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Messages - ImMe

Pages: [1]
I'm a big fan of Sammy's. It's a little hole-in-the wall burger joint on 100 west just off of Center Street in Provo. Great burgers, sweet potato fries (my personal favorite), and cupcake or  pie shakes. It's fun!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK ARCs
« on: August 30, 2010, 05:45:41 PM »
I got my ARC last week, but couldn't start it until today. I've been moving and have had NO time. I started it waiting in line for my number this morning! I usually can read really fast, but this one is making me pay attention! Its taking a bit longer, but is great so far! I can't wait to see the artwork in my hardback copy tonight!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon's Book Tour
« on: October 13, 2008, 07:43:51 PM »
I tend to be more of a lurker on this site than a poster, but I'm super excited about tomorrow's release and just wanted to say that I've pre-ordered 2 books (one for me, one for an Aunt in Texas) and will be in line with the rest for Provo's signing tomorrow! I'll see y'all there!

Site News / Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« on: March 04, 2008, 09:41:32 PM »
I've been a mostly silent lurker here for a few years, so I thought I'd introduce myself. I feel less creepy that way.

My name is Karen, and I am a few months away from a PhD in Biochemistry at BYU. I've been a Sanderson fan since I happened upon Elantris in a local bookstore, and have been eagerly awaiting each new addition to my bookshelf.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did you find out about Brandon Sanderson?
« on: December 12, 2007, 11:17:52 PM »
One fateful night I realized that I had never been to a Harry Potter midnight release party and decided that it was something I should probably check out. A half hour into standing in line, I reached over and picked Elantris off of the new local author display where it was sitting, and began to read. I was halfway through the book before It was my turn (loser in middle school=ability to read really, really fast) and put Elantris back. I just had go buy Elantris after a couple of days. I've been able to obtain signed copies of the first two Mistborn books since then, so I have actually met EUOL a few times. Nice guy. I'm super excited to be able to follow what is going to be a fun ride!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« on: December 12, 2007, 10:55:24 PM »
So amazing! Congratulations and good luck.  :)  I discovered WoT back in high school when there were a half-dozen or so out, and got frustrated enough with not getting the whole story that I decided to wait until the series was complete to have one big read-fest and read them all. Ten years later... It's sad that RJ passed without being able to finish his work, but how great that he has someone that is such a fan to complete his legacy. I've been a Brandon Sanderson fan since I picked up Elantris in Borders while waiting in line for Harry Potter (5 I think) and have been a huge fan ever since. I've just lurked in timewasters before now, but this is big enough news that I wanted to jump in and make my presence known. It's a big job, but if anyone can do it, you can!

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