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Messages - Dangerbutton

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Well, I think if we did the 3 group thing, we'd be splitting up the groups, once we know where everyone's at.

For example, let's say we've got 4 monthly submitters (Jim, Andy, Dwight, and Michael), 4 bi-weekly submitters (Angela, Pam, Phyllis, and Kelly), and 4 bi-weekly skipping submitters (Ryan, Stanley, Creed, and Toby). The submissions would go something like so:

1--Jim, Pam, Angela, Ryan, Stanley
8--Andy, Phyllis, Kelly, Creed, Toby
15--Dwight, Angela, Pam, Ryan, Stanley
23--Michael, Phyllis, Kelly, Creed, Toby

Or something like that....

Bonus points: The names are from....?

So, this Office reference pretty much earned you 10 cool points, in my book.

Reading Excuses / Re: Dec 1st, 08 - Birthright - Prologue
« on: December 04, 2008, 12:22:21 AM »
Wow, thanks a ton for all this feedback! This is a big help. As you point out little things here and there, it leads to me noticing even more tune-ups the piece needs. I haven't had input from a writing group for a good four years, so this is definitely much appreciated.
Oh, and I'm glad so many of you got a colonial, or pirates of the Caribbean feel from the setting. That's what I was going for, partially.

I'm up for it

Perhaps it would be wise to leave the option of submitting either monthly or bi-weekly.

Pocket watch? Yeah, that threw me off, too.

Anyhow, I like the world-building. The religions and their history is interesting, and seem very well thought out.

However, I think too much was dished out at once. I think it would be much better to reveal more about the religions over time. However, I understand that the scene did revolve around their theological discussion, so that could be tricky. All in all, though, the dialogue wasn't very believable. From what I knew about the characters, I wasn't convinced that they would actually say some of the things that they did.
I agree that the dialogue got a little dry, too. Involve some sort of action with the dialogue, even if just a little.

Still, I liked it, and the setting. I think it just needs some polishing.

Oh, and the trembling was a good visual.

Reading Excuses / Re: Crystalheart Ch. 1
« on: December 01, 2008, 10:04:13 PM »
I liked it. The world was intriguing, and the action was fun, especially the free-falling. That was definitely a part that grabbed my attention. I was able to get a decent visual of the environment, as well.

Most of the problems I noticed have already been brought up. I had trouble seeing the size/shape of the crystal they found. I didn't see why it wouldn't be a problem if they were seen on the way down. The climbing parts made me wonder, as well. The first thing I noticed was that you described the surface as crumbling, and yet you pointed out that they had to rely on barely visible hairline cracks. Unless these towers are of incredible workmanship, which it sounds like they may have been, I fail to see how that would be considered 'crumbling'.

While most of the dialogue, in my opinion, was good, there were moments when it didn't seem real. I agree with whoever said that their 'formalities' didn't seem all that formal.

Still, it was a very good start to a story. It got my attention. Well done!

Reading Excuses / Re: The Rules Of Reading Excuses
« on: December 01, 2008, 07:30:05 PM »
Thank you, that helps.
You know, I love how quickly you get responses on this forum.

Reading Excuses / Re: The Rules Of Reading Excuses
« on: December 01, 2008, 07:14:04 PM »
Rules question here...
  It says that, although it is not following good etiquette to defend our work, we can make pointed questions. What would be the right way to do that? Should we post the question publicly, or just PM the person we want to ask the question to?

Reading Excuses / Dec 1st, 08 - Birthright - Prologue
« on: December 01, 2008, 06:29:14 AM »
So, ignore the top left corner where I have the name and date and so on for when I turned it in as my final project in Creative Writing... I uh, forgot to remove that...

Role-Playing Games / Re: The Wedding
« on: November 29, 2008, 05:21:11 PM »
     I chuckled as I watched the man tumble down the marble steps leading up to the doors of the church. Maybe it was mean of me to laugh at something like that, but, well, you don't get a chance to chuckle at slapstick goodness like that every day.
     What was taking so long? When was this wedding going to get started? I grimaced as my belly shouted out its complaints about something I had eaten from the dumpster. I needed some real food. The savory scent of bacon tempted me to go into that chapel and eat to my heart's content, or, rather, my belly's, but I had to show restraint. I couldn't go in there just yet. My timing had to be perfect.
     I looked towards the chapel, then at my watch. My belly shouted at me once more, and I darted behind the dumpster, losing most of my moldy ham lunch.

Role-Playing Games / Re: The Wedding
« on: November 25, 2008, 03:31:04 AM »
I paused, a piece of moldy ham hanging from my mouth, noticing that I had suddenly felt unusually tired and emotionally numb. I shrugged, and returned to checking the bottom of the discarded shoe for gum.

Role-Playing Games / Re: The Wedding
« on: November 25, 2008, 02:23:26 AM »
I glanced at my watch before turning back to the dumpster. It was starting soon. Foraging through the trash, I went over the game plan in my head. My timing had to be perfect. ooh! this pizza box has a few crusts left in it! There would be no room for error. However, I had confidence in my plan. How many movies with wedding scenes had I watched? How many hours had I spent rehearsing my entrance? I was prepared. Nothing was going to stop me. Hey, there's a few drops of Mountain Dew left in this bottle! Oh boy!

Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: November 24, 2008, 08:38:50 AM »
And then me knowing when to burst through the doors. . . . yeah. . .  hmm. . .  good point there, Raethe. . .

Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: November 24, 2008, 07:41:47 AM »
I'm totally gonna be the dude that bursts through the doors at just the right moment and shouts, "I object!" and then I ride off into the sunset with bride, or something cool like that.... Then she says, "Um. . . who are you?" , and thus ends our short-lived romance.

Reading Excuses / Re: The Rules Of Reading Excuses
« on: November 20, 2008, 08:02:11 PM »
Sounds cool to me

Reading Excuses / Re: The Rules Of Reading Excuses
« on: November 20, 2008, 06:55:03 PM »
well, hey, anything with exploding brains is good

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