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Topics - Wolpertinger

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Brandon Sanderson / Dalinar's visions *SPOILERS*
« on: September 09, 2010, 12:30:53 AM »
I've got something of an interesting (that may be obvious or stupid to other people) theory - Perhaps the reason the Almighty's vision were obsessing so much about 'acting with honor', even when asked about Sadeas (I was under the impression although even it was a message, it could still hear what he said and respond within a limited fashion, he IS a 'god')

Perhaps he needed to act honorably even if it would otherwise be inconvenient, because, presumably, acting honorably is the only way you can become attached to an Honorspren - which appears to be the foundation for the Knight Radiant's magic.  Essentially, he needs to act honorably so he can revive the Knights Radiant to help fight back the Desolation, as they have no hope in hell of surviving one as is.

You could even go further from there and say that the 'most important words a man can say' are "the words" which fully empowered Kaladin - the oath of the Knights Radiant. (Though this could mean a lot of other things, too.)

It could be either stupid or obvious, but what do people think?

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