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Messages - Robert_Boyd

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Writing Group / Re: Unbiased opinions on my novel in progress
« on: August 09, 2007, 06:18:17 PM »
I started reading the first chapter and my major problem was one of boredom.  The plot just seemed so standard and cliche that I felt like I was wasting my time reading it.  Maybe it gets better later on, but unless the reader is a personal friend of yours, they're not going to keep reading in the hope of getting to the good part, they're just going to set the book aside.  You need to hook the reader right off and unless your writing style is fantastic, ordinary peasant boy who stumbles into adventure isn't going to work.

My recommendation would be to start the book later in the story.  Maybe start out right when the main character joins the sky pirates or soon after that point and give the reader all that background information about him later on, after the reader already cares about his character because they've seen him do cool sky pirate stuff.

Writing Group / Re: Pen names
« on: February 15, 2007, 07:34:05 AM »
My first thought was to spell your first name backwards, but that gave me YCats which probably isn't what you're looking for.  Instead, how about just rearranging the letters?  Styca Whitman has a certain ring to it...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Alcatraz cover art?
« on: February 15, 2007, 07:12:31 AM »
I don't like how Harry Potterish the boy looks, but I like the title font (like an old serial) & the subtitle.  Cover aside, it's a really fun book: like a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy aimed at the Young Adult crowd.

Video Games / Re: Gears of War
« on: January 26, 2007, 05:39:39 PM »
Gears of War is a good game.  I haven't tried multiplayer yet (just got a Gold account earlier this week and I've been busy with Heavy Weapon), but single player was fun.  Too short (about 7-10 hours), but at least the three difficulty levels provide a nice graded challenge.  From what I've heard if you have a friend to play co-op with, it's incredibly fun. 

All in all, not as good as Resident Evil 4 IMO, but what is? :)

Rants and Stuff / Re: For Brandon - Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« on: January 22, 2007, 06:36:26 PM »
Personally, the way I look at the whole genetics/upbringing issue is to look at singing.  Yeah, some people have a natural talent.  However, anyone can choose to take active steps towards improving their singing by practicing, hiring experience singing coaches, etc.  Likewise, our genetics and upbringing results in us having various attributes, some desirable and some undesirable, but it's a personal decision whether or not we chose to develop those those attributes we find desirable and fight against those attributes we find undesirable or just do what comes easy.

As for the whole love thing, despite what popular media may tell us, love is a verb.  Whether or not you decide to love someone can be an active decision.  Jesus taught us to love our enemies; obviously if love is something that just happens to us this commandment would be impossible.  To give a few examples:

I spent 2 years as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Taiwan.  Now there is a rule that says that missionaries can't date while they're serving a mission.  So for 2 years, dating was out of the question for me.  Now during those 2 years, I saw individuals who under normal circumstances I would have enjoyed dating.  However, because I knew that was impossible without breaking rules, I made a conscious decision to not to fall in romantic love with anyone.  And you know what?  It worked.  Likewise, a husband or a wife can make a conscious decision not to fall in love with anyone aside from their spouse and if they truly mean it, they won't.  They may look at an individual, think for a second that they're attractive, and that's as far and as long as it goes, because they've made a conscious choice to act and think in that manner.

I read in a book recently about a man who said that he was no longer in love with his wife and so he went to a psychologist for advice.  The advice given?  "Love her."  The man argued that since that was precisely the problem, how could he love her?  The psychologist then explained that feelings of love naturally arise when we do acts of love.  Simply put, the verb love leads to the noun love.  If you don't have feelings of love for your wife, then do more acts of love for her (listen to her, talk to her, do nice things for her) and the feelings of love will naturally follow.

I think the main thing I want to get across here is that one of the fundamental beliefs of the LDS religion is that people are free to chose their actions.  There are many things in life that we have no control over, however we're always free to chose how we respond to events that happen to us.  Not only are we free to chose our actions, but we are also free to chose how we think as well; not perfectly perhaps, but when a thought comes to us, we are free to dwell on that thought or to banish it.  Yes, homosexuality may have a genetic aspect to it that makes it easier for some individuals to be homosexual, but even in those cases, the individuals still have freedom to decide whether or not they wish to dwell on those homosexual thoughts and act on those thoughts or whether they won't.  Aside from the seriously handicapped (I'm thinking vegetables here), everyone is responsible for their own thoughts and actions.

Writing Group / Re: Writing Group 2
« on: August 17, 2006, 10:43:51 PM »
So I have more free time than I once did and I've got the urge to finally get serious about this whole writing thing so if it's okay with everyone, I'd like to rejoin the group.  Let me know if you need my email address again.

The prodigal son returns!  Sorry for the smell, I'll be sure to take several baths before the next meeting. ;)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn: Final Empire TYPO page
« on: August 02, 2006, 06:16:43 AM »
pg 56 - "Good.  And, in the alleyway you'll the find the..."
(extra "the")

pg 156 - "Kelsier didn't think she was practiced enough go with him..."
(missing "to")

pg 198 - "Do not apologize to me, Mistress," Sazed said quietly.  "Is it both unseemly and unnecessary."
(Should be "It is")

Video Games / Re: Viva la Revolution
« on: June 25, 2006, 10:22:05 PM »
No, the system won't sell for $300.  Although the actual price hasn't been announced yet, Nintendo has gone on the record and said that the price of the system will not exceed $250 USD.  I personally think they're going to sell it for $200 since the price that they said they wouldn't exceed in Japan translates out to around $225 USD and the price of the Gamecube at launch was cheaper in the US than it was in Japan.

Video Games / Re: GTA
« on: June 17, 2006, 02:42:10 AM »
Since this has turned into an opinion post, I'll just say that I'm agreeing with Spriggan and Archon.  I hate these "Game X is cool" posts, especially when they're about games that have been covered to death in the news and other sites.  At least give me a "New Game X is going to be really cool, and here's why" post.  Heck, I guess I'd even settle for a "Game X is cool," as long as it added a detailed account of why.

Proof that "New Game X is going to be really cool, and here's why" posts don't work:;action=display;num=1141869482

i.e. I post what I thought was a succint introduction to a relatively unknown game series complete with a link to a really nice and long trailer for the game, hoping for some discussion on the game and what's the first response I get?  Someone accusing me of being a bot.  Admittedly, things improved from there and there was a decent discussion on cyberpunk thereafter, but still...

Seriously, it seems like forums are breeding pools for prideful "I'm smarter than you" mentalities.  Yes, the opening post for this thread was a bit weak, but there was need for the insulting and condescendingly sarcastic responses that it got.  Despite the brevity of the opening post, it was pretty obvious that he was trying to start a discussion on GTA; there's no need to insult the guy.

Video Games / Re: Rule of Rose (New Japanese Horror Game)
« on: June 17, 2006, 02:23:49 AM »
Actually, that's not entirely true: the game is coming out to the US, it just isn't going to be released by Sony.  Sony's American branch had first dibs on publishing it since it was released by Sony's Japanese branch, but they opted to pass and let another company pick up the US rights.  Atlus was showing the game off at their booth at E3 and has announced that they plan to release it in the US, without censoring it.

Oh and I've played the Chinese version by now.  The Chinese version is dreadful.  Well, the game itself ain't bad - mediocre gameplay, but intriguing story and well done cutscenes - but the Chinese translation is so bad that even I, a foreigner, can tell it's a hack job.  I might go ahead and buy the English version since the Chinese version is so bad and I'm a big fan of Atlus (they do very nice localization jobs).

Writing Group / Re: Writing Group 2
« on: May 11, 2006, 09:44:39 PM »
Looks like I'm going to withdraw from the writing group.  Although I'm still working on and off on my novel, my major writing project at the moment isn't the kind of thing I think anyone here is interested in (I've teamed up with a coder friend to translate a Chinese RPG about a girl who turns into a mermaid into English), and well, as Jena said, I've been getting really frustrated over how inefficient the writing group has felt to me lately, between meetings that either take forever or are cancelled.  And unlike the rest of you, I feel like I get more productive feedback in emails than in drawn out meetings.

Sarah, if you want extra feedback, feel free to keep sending me submissions of your novel.  I've rather enjoyed it so far and think it's got potential.

Best of luck to everyone.

Writing Group / Re: Writing Group 2
« on: May 11, 2006, 05:18:29 AM »
Me submitting something this week isn't going to happen.  Sorry.  I'm busy organizing my life and my time to try to make sure that I can manage all my projects and writing and work without going crazy.  We'll see how the rest of the month goes.

I dunno about everyone else, but I would prefer if we did away with the weekly meetings.  Instead of getting together online, the person submitting just sends off his submission and everyone emails him their comments by the deadline.  It would solve this whole time issue with people not showing up.  Plus, writing meetings are feeling like a burden to me as I'll read the story, have a few comments to make that I could write up in an email in about 10 minutes and yet I have to come to the meeting and spend a good chunk of my non-work day listening to other's complaints & questions, everyone going off on tangents, the writer explaining parts of the story that haven't been written up yet, etc.

Writing Group / Writers speaking out on writing
« on: May 02, 2006, 11:06:36 PM »
Forgive me if there was an earlier thread like this, but I thought it'd be neat to collect a bunch of quotes from various famous writers about the act of writing.  Inspirational stuff when you're feeling blue about your own writing. :)

One that I particularly like.

"I began to realize how simple life could be if one had a regular routine to follow with fixed hours and a fixed salary and very little original thinking to do.  The life of a writer is absolute hell compared to the life of a businessman.  The writer has to force himself to work.  He has to make his own hours and if he doesn't go to his desk at all there is nobody to scold him.  If he is a writer of fiction he lives in a world of fear.  Each new day demands new ideas and he can never be sure whether he is going to come up with them or not.  Two hours of writing leaves this particular writer absolutely drained.  For those two hours he has been miles away, he has been somewhere else, in a different place with totally different people, and the effort of swimming back into normal surroundings is very great.  It is almost a shock.  The writer walks out of his workroom in a daze.  He wants a drink.  He needs it.  It happens to be a fact that nearly every writer of fiction in the world drinks more whisky than is good for him.  He does it to give himself faith, hope and courage.  A person is a fool to become a writer.  His only compensation is absolute freedom.  He has no master except his own soul, and that, I am sure, is why he does it."
-Roald Dahl

Writing Group / Re: Writing Group 2
« on: April 27, 2006, 09:58:34 AM »
I've been having problems with my home internet connection (on the work computer right now) so I'm not sure that I'll be there.

Video Games / Re: Vista Gaming and DX 10
« on: April 24, 2006, 10:34:37 PM »
Like Entsuropi said.  Show me someone actually playing one of these things on a computer that costs less than $2000 and maybe I'll get excited.

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