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Messages - Christopher

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John, we've got our room filled now. Sorry. I know there are a lot of people going. I'd be surprised if someone doesn't have one open room spot. Good luck. If I hear of anything in the next little while, I'll post it here.

I'm rooming with Skar and Nate and...? Already booked, as I understand.

Cool. Then we'll see you there. 

If you know or hear of anyone else who needs a room, let me know.

Once again, thanks to Sir Brandon for letting us crowd up his forum with WorldCon stuff.

This is an final update of this thread with a new title so it will be noticed.

Brian and I have reservations at one of the convention hotels.  A couple of people who were going to room with us aren't going so we now have room for a couple more people.  Anyone who still wants to go and needs a place, let us know in the next week or so.  Just one more person would be fine. Two more people and it will be even cheaper.

If you need all the other convention details, post here, or send me an e-mail.  I'll get you up to speed.

We all had a good time @ WorldCon L.A. This is shapin' up to be the same. 


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Denvention 3 - Aug. 6-10, 2008
« on: February 01, 2008, 03:47:57 AM »

My assistant booked a the Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center...and they not only had rooms, but had them at $30 cheaper.  ($129 a night.)  Beyond that, they gave us $20 a night meal coupon or something like that because of a promotion.

You have quite the assistant. Nothing like that available now. Here's what I've come up with today. Hyatt Regency is booked up.

Denver Marriott City Center is $159 (the convention rate, $100 cheaper than the non-convention rate) plus $23 for taxes, and, darnit,  no 20 buck meal coupon.

Oh, added note. Whoever drives, let it be know, it will be another $25 dollars a day--for whatever convention hotel you stay at--to park your car. That just motivated me to check into flying (of course, gotta pay for bus or taxi to get downtown).  Leaving Wednesday morning and flying home at 6:30 Sunday night is $167.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Denvention 3 - Aug. 6-10, 2008
« on: January 05, 2008, 11:41:57 PM »
I just talked to Bob (Defendi). He's in.

Yeah, we'll figure out the driving/flying thing.

Unless the flights are pretty cheap, I'll likely be driving.

The room discounts through the convention people will be posted in a couple of weeks.

P.S. The registration people still haven't gotten back to me about a possible discount for WorldCon L.A. votes. I'm not counting on it, but I'll find post it here when I find out. 

Oh, and Brian, congrats on the marriage thing.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Denvention 3 - Aug. 6-10, 2008
« on: December 30, 2007, 02:54:42 AM »
Alright, final post today  :-X.

Just to give people an idea on price. To quote from Denvention's Website:

We have rooms in three of the hotels closest to the convention center, and in other hotels that are 4-5 blocks away and on the free down town shuttle bus route. We have rates no higher than $159 (double) at most hotels; a few are as low as $129.

Brandon might not want to head-up a big caravan, but I wouldn't mind going with three or four other people. If we split on gas and rooms, here's a guess on the break-down:

Room per night: $159  (let's say $175 with taxes). If we have four people in a room, that would equal $175 each for all four nights.

Gas: Let's say $100 each for both ways NOTE: if this seems high, it might not be with gas @ $3 right now in the winter time.

Convention Registration Fee (if you don't pay $40 by Monday): $175.

Total: $450.

Of course that doesn't include food and spending money, but most of us didn't spent a ton on that last time anyway.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Denvention 3 - Aug. 6-10, 2008
« on: December 30, 2007, 02:03:39 AM »
Oh, hey. Here's some registration info:

*Yes, the pre-registration (reduced fee) ends on the 31st. However...

*You can pay on the "installment plan" if you want. If you pay $40 by the 31st, you can then pay the rest by July (minimum of $10 a quarter), the entire total being the reducted "pre-registration" rate.

Also, WorldCon Denver is giving a reduced rate to those who "voted in the 2008 site selection".  That should mean ALL OF US, who voted at the L.A convention for Denver.  I just sent Denvention an e-mail asking them how we can get this reduced rate. As soon as they get back to me, I'll post the details here.

NOTE: If you don't see anything from me by Monday (because they haven't gotten back to me yet), go to the site and at least pay the $40 to get the reduced rate. Buy the "Supporting Membership", which will be upgraded later to an "Attending Membership" when you pay the rest of the money.  Put a check in the "installment plan" box.

Here's the websites. Information page (with link to installment plan instructions):

Actual registration page:

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Denvention 3 - Aug. 6-10, 2008
« on: December 30, 2007, 12:57:55 AM »
Yep. I'm in.

We have a lot of unfinished business from WorldCon 06. 

1) Making Brian famous...

2) Expanding on our "Book Store Guy" techniques--or whatever variation thereof that we come up with. Lead, of course, by Steve.

3) Convincing Big Bob (Defendi) to go and helping him push his awesome Echoes of Heaven stuff in whatever way we can. Or, if he doesn't care about that, just for his general attitude/jokes.

4) Scalzi-bane "The Return", or "The Continuation" or whatever...

And those are just off the top of my head.

Looks like I joined the boat of rejections for Q3 this year.  I'm beginning to think that I don't belong in the short story writing realm. 

No, Dan. That's wrong. I liked your last story a lot. It was more organized and easier to read than the one before. You've got to keep pluggin' along. Your stuff is getting better and better. You should probably do what I'm doing. Most of my energy is going into my novel with breaks occassionaly to write a short-story in time to submit every quarter. I think the short-story discipline is tightening up my novel writing, and the novel writing gives me ideas for shorter works.  It's a marathon, man. Not a sprint. Sprints are for newspaper columnists.

I got my Q3 results letter today!

Wait for it...

Wait for it...


Which is pretty interesting to me because I THOUGHT that the story was better than both my quarter-finalists entry and my semi-finalist entry.

Shows what I know.

But I am not discouraged. I really like my new story a lot, and it will be ready to go before the 30th.


A friend of mine was notified today that he's a finalist for third quarter.

I've been wondering about this. Without telling me who if you shouldn't, was it someone Kathy W. knows, so she called them early? Do all the finalists get a phone call? Does it mean that, if someone hasn't already gotten a phone call they aren't a finalist? How does it work?

Hey, Dan. I just sent you an updated version of my story. I had to make a pretty big change to strengthen the ending. If you haven't started reading my story yet, read the update. If you've already read the old version, no worries. It will be interesting too see if you make the same suggestion.

Dan, I'm giving you the inside connection, ha ha...just because it's you  ;) (and all the other good people here at TWG).

Kathy posts over at a lot. They have a WOTF future thread.  Here's the link.

As far as quarters, third quarter stories are those turned in on June 30th--the results aren't back yet, but will be shortly.

The fourth quarter stories are due by Sept. 30th. If you want to make it into next year's book, and go to next year's WOTF workshop, that's your final chance.

Q: When's WorldCon Denver? I think it is the beginning of August in '08, and the workshop is in August, isn't it? That would be cool. Two big events back to back.

NOTE: if I don't place in the contest this year, then I'm having a big barbeque in August, and STILL GOING to WorldCon (with my fellow TWGers) to peddle my newest attempt at a novel which will be done by then. It's all good  ;D.

My last submission was around 7K.

This next one will be about 8K.

From Kathy Wentworth today, Sept. 5th:

"I finished the Q3 first reading last night. The 8 Finalists and 10 Semifinalists have been sorted out and sent back to California.

BTW, it's official. Quarterfinalists will now be known as Honorable Mentions to cut down on confusion.

In the meantime, you still have time to enter Q4, which is a good one to win, because you can still attend next year's workshop and be in next year's anthology.

Go forth and enter!"

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