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Messages - Greymalkin

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« on: September 11, 2010, 06:05:53 AM »
@Calvin: I'd definitely like to meet up if he ends up coming here in November.  Posse up. 

And I have a quick question too.... Brandon mentioned an author he admires during his Q/A.  I have a horrible memory for names *and* things that I overhear... I want to say it was something like "Tom Archer", but I am pretty sure I'm 100% wrong about that (Google confirms).  I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up "Bea Smith".  Does anyone remember who it was? 

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« on: September 09, 2010, 04:32:47 PM »
I was not able to hang around late enough to have my book signed, unfortunately enough.  With a number in the 200's a zip car reservation that was expiring and knowing that if I missed the Metro, I'd turn into a pumpkin I had to run pretty much right at 10.  Sad.

But I still enjoyed listening to Brandon and crowd watching.  I was sitting in the front while I waited so I could overhear little snippets of some of the back and forth between Branden and the fans.  Also nice, a conversation I had with a guy named Garrett.  We talked for probably the last hour.  Makes me wish I had asked for a way to contact him and continue our conversation, but I've always been just a bit slow at things like that.  He did get his book signed... Branden wished him water and shade, which was quite apt as he's on his way to Afghanistan soon. 

Maybe Brandon will come to DC again when the next Robert Jordan book comes out?  That would be nice... if I'm lucky I'll have a chance to tell Brandon about how I met RJ by bouncing off of him.  Yes, literally.  -Patti

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