.

Brandon Sanderson / The Mistborn Trilogy. *Spoilers*
« on: October 25, 2008, 08:22:32 PM »

For me it was The Final Empire. Though i didn't want to get all nostalgic about it...I find that there really is no other way to explain. Here goes.

I'm sure you all know what a relation ship is like on the first few months--new and exciting, filled with discovery and growing closer with your partner.

Thats how book one is. It is, in a lack of a better and less corny analogy, the beginning of my relationship with Mistborn. The magic system was new to me, the characters mysterious and unknown. The story unpredictable. They always say that there will be no one like your first...

ehm. Joke. I kid. I just wanted to see how far i could take it.

then i thought, perhaps i'm just the type who likes beginnings. Looking back to all the trilogies and series i read, i found that i reread the firsts more. That i read them for longer periods at a time. That i liked them more.

However, i will not let my vanity blind me, i know there must be other opinions. Thus, i ask, of the three, which do you find the most enjoyable?

I haven't Drawn since i was in junior high but lately I've had the urge to. Give me a couple days and i will post a drawing...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker Cover
« on: October 25, 2008, 08:00:22 PM »

Brandon Sanderson / Re: TinEye
« on: October 25, 2008, 07:50:31 PM »

There is no law on the internet...durr!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hero of Ages signings photos
« on: October 25, 2008, 07:49:20 PM »
Actually only my beard is red. And Ookla has way more hair than me.

perhaps its the fierceness in your eyes on that second picture--very lion like.

Brandon savors stretching the concept of fantasy--he is a rebel, refusing to take up what other authors have subconsciously considered a standard in fantasy....Im talking about his magic systems.

Anyway, The Silence Divine. Seriously, i could just die with speculation's and wonder. Really, im glad to have Sanderson, he brings adventure and wonder to a world that i thought was completely figured out. Maybe we haven't reached a climax in creative literature--there is hope for us yet.

Video Games / Re: Fable 2 Released
« on: October 25, 2008, 07:35:03 PM »
I've started fable 2--so far its not disappointing but im not far enough to tell...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: "A" is for Atium.... *Contains Spoilers*
« on: October 25, 2008, 07:34:18 PM »
I've been trying to find one for X but i still haven't...perhaps that was the only thing...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: On the essence of Mistborn.
« on: October 25, 2008, 07:27:45 PM »
You guys try too hard.  My books are literally all stacked up in my closet randomly on some larger shelves.  I know where they all are.  It's great.

It would take someone else a good twenty minutes to find anything, though.  Like literally; fantasy, classics, mythological, contemporary, sci-fi, writing, linguistics, etc...are all just mixed up together.  Let's call it ordered chaos.

On a similar, yet, unrelated note--you all should see my writing notes.  If I died halfway through writing the series I am planning, there would be no one who would be able to put the rest of the story together.  Nothing is in order and most of it is just random note after random note.

Here, let me grab one. 

On a sticky note that was attached to some prose that had nothing to do with the note: "Dagger doesn't really hold hidden's just a piece of the puzzle you need on the road to TDP.  The enchantment may work now...think."

Or this:
"On Atrius:
 'I should feel guilty.'
He didn't.
The Beowulf monty python thing...."(I can't reveal the rest of this :P)

It's going to be hell when I actually have to put this all together!  Woo!

Duuuuude.  If there was such a thing as linguistic acrobatics, i can imagine that as a primary example. Either that, or on the blooper reel for the sport...i can't real tell yet.

Reminds me of the Metal art--where the "Artists" put together a pile of mashed up or smoothed up slabs and chunks of I'm sitting there thinking, "Is there a specific order to all this? Was this intentional? Perhaps he knew that the pompous rich folk wouldn't dare call it crap, fearing that others might understand it and they will be seen as less than competent. So they sit there admiring in full focus. Making his random, artless piece, into an "abstract" art...

Suggestions Box / Re: What was the worst film ever made?
« on: October 25, 2008, 07:18:02 PM »
I cried when i watched D&D, i cried like a prideless fool.

I laughed. It was so bad I had to laugh to keep myself from shriveling up. Och!

I think my cat was laughing--though i'm not sure if it was at me or the movie. Both were remarkably pathetic...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: For the Crew: Elmandr's Bet *SPOILERS*
« on: October 25, 2008, 07:15:27 PM »
I'll get it on there as soon as possible...drat!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: On the essence of Mistborn.
« on: October 24, 2008, 05:55:33 PM »
only slightly

Brandon Sanderson / On the essence of Mistborn.
« on: October 24, 2008, 05:06:30 PM »
I, after reading HOA and letting out an "OOooha Man!" in attempt to express the sheer awesomness of the Trilogy, approached my bookshelf and tried to catergorize it...

I wasn't sure where to put it, and i still don't know:

Should i place it Near Goodkinds Sword of Truth Series? It is a fantasy epic that has plenty to do with a young couple in love.

Should I have placed it In my Mystery category? I presume you all know why that is a possibility.

then i saw The Name of The Wind, and Brandon's Mistborn Rivals it in uniqueness.

I was also tempted to shelf it near my WOT books.

I think you are all beginning to see me problem.

So, with that in mind, in a sentence how would y'all describe and/or categorize Mistborn?

It could have been a sport that hadn't been played in the last 1000 years, but the idiom remained. Language does funny things like that.

But it's good to avoid things that will take the reader out of the book.

yes baggage is never good. Only mention what is necessary. Oh and repeat whats important.

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