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Topics - globalbergonzi

Pages: [1]
Reading Excuses / Policy on Outlines?
« on: July 26, 2011, 12:27:52 AM »
Can we submit outlines for books?

I generally don't work with outlines by the midpoint of the book, because I discovery write most of the book. The outlines just help me as a starting point.

The reason I ask is because I would like to submit a chapter/part and an outline for another story (as two different submissions, obviously) and was wondering if you guys allowed outlines? I generally plan big, but end up with a short story/novella length story.

I mean I can make a first chapter out of the outline rather quickly, but the idea for the other story I have basically combines the movies Memento and Inception. basically I'm combining the concept of memory with a multi-layered plot, so to speak.

It'll all be in the outline, should it be alright to submit it?

Thank You,


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