OK, so does anybody want to speculate on *why* Lota is doing all this?
We've managed to deduce an absurd amount correctly in this plot arc, but character motivations are still a complete mystery to me. Was Lota really interested in keeping the people of Credomar safe? What's the next step?
Just guessing. Let's say Lota transferred himself (itself?) into the annie plant control systems, and discovered just what the system was. Now, what do you do? First, get the people out of the way -- they've already tried to blow up the system once, and aren't particularly safe to have around something with this kind of power. Having done that, if you are Lota, perhaps you plan to sit back and provide a safe repository for the power -- after all, the one entity that Lota can trust with this is... Lota. But... like most strategic superweapons, I have to wonder about MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) and other terminal scenarios.
Hum. Does Lota want to keep the existence of this weapon a secret or not?
Intriguing questions.