« on: January 11, 2008, 12:47:43 AM »
So how much do we really think the Evil Well Spirit of Doom (EWSOD) that Vin released has been able to accomplish? I do not use the name Deepness because I am still not sure as to what the Deepness is, as I explain below. This creature must have some incredible telepathic ability. Perhaps it did not do all of the below, but I would guess most of them:
1) Created the Hero of Ages prophesy to the Terris hundreds of miles away either by direct visions or by alteration of their religious literature.
1a)It can alter reality, specifically changing religious texts to suit its needs.
2)It maintained the prophesy of the Hero of Ages despite Lord Ruler's efforts to elliminate the entire Terris religious system. Admittedly this may have been the fault of the Lord ruler for keeping the Logbook and Steel plaque.
3)Mind controlled the Inqusitors and Marsh to kill all the remaining Terris/keepers. I am unclear as to if this was the work of the EWSOD or perhaps some final order of the Lord Ruler in the event of his death. The advantage to the EWSOD would I suppose be to prevent the formation of another immortal Lord Ruler which could keep it captive longer. Also, the elimination of the Keepers would remove those best able to counter the EWSOD's literature alteration ability as they had the best memories and might recall that Steel cannot be altered. However, if the EWSOD can mind control, why not do it to those most susseptible: get a Kandra or Koloss to open the well? Maybe because it required a powerful allomancer to open the Lord Ruler's secret door?
4)Does the EWSOD control the Killing Mists? It would seem so, but if that is so, then locking it in a well did not seem to prevent the destruction of most of the world. And why were the dominances spared until now? Did the Lord Ruler somehow use Atium to keep the mists at bay? Is the EWSOD the Deepness? Or is the Deepness just the Killing Mists? Neither seemed to be "conquered" as the Lord Ruler claimed, only staved off for a time. Can Vin draw power fom the mists simply because the EWSOD wished to aid her in the downfall of the Lord Ruler?
5)Did the EWSOD cause Vin's mother to go insane? Her mother stating that Vin would become a Queen showed some prophetic inkling; perhaps the EWSOD desired an ultra-powerful mistborn to be separated from the Lord Ruler's control in order to increase its liklihood of release.
6)Did the EWSOD cause the voice in Zane's head? (or was it just heavy metal poisoning from not burning off his metals before sleep...can you say 'Mad as a Hatter!'?) The voice speaking to him as he died implied that he was not insane, but what advantage would be gained to the EWSOD or anyone else by keeping Zane mentally unballanced I do not know, except if the EWSOD can see the future, and knew this was necessary to accomplish its release. This leads to the next point:
7)Can the EWSOD see into the future?
8)Did the EWSOD's presence in the well cause people to become Allomancers just by osmosis (kind of like the Demon in the Xanth books)? Or was the Allomancy bloodline strictly a creation of the Lord Ruler when he first used the well? I am still confused by what happened to Elend at the end: did he just Snap and gain his powers then in the usual way, or was it that pellet Vin gave him, or something else? Their discussion later indicated that he and Vin understood it, but I didn't.
What do you think?