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Topics - Swiggly

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Can I interview somebody?
« on: October 13, 2009, 09:37:20 AM »
I need to do an assignment for my business core class. If a writer or an editor or something would respond to these questions, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Full name of Employee:
Name of Company:
Job Title:
What benefits does you company offer?
Does your company provide incentives? If yes, what are they?
How are promotions determined?
What special skills are required for your job?
What are the education requirements for your job?
What do you like most about your job?
What don't you like most about your job?


Everything Else / Any Copy/Commissioning Editors that can help me?
« on: March 31, 2008, 02:40:46 AM »
I have this project for my career and life planning class where I have to interview someone in the career I want to be in, you know, when I grow up.

I really hate that phrase.

Anywho, I don't have the questions yet, but we can easily conduct the interview over PM as soon as I get them.

But you know, someone who can actually do their job, and give me information.

Brandon Sanderson / MB2 Cover Insight.
« on: October 01, 2007, 09:36:55 AM »
Well, I do know how you love to call your books by the "informal" name. Like I remember all of you talking about alcatraz and I was just going crazy with unrestrained anticipation. I, personally like to say the entire name of my book when I'm on a rant and saying everything about nothing. "Oh my god I can't believe that Brandon's third book Mistborn: well of ascension is coming out in august I'm so excited I hope it comes soon because I know how slow amazon ships and I would just die if it didn't get here as soon as physically possible."

So, I loved the fact the the first book was MISTBORN like BOOM I'm here, fantasy fans and fantasy haters alike - get used to it. I'm the awesomest book out there. I was rather disappointed when I got my mb2 book in the mail and I opened it up to see THE WELL OF ASCENSION which still gives a big "I'm awesome" impression, but I think it would really tie it to the first book other than the fact that it's the second book. I was just disappointed.

So, tell that to Tor. Rest assured that you are not the only one who preferred (Holy crap >< can't spell today) the layout of the cover on MB1.

Brandon Sanderson / There's something spooky about Alcatraz...
« on: September 13, 2007, 05:53:50 AM »
Maybe it is the fact that "Brandon" slipped in "Wasing is of Wasing not" in the form of Quentin. Something that Spook certainly would say, and I believe that he did. Sneaky, Brandon, very sneaky. I was overjoyed to find it, though. I absolutely adored Alcatraz. I thought it was infectiously sarcastic and witty and there is no parallel. There better be another one.

Brandon Sanderson / Scalzi
« on: August 08, 2007, 07:05:23 AM »
So, I was at borders in the fantasy section. I practically got the vapors when they expanded on the entire store and made the bookshelves higher, therefore making the fantasy section much larger. (they still only have copy of both of Brandon's books.) And, you know how every once and a while they display the books so that you can see their entire covers...well I did something that perhaps Brandon will be proud of. It wasn't really bad or anything, on my part. They put Scalzi's book before Mistborn on the little shelf. Even though Scalzi's name is distinctly after Brandon's in the alphabet. I mean, I was steamed. I swear Brandon, you have me brainwashed. I was mortified that they should put Brandon after Scalzi. I have read a fair few of fantasy books, and none can hold a magic ball of light to Brandon's works. High school sucks, so I wish mistborn two would have come out sooner.

I'm really excited about baby sanderson. Know what baby x is going to be yet?

Brandon Sanderson / Brandon...where'd you go to college?
« on: June 29, 2007, 09:46:19 PM »
Well, I've been putting thought into what I want to be when I grow up and what I have to do to get there. This is mainly because I'm bored. But, when I do something, I don't do it half heartedly. I've decided that I want to be a publisher, and possibly the owner of a bookstore. I can't imagine myself doing anything that doesn't involve books, you see. Being the owner of a bookstore would involve a lot of stuff, especially my own independant one. So, right now I'm focusing on the publishing aspect of my career plan. So, I really want to know where you or Moshe went to college. I'm not really giddy about the idea that I will be going to college on the west coast, but its closer to Hawaii where my family will be; even if its not as close to the south as I want it to be. A lot of colleges in the west coast are in the WOOEY program so I won't have to pay out of state tuition. So, do you know of any really good literary colleges?

This post makes me sound super future oriented, which I guess I am.

I've just gotten around to reading the chapters of Scribbler that you put up on your blog, and I like them. They're different, they're new, and as always a delightfully creative magic system. This one seems like its a lot more modern than your other stories, but your style continues to make my day. Sadly, I won't be around that often in the next week (at least) because even though we've just started burnout and there are a couple weeks of school left, my english teacher doesn't think so. We still have all of our daily assignments which are a complete waste of time and I have to write a persuasive essay. I need to read a good book every day, at least an hour or two to stay happy. If I don't, I get depressed, which is just something weird with me. I dunno if other people have it, but when I'm all depressed and don't have time to do things, I don't even procrastinate and go on the computer. Anyway, I really like scribbler, wish you would post more chapters very soon, and I'm off to write a persuasive essay about living green and the way we need to help our environment.

Brandon Sanderson / The Hope of Elantris
« on: April 06, 2007, 07:00:41 AM »
Its really very good Brandon, not long enough to make me jump up and down, but well worth my fifty nine cents.  Every single fifty nine pennies of it.  Nice to have if from the viewpoint of Ashe as well.   Nothing less than what I would expect of you, o favorite author o mine.  Wish it would come out in a teensy little book that I could put on my bookshelf, though.

Books / Lexiles
« on: March 02, 2007, 06:22:26 AM »
Well, I've been faced with the difficulty of finding books that are my lexile score. If you don't know what a lexile score is, its based off of something (not exactly sure what) and it tells you what grade level you read on. I have a 1200 lexile score - which is senior. I'm in eighth grade and its relatively hard to find a book that is my lexile score.

We have to read seven books this quarter. Four of fiction or non, and three of the opposite of which you have the four for. I've already read my four fiction books, way back. I've read one non-fiction (Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris if you were wondering. Its positively hilarious.) and I need two more. Naturally I chose the four fiction books instead of just three. I loathe non-fiction except for books like David Sedaris' Does anybody have any recomendations for me? Keep in mind that it has to be my lexile score. 12th grade. I'd really appreciate some help here, guys.

Brandon Sanderson / Mistborn: Well of Ascension
« on: October 14, 2006, 11:14:44 PM »
Well, I was just sitting there at my crappy laptop [do not fear, internet goers, I shall get a new computer soon. I can be very foolish when picking out electronic sorts of things.] drinking my snapple white tea. [Nectarine, if you were wondering] and I went on Brandon's page. I looked at what Brandon was babbling on about for yesterday. And I saw the cover art sketch teaser. Now, is that Vin, and could that be...a broadsword?

No, child, it can not be a broadsword, for Vin is scrawny, and couldn't possibly even pick one up. Nor could she use metal, for she is a Mistborn and it could cause her injury if she were to bump into an enemy...

Just speaking the weird interworkings of my brain. I just woke up so all of this is quite jumbled, but if I do not even try to get your opinions on it, I will not rest easy for the rest of my life. Perhaps for all of eternity...


Needless to say I became increasingly depressed when I learned that the book wouldn't be out 'till around next July. I suppose it will be a good birthday present.

Though I will rest assured that Tamora Pierce's book is coming out very soon, just about a week. I have been waiting for Terrier to arrive for what seems like forever.

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