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Messages - urbmd

Pages: [1] 2
Brandon Sanderson / When does Alloy of Law get released?
« on: January 25, 2011, 06:11:20 AM »
Do we have an approximate release date?  Is it 2012? 

This guy has so many projects.  I was waiting for the next WOT and Way of Kings book.  I had no idea he would put out another Mistborn so soon.

I  just finished Hero of Ages and I loved the book, and loved the Trilogy!  Brandon's plot twists and surprise endings are fantastic, better than any author I've read (and I'm so glad he was chosen to finish AMOL).  

I would love to see this trilogy as a set of movies, and  think they would translate well to the screen, because movies with unexpected, climactic endings I think do well and are reviewed well.  The only downside would be that movies with strong religious themes will apt to be controversial.

In the ending of HOA, though, I would have liked better closure.  Though it was great to see all the loose ends tied, Sazed take over for Preservation/Ruin and finally remake the world, I disliked seeing Vin and Elend die ( how old was Vin? 20?) never having experienced the world they sacrificed to build, not even leaving children or any part of themselves to see those flowers they so hoped for.  The ending was very  moving, but I needed at least  a funeral where words were shared to honor and announce Vin's sacrifice (which no one would know except Sazed) or maybe a scene when Sazed says farewell to Elend and Vin in the afterlife, as he apparently did contact them in some way (per the letter to Spook).  The funeral  and afterlife scenes in Harry Potter Deathly Hallows/ Half blood prince worked well to bring closure, even if their endings were not nearly as interesting, complete or satisfying.


Brandon Sanderson / where is warbreaker v2.0 chap 38 to end?
« on: January 30, 2008, 06:10:35 AM »
I read the warbreaker 2.0 chapters 1-37 from the download at the top of the bulletin board, but all the rest of the chapters there are V1.0.  I think I saw that V4.0  is available on the main BS site, but I want to stick with finishing V2.0.  Where can I get chaps 38 to the end?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: So..what should Brandon do next?
« on: January 21, 2008, 03:53:12 AM »
After what happenned to Robert Jordan and the Wheel of Time series, I think I no longer favor lengthy epics.  As the book numbers increase, the authors take longer and longer to complete them, and there becomes the risk of the story arc never getting completed.

I am wondering if George rr Martin will ever complete the Ice and Fire series.  I think epics should be limited to trilogies.

I think Brandon could make a good Elantris sequel.  He certainly mentioned numerous opposing ways to access the Dor which could lead to further stories.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« on: January 15, 2008, 01:20:09 AM »
You are absolutely right.  Nathan Fillian from Firefly would be a great Kelsier.  Mal's  personality was how I envisioned Kel, and the appearance would work.

 Summer Glau was how I pictured Vin all through the books.

Now I need to think up an Elend.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 3 Cover (Slight Spoilers for Mistborn 2)
« on: January 15, 2008, 01:08:46 AM »
I do like this cover better than the others, if only because Vin looks less like a goblinoid and more like a girl than on the prior covers.  But, the Mist-skirt thing has bugged me on all the covers. 

I would be interested to hear from EUOL or anyone else who knows the publishing business as to why cover artists are given so much artistic licence for these book covers?  I mean, they are painting for business purposes, not to create a work to hang on someone's wall.  It seems irksome that the artists can paint covers that go against the text of the novel, or when they seem to  make little or no effort to follow the writer's descriptions.  Some covers seem to have such crude or cartoonish style I don't understand why they were chosen for other than a children's book.  Impressionistic is different from just poorly rendered.   Don't the artists offer multiple paintings for the publishing company to choose from?

For example:  The cover art for the hardcover of Knife of Dreams in the Wheel of Time series.   Just poorly rendered, in my opinion, though I have seen worse...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: EWSOD the allpowerful? *Mistborn spoilers*
« on: January 12, 2008, 09:02:43 PM »
Ahh.  I  also had the impression that the Deepness refered to the mists.  I will search for another name...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: EWSOD the allpowerful? *Mistborn spoilers*
« on: January 11, 2008, 08:03:44 PM »
Hmm.  Mokfather, are you saying the EWSOD's name is other than Deepness?  Deepness certainly seem the most obvious identity, but I am just so used to EUOL playing tricks... And do you "know all the answers" because you have outside info (I understand some people here are friends of the author) or because  the answers are just obvious?

To Tage: I'm not sure how I feel about allomancy pellet pills.  It seems...very...retail.  "Ultimate cosmic power in one bite!"  Well, it looks like Elend got the last one.  And if Zane became became zany because of Mr. Deepness, why was that necessary?  He nearly killed Vin.

Brandon Sanderson / EWSOD the allpowerful? *Mistborn spoilers*
« on: January 11, 2008, 12:47:43 AM »
So how much do we really think the Evil Well Spirit of Doom (EWSOD) that Vin released has been able to accomplish?  I do not use the name Deepness because I am still not sure as to what the Deepness is, as I explain below.   This creature must have some incredible telepathic ability.  Perhaps it did not do all of the below, but I would guess most of them:

1) Created the Hero of Ages prophesy to the Terris hundreds of miles away either by direct visions or by alteration of their religious literature.

1a)It can alter reality, specifically changing religious texts to suit its needs.

2)It maintained the prophesy of the Hero of Ages despite Lord Ruler's efforts to elliminate the entire Terris religious system.  Admittedly this may have been the fault of the Lord ruler for keeping the Logbook and Steel plaque.

3)Mind controlled the Inqusitors and Marsh to kill all the remaining Terris/keepers.  I am unclear as to if this was the work of the EWSOD or perhaps some final order of the Lord Ruler in the event of his death.  The advantage to the EWSOD would I suppose be to prevent the formation of another immortal Lord Ruler which could keep it captive longer.  Also, the elimination of the Keepers would remove those best able to counter the EWSOD's literature alteration ability as they had the best memories and might recall that Steel cannot be altered.  However, if the EWSOD can mind control, why not do it to those most susseptible: get a Kandra or  Koloss to open the well?  Maybe because it required a powerful allomancer to open the Lord Ruler's secret door?

4)Does the EWSOD control the Killing Mists?   It would seem so, but if that is so, then locking it in a well did not seem to prevent the destruction of most of the world.  And why were the dominances spared until now?  Did the Lord Ruler somehow use Atium to keep the mists at bay?  Is the EWSOD the Deepness?  Or is the Deepness just the Killing Mists?  Neither seemed to be "conquered" as the Lord Ruler claimed, only staved off for a time.   Can Vin draw power fom the mists simply because the EWSOD wished to aid her in the downfall of the Lord Ruler?

5)Did the EWSOD cause Vin's mother to go insane?  Her mother stating that Vin would become a Queen showed some prophetic inkling; perhaps the EWSOD desired an ultra-powerful mistborn to be separated from the Lord Ruler's control in order to increase its liklihood of release.

6)Did the EWSOD cause the voice in Zane's head?  (or was it just heavy metal poisoning from not burning off his metals before sleep...can you say 'Mad as a Hatter!'?)  The voice speaking to him as he died implied that he was not insane,  but what advantage would be gained to the EWSOD or anyone else by keeping Zane mentally unballanced I do not know, except if the EWSOD can see the future, and knew this was necessary to accomplish its release.  This  leads to the next point:

7)Can the EWSOD see into the future?

8)Did the EWSOD's presence in the well cause people to become Allomancers just by osmosis (kind of like the Demon in the Xanth books)?  Or was the Allomancy bloodline strictly a creation of the Lord Ruler when he first used the well?  I am still confused by what happened to Elend at the end: did he just Snap and gain his powers then in the usual way, or was it that pellet Vin gave him, or something else?  Their discussion later indicated that he and Vin understood it, but I didn't.

What do you think?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Is there a Mistborn FAQ?
« on: January 10, 2008, 11:20:28 PM »
Many thanks.

Nice avatar pic. I always liked Army of Darkness, and more recently Burn Notice...

Brandon Sanderson / Is there a Mistborn FAQ?
« on: January 10, 2008, 04:48:28 AM »
I can't seem to find it.

Specifically, do we know the name of the third Mistborn book yet?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did you find out about Brandon Sanderson?
« on: January 10, 2008, 04:26:32 AM »
I read the announcement (on that BS was to finish the Wheel of Time series and decided to read his Mistborn books.  Having the first few chapters online is a great way to hook new readers.  I read the opening chapters and immediately raced through the rest of the books.  They were truly fantastic!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 2 geography: spoilers
« on: January 10, 2008, 04:15:51 AM »
This brings to mind what might be at the opposite pole; whether there is another well there?  In between there is a world covered by mist.  I am unsure as to the climate effects of a world of mists.  Global dust clouds (such as due to volcanic ash, or asteroid impact)  would result result in global cooling and ice age.  Vapor clouds of water or other chemicals which might increase atmospheric density (H2SO4, CO2 on Venus) I suspect would cause massive greenhouse effect and global warming.

Brandon Sanderson / Praise for Mistborn
« on: January 09, 2008, 05:15:15 AM »
I am one of those Wheel of Time fans who desperately needed something to read while BS finished the final WOT book.    Well, I was very pleasantly surprised, and after reading both Final Empire and Well of Ascension, I am thoroughly impressed with Brandon Sanderson's work.  His ability to make unexpected plot twists is better than any author I have read, and I really enjoy an unpredictable story.  Mr. Sanderson, thank you so much for finishing AMOL!

My only complaint is that now I have to wait 10 months to get MB3?   Will there be any preview chapters released?  I can feel the withdrawal symptoms beginning already...

As an aside, do we know what EUOL stands for?

In MB1 my favorite scene was a tie between:  1) The Crew dumbfoundedly discover that Kelsier planned his martyrdom, cultic rise  and had organized their roles to complete the revolution despite his being dead and all hope seemingly lost.

2) Sazed rescues Vin from the Steel Ministry jail cell by allowing himself to be captured.

In MB2:  1)Vin leads the charge to defeat the armies surrounding Luthadel.
2)Sazed rereads the plaque at the end of MB2...Very chilling.

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