Well that was definitely the best Wheel of Time book in years. My compliments, as well as a mental cattle prod for you to move faster.
You struck the perfect balance between the ways the characters react to each other, and showing us what they're really thinking underneath their own thoughts. The stuff they may not admit to themselves. That's always been the hardest thing to get right in this series.
Overall... I just can't wait to meet Rand again for the first time. More than anything, it feels like that's what will happen in Towers of Midnight. I can't wait for him to talk to the other Two Rivers kids, as well as his three... girlfriends. And Tam. Possible above all else, Tam. I read a fair amount of comics, and this is reminding me a bit of the most angsty stories about Superman having to come to terms with his identity. Is he Kal-El, or Clark? And then talking to his dad again, realizing that the man who raised him mattered more than most anything else. And I like the bit of symbolism of him doing the impossible. Scaling Dragonmount yet coming back down alive. I admit I peek at the bits of poetry at the beginning and end of each book. The ending one here unsettled me at first for some reason. But read in context, it was wonderful. At first I was upset that the series was being extended by another two books, yet now I'm excited to spend that much time around the Dragon truly reborn.
Egwyene's chapters were all fantastic. I can't say much other than that about her. I just hope she forgives Suian quickly, and her and Gawyn figure each other out quickly as well. Nynaeve's stuff was great, although now I really fear Lan dying. May this be another confusing red herring seeing by Min. And about Min herself, (One of my favorite characters in the series.) it was great to see her say some true common sense to Cadsune and Nynaeve. Stop trying to make him do what they want, and just help him. It's about time somebody said that. The two even seemed a bit mollified by it. The Verin twist was just... awesome. I don't truthfully recall why we were meant to suspect her of much craftiness aside from the normal Aes Sedai idiosyncrasies, but I recalled know we were meant to be looking for something. This reveal was fantastic, and damn well played.
I'm not the closest of readers when it comes to tone. The only time I think I noticed parts written by you rather than Jordan were with Mat. He was writtin a bit to obviously comical, and Talmanes as well. Not that either were bad, both were more amusing than ever. Just not their normal selves.
I'm guessing the next book is chiefly Ahviendha's, Egwyene's, and Rand's again. And of course the team which will finally rescue Moiraine. Mat, Thom, and dun dun dun.
And... does anybody else think that the final chapter with Rand was the actual reason that this "trilogy" was originally meant to be called A Memory of Light?