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Messages - Comatose

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 61
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Deus-Ex Machina in Hero of Ages? *Spoilers*
« on: July 06, 2010, 04:42:30 AM »
Thought I'd take a turn playing devil's advocate,
When Vin takes Zane's atium and uses it, you must remember that Zane had been subtly soothing and rioting her emotions for the whole time he's been around her (at least whenever she wasn't burning copper).  It doesn't say so in the book, but it does in the annotations, and when you reread carefully, you can see where she feels exactly the way Zane would want her to feel, thus, unless Yomen had someone soothing her (which I don't think he did because someone mentioned he had no allomancers other than himself), they aren't really the same scenario.
I don't think her chance at the pewter trick was out of character, I just think that Zane's atium can't be used as a precedent in this argument.

Halfway done the Great Hunt, and loving it so far!  The best book yet, I say.  I didn't really like Eye of the World, and this tops new spring!
Neither tops The Name of the Wind though!!!!  I immediately lent it out to the first book-intelligent friend I saw so I would have someone to talk about it with!
Now I just can't get over how no one can tell that Selene is bad news.  I mean come on!  She is obviously bad news, right?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did you find out about Brandon Sanderson?
« on: July 06, 2010, 04:27:37 AM »
True, there isn't much for character in those.  It's pretty much all just Nevare. 
I didn't say they were my favorites, not by far, but I did enjoy them.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 05, 2010, 10:48:11 PM »
EDIT:  As a side note it's Yin-Yang. >>'

Ya, that was a typo.  I was probably typing Yin and thinking Yang, or something odd like that.
At least I'm not alone in my observation,.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 05, 2010, 06:59:48 PM »
I like the 'Ying-Yang' aspect of it.  Was that intentional?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Breeze's Girlfriend?
« on: July 05, 2010, 06:58:20 PM »
And Allriane doesn't come along until Book 2, so it's not really through the whole trilogy...

I read Wizard's First Rule.  I got it for christmas from a friend.  You know the page where other books by the author are listed?  He crossed them all out.  Personally, the defacing of books, whatever the reason, especially my own, bothers me, but I took the hint, and did not continue reading.  Frankly, while I enjoyed parts of Wizard's First Rule, on the whole, it did not constitue me going on in the series.  Unlike Wheel of Time.  I'm really getting into the Great Hunt!

Reading Excuses / Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« on: July 05, 2010, 05:54:11 PM »
I could use some more feed back on the scene I submitted before I get too much into revisions.  It's really short, so it shouldn't take you long to read at all.
I'm not ignoring the things you guys have been telling me about my work, I'm looking forward to making working on the changes you suggested.  I just wanted your opininion on something a little more recently written before I got deep into my revisions, so I know if there are still any major problems with my current writing style.

I've started listening to the Writing Excuses Podcasts, and some of them have been really helpful.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Movie-Casting?
« on: July 04, 2010, 05:57:27 PM »
I think his hair could be dyed, someone even put a picture of him with blond hair up here somewhere.  Once his gray hair is covered, and if you could him to shave, I bet he could pass for Kel's age.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did you find out about Brandon Sanderson?
« on: July 03, 2010, 01:05:35 PM »
I've read Robin Hobb's soldier son trilogy.  I took me about half of the first book to get into it, but in the end, I liked it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Breeze's Girlfriend?
« on: July 03, 2010, 04:24:44 AM »
Ummm, Ham is married.  But then again, he's away from his wife a lot.
Otherwise, yeah, I guess so.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Movie-Casting?
« on: July 03, 2010, 04:23:21 AM »
Please.  No.
Michael Cera could concievable be Spook, but he'd only work for book one, and I doubt he could pull of the dialect (as much as I love him).
That being said, I'm pretty sure (at least I hope) you are joking, so...

Okay, for those of you who have been keeping up with me.

I'm trying to re work my magic system a bit, before I begin my rewrites.  I'm finding as a read through that the fire/water duality has become a pretty integral part of my story.  Any ideas on how I can keep that there, without being so typical?  I should not that the Auroks in my story so far are only utilizing the basics of their powers (it's all they can do).  Fire and Water are just the EASIST things they can manipulate.  The root of the magic system is that Aurok-Hals can manipulate matter, and Aurok-Hons can manipulate energy.

I wrote a new opening paragraph for the first chapter, and I like it.  I think it set's up the story a little more, and hints at the larger scope of the magic system.

@ Valkynphyre,
The dialogue wasn't too much was it?  I didn't think that the Desert Queen and the Earth Child should talk like regular people.  Maybe they did once, but not now. 
I'm glad the emotions showed through.
Which parts did you find particularily contrived, if you don't mind me asking?

Reading Excuses / Re: June 28 - Renoard - Redmantle Chapter 1b
« on: July 02, 2010, 08:28:20 PM »
I liked the elements of Hamlet you put in.  It was something framiliar that drew my attention, and I think you have enough original elements that it's obvious this is no novelization. 
It's not a discouragement at all!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Movie-Casting?
« on: July 02, 2010, 08:24:57 PM »

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