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Messages - ashaman33

Pages: [1]
Okay, let me make a few bold speculations.
First, let's look at a few bits of information.
1) The Knights radient were surgebinders.
2) The figure that Kaladin's  stopped flight did so while claiming  that "The oathpact" was broken.
3) When the Knights radient gave up, their amor and blades faded and lost their Glyphs.
4) Shalan and Jasna are both people who can perform feats that are also possible with fabriels.
5) Syl finds Shards distasteful.
My conclusions are the following: The glyphs on the knights armor are a the representation of a contract between Humans and Spren.
When the Knights Radient abandoned their post, this contract became void, which made the shine of armor and swords fade.
Due to this, Shards only perform  basic functions, without granting "flight"  or other, more "fancy" powers.
Syl is revolted by shards because they remind her of the Knight's disloyalty.

So much for now.

Maybe the Radiants quit because humans enslaved the Parshmen? Maybe Odium was involved somehow? Maybe it is impossible to win with Shardblades and humans  will need to recover the Dawnshards.


Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Shalan - near end of book **SPOILERS**
« on: September 12, 2010, 01:07:03 AM »
Well, Shalan in my opinion is a future Knights Radiant, like Kaladin and probably Dalinar.

1. Shalin already has a Shardblade. (explained numerous times in this thread)
2. She can soulcast. (p644 hardcover)
3. She is associated with a specific spren, that is apparently associated with soulcasting.  (p978,979 hardcover)
4. She can exchange truth with the "spren" in order to go to shadesmar. (969 hardcover)
5. She can tap into the stormlight of a jewel, as she did to escape shadesmar the first time she went there. (p644 hardcover) Not 100% positive on this one but seems quite likely

She is a Knights Radiant of the 6th Order.
Number 6 - Shash
Gemstone - Garnet   
Essence - Blood
Body Focus - The Blood
Soulcasting Properties - Blood, all non oil liquids
Primary, Secondary Divine Attributes - creative/honest

What do you think?


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Nine Survivors (WoK spoilers)
« on: September 11, 2010, 07:34:52 PM »
Personally, I don't see Jezrien being a 'bad guy.' It's more like I see there being the possibility that he may have made a deal with the devil or something to that effect.

That sounds more reasonable to me. Because he was a coward and couldn't take the torture anymore, he may have cut a deal with Odium.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Help!! I'm new!...SPOILERS FOR ALL BOOKS
« on: September 11, 2010, 04:40:30 PM »
Wow. Thanks folks. I appreciate your enlightenment. Can anyone share a link to where Brandon speaks about these things, the cosmere, Hoid, adomalsium (sp). Thanks again.


Brandon Sanderson / Help!! I'm new!...SPOILERS FOR ALL BOOKS
« on: September 11, 2010, 05:23:40 AM »
Ok guys and gals. You all have me pretty confused right now. I am a Wheel of Time Robert Jordan fan and I became a fan of Brandon after he was tabbed to finish the series. I have read, Elantris, the Hero of Ages saga, Warbreaker, and Way of Kings. I have never come to a forum to speak about Brandon's books before.

Here I find you also discussing seemingly all of his books as if they are part of a single universe! WTF, is this right? Has Brandon indicated that all of the books he has written about exist in the same universe?

I keep reading about shards. What the heck is a shard?

Why do some of you talk about Sazed the Terrisman as if he is in danger from Odium of WOK? What am I missing? (I know apparently a whole lot.) Will someone please catch me up?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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