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Messages - Nerdles

Pages: [1]
Dan Wells / Re: Serial Killer book 3 release date?
« on: January 06, 2011, 11:00:11 PM »
Congrats, Fellfrosch.

Book #3 released in UK today. Of course, you can always buy it online if you really want to read it now, right?

Writing Group / Re: Writing Prompts!
« on: December 17, 2010, 06:12:59 PM »
Okay, I decided to let my snippet stand on its' own. It's something like half a scene, but that's all I have time for this week. Inspired by a famous scene from Casablanca, as you'll see ...


"I was wondering when you'd show up, Marta. I left the door open so you wouldn't break the lock like last time."

"Get rid of that joint. You know the smoke makes me sick."

"That's why I lit up."

"Put it out, Sam."

"You put away the gun and I'll snuff the joint."

"No deal."

"What do you want, Marta? You want the documents? They're sitting there on the piano and they're all yours."

"Go open the window to clear the air in here. Then bring those documents and hand them to me on the way back. Do it now, Sam, or I'll shoot."

"The funny thing, Marta, is that I don't believe you care about those documents. That's not what you came for. You came here because you wanted to see me. Well, I've got news for you, sweetie. There ain't nothing to see but a cynical old man. The man you once loved is still sitting in a bakery in Calcutta, waiting for his girl to show up. She never came that day so he stayed right back there waiting. I'm just an empty placeholder for the soul this body used to own. You ought to know that by now."

"Open the window. Get the documents. Hand them to me."

"Go ahead and shoot. You'll be doing the world a favor."

"I don't want to hurt you, Sam. You know I need those documents to clear my name."

"Your name? What about that boyfriend of yours? He's the one who's been implicated, not you. But hey, it's nothing to me. You want the documents? Go ahead and walk over there and grab them. I'd do it myself but I don't like to turn my back on women holding guns."

"Sam, you know I wouldn't--"

"Then why'd you bring it, sweetie? And why won't you put it down? You afraid of me? I've already said the documents are yours and I've shown you where they are. You scared of something else? Somebody else? Maybe you're scared of yourself."

"I don't ... Stop it, Sam. Just hand them to me."

"You put down the gun, I put out the joint and walk across the room. We open the window to get some fresh air, you get your documents. Isn't that what you want?"

"Fine, Sam. You win. You know you always do. Here's the gun."

"Just kick it out of reach, now, okay? Very nice, Marta. Now I snuff like so. Why don't you take a seat while I open the window?"

"I'm not here to socialize, Sam."

"Is that so? Okay, then. Back to business. Joint snuffed. Window open. Here are the documents. Take them, Marta, you've earned them."

(by Juliana Montgomery)

Writing Group / Re: Writing Prompts!
« on: December 17, 2010, 06:02:16 PM »
Funny, mine has a similar start to the dialogue. I will post it after I decide whether to make it just a snippet or a full scene. I look forward to reading other variations on the theme.

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