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Messages - darthTurambar

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings eBook?
« on: August 16, 2010, 06:43:42 PM »
Thanks for all the info! I'm torn... Since most major releases can be bought at 40% off (for members), the hardcover would be just under $17.  So the ebook savings is only $2, and my favorite author makes less.  While I love the convenience of the ebook, that's not a fun decision to make.  Especially since its laughable to think the overhead on a hardcover is anywhere in the same ballpark as an ebook.  Again, if Brandon saw higher royalties from the ebook, I'd gladly buy that to support him (selfishly, since I want more books!), but that's not the case.  Feels like a scam to me.  Is convenience worth that much? I guess I'll see on Aug. 31st, when I have to decide one way or the other....

Thanks again for the info!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings eBook?
« on: August 16, 2010, 12:52:01 PM »
Any indication on what the price of the eBook will be?  Hopefully it doesn't follow the upcoming "Bearers of the Black Staff", which is priced such that I could get the hardcover cheaper in the store.... if I knew the author was getting the increased profits, I'd be fine with it, but I'm quite certain that is not the case.

Brandon Sanderson / Way of Kings eBook?
« on: August 16, 2010, 04:10:46 AM »
Does anyone know if Way of Kings will be released as an eBook on Aug. 31st, along with the hardcover and CD audiobook?  I've noticed Barnes & Noble has a listing for Terry Brooks' new book, where you can pre-order the eBook (at a ridiculous price, I might add), but there is no such treatment for Way of Kings.  I just got a Nook, and would like to be able to buy WoK in electronic form.... but I'm also not willing to wait past release date, or all my Sanderson-convert-friends will be laughing at me as they finish their print copies...

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