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Messages - jjb

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: I have to say, I'm impressed.
« on: September 04, 2008, 09:44:42 PM »
Yeah, I have some friends who never finished the series because they thought it got really slow in the later books, but I think it's also because they never really got into the story. If you read the first books and don't love them, then reading through to the end of the series will probably be torture for you, but if you read the first books and love the story as well as appreciating the huge world and dozens of viewpoints, then the later books will probably be a bit slow, but you will still love them.

WoT is my favorite series ever so I didn't think the later books got too slow, but I did hate the parts where Robert Jordan was pretty much explaining who the characters were and what the whole series was about. He needed to do that for people who hadn't read previous books(why do people do that?) and because most people probably won't remember who someone is from the mention of their name, but the beginnings of the later books were always slow for me.

So I don't really know what the point of this post was, but if you like Brandon's books and you like long series, there's no way you won't love the WoT series.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: To pass the time: Buy/Sell
« on: September 04, 2008, 06:38:44 AM »
Buy or Sell?
We haven't seen the last of Zane's body

Buy. Brandon did say Zane was definitely dead, but maybe the Giant Cat feeds off of Zane's hysteria-filled body?

Buy or Sell?
It wouldn't just be cool, but it's a necessity that Brandon gets Inkthinker to do stuff for him.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« on: September 04, 2008, 06:34:10 AM »
ummm... I've lived in Japan and the sun definitely is NOT red. Unless you're talking about some of the sunsets, but that happens all over the world.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: To pass the time: Buy/Sell
« on: September 01, 2008, 07:37:38 AM »


Buy or Sell?
All of the Dominances from Mistborn are actually on the same planet as the Elantris cities, just on the other side of the world.

Buy, the major plot twist in MB3 will be Raoden appearing suddenly because he "jumped" too far and he draws one of those runes in the metal lake, releasing Preservation or something like that.

Buy or Sell?
Vin hooks up with a Koloss and they have blue super-super-strong Mistborn babies!! (Okay, that is really gross)

Writing Group / Re: Writing Prompts!
« on: August 18, 2008, 08:41:05 AM »
@ Mr. Papers Head

Honestly, I hadn't thought about the history of the religion all that much. This will be cliché, but the start of the religion was when some random guy who loved paintings started "worshiping" the contrast, etc. of colors and he noticed how each color had a different affect on his emotions (red is tension, blue is calming, etc). When he told his friends of his discoveries, they started noticing how the colors affected their emotions as well. From there, it grew.
People called the random guy their prophet and started to believe that there were actual spirits inside of each color, each battling against the others and trying to become the greatest spirit of them all.

As to who started the assasinations/genocides, there was a group of fanatics  of the red spirit who took to believing that the only way their spirit would succeed was if the followers of all other spirits were dead. Eventually, the priests of other spirits defended themselves and started attacking other factions as well. After some time, the assasinations turned into a sort of ritual, not only killing off the other priests but also converting them to the service of your own spirit.

Writing Group / Re: Writing Prompts!
« on: August 15, 2008, 03:48:08 AM »
How about a religion that worships color? The people believe that there is a specific spirit within each type of color. If there is a blue cup and a blue flower, both would be inhabited by the same spirit, but if there was a blue shirt that was even slightly different in shade of blue, there would be a different spirit. The strength of the spirits is based upon how pure the color is.

The pure colors (red, blue, and yellow) are the most powerful of spirits while green, purple, and orange are next in power. As colors become more of a mix, the spirits inside of them get less and less powerful.
There are numerous factions within this religion that are at constant war with each other. The three main factions are obviously for the spirits of red, blue and yellow. The worshipers believe that the spirits have called on them to get rid of all opposing color.

So, the worshipers of the red spirit will wear all red and their temple is completely red... you get the idea. Part of ridding the world of opposing colors involves assassinating priests of opposing factions. If the red priests catch anyone, they will open all the veins, making a lot of blood come out, and then they will spread that blood all over the captured persons (naked) body.

The blue priests wear all blue, etc. They kill their captives by drowning them in ice cold water...

Right now I'm not quite sure how the yellow priests kill. One idea is that they put captives in a cage out in the desert, letting the (yellow) sun kill them. That doesn't follow the pattern of turning the body yellow, though. They could paint the bodies yellow, but that would be too easy.

This was a really weird religion idea, but it seemed to me that if people can find spirits in rocks and such, why not take it one step further and find spirits in the colors, themselves?

And I apologize for my poor writing style.

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